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Re: Be careful girls !!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:54 pm
by andy ide
Gina, you must think I'm extremely dim to think people wouldn't be able to read between the lines regarding his identity.

I'm only posting on here because I feel obliged to defend my name and my business which, because of your emotional state, you're in danger of dragging through the mud. I repeat: I have no comment to make on this guy's behaviour on a public forum. It is a private matter.

But thanks for telling everybody that I've been piss-poor in recent months and needed help with a train fare. Didn't mention that I phoned you afterwards to get direct confirmation that you'd been paid back in full by him, did you? (Which you had.)

And yes, regarding "You really wanna go into that?" Why not? Fire away. And be specific.

The reason you're on here tonight saying what you're saying is a direct result of a phone call you made to me earlier this evening asking for my help with the movie and clips I made for you. The guy you've employed to upload them to AW hasn't done it for you yet. You asked if I could. I told you that I'd be happy to help but I couldn't because AW is very, very iffy about people uploading to pages that they don't manage and I didn't want to jeopardise my own page. Off the back of that, we had a chat about you and this guy and I shared some information with you, not as a friend but as someone I liked, that obviously enraged you. And indirectly, because you have quite a fiery temperament, I end up getting shat all over.

And then you blackmail me by texting me to say that if I pay you the money he owes you by tomorrow (and then I get it back from our business earnings) then you won't release his name in public. Gee, thanks.

But I guess I kind of beat of you to it, didn't I?

Re: Be careful girls !!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 9:16 pm
by GTF
Putting personal issues and emotions aside which frankly are neither my business or concern I am amazed anyone would want to work with someone who has previously admited FAKING HIS CERTS!!!!!

Re: Be careful girls !!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 9:25 pm
Apparently I don't need say to much cos people know about all what he does
and Andy I got my reasons for be upset and the same as u were so happy and didn't told me about who is him talking the money for trains , that yes he did back to me , just that money !! now not take it against me cos u know with u u work , and I said to u that u or him give me my money back or I will talk
of course I said to u too cos u work with him and u know WHO HE IS and What he does !!
if u wanna keep going as u see I don't need to talk to much cos even people say about his certs , well he didn't got them the day we shoot he saw me days later .

Re: Be careful girls !!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 9:37 pm
Look Andy I din't want to get to this point I been sporting him and helping
always cos i trust him I trust both of you , but he play with feelings
he play with new girls that start now and thing cos he is long time in the business he must be legal , but he is not !!
And I'm sorry that u get involve cos I know you are a big professional
but you know what he does and u don't do nothing cos well while the business keep going and he got a name then u can take part and u both can make money out of business , well good but be honest and not aspect that I just shut up cos I'm done of all this people .

Yes I call u ask you for help to upload the shoot and then shit come up
not your fault but not mine neither and the fact that he did that before with others girls and u knew say lot of both .

Re: Be careful girls !!!!

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 1:32 am
by thebangkokbanger
This post is brilliant,we all in the back of our minds know that a lot of people in porn(men anyway)are sickos using filming as an excuse to get near pretty girls.But now all this comes out I hope this is not deleted cos people need to know what this twat is up to.

Re: Be careful girls !!!!

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 4:10 am
by Nob3y
Oh great... this ruins any content share for the rest of us producers.
If all this is true why is it a big or well knwon name that ruins things for the rest of us?
And if all thats been said has happened myself and a lot of other producers would not dream of doing things like that and taking the piss.