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Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:49 pm
by Tempest Raven
I dont get why models do this. Gives us all a bad name. This industry is struggling and this sort of thing makes it even harder to progress.

Tempest x


Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:49 pm
by puretotty
Hey Sparky...

Yes I don't get it either... x2 ! We had arranged to shoot this girl in August (after already having one successful shoot banked with her ages ago) The shoot in August got cancelled due to her going into hospital (supposidly)

I trusted that reason to be true and gave her the option to re arrange... and that's where yesterday's shoot was booked... she confirmed that she would definetly be here today last Thursday... and was even confirming stuff last night... such as what to bring and how much travel money she was going to get...

Then shortly after 8 am cancelled... yes 4 hours before the shoot (GREAT) what models dont realise is the cost that goes into these shoots, time and money... we had hired a luxury apartment to do the shoot, and that had cost us ?100 plus VAT... wasted money, is she going to give me that money ? Very fucking unlikely !

Also this was a paid shoot... not a TFP, Content Share, or Syndication... the girl was getting paid decent money... taking money out of other models pockets ! And royally fucking us over !

The Model's reason's were extreme, and I feel sorry for her... but you wont convince me those facts that she used as excuses, came to light between 1 am when she was asking me about travel costs, and 8 am when she finally cancelled... sorry I just dont buy it !

My business partner wants to go to the small claims court over it... yes he is even more pissed than me ! I have even asked her about doing another day this week so we dont lose out... but I really dont see that happening (bridges have been burnt !) But the door is open...

So yeah my day as gone a totally different way than I expected, I feel let down and in turn have let down our client who we were shooting her for... it's also had a knock on effect as now I cant hire the apartment out to anyone else (and we did have a taker for that) but due to the no show there is a knock on effect, and I now have to leave the days open to enhance the chances of finding a replacement :(

Sucks to be me :(


Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 2:39 am
by Paul Taylor
You can''t let people know until it happens, thats what the UKAP forum is for and

Sparky you said : For photographers / producers, outside of UKAP, naming and shaming is virtually impossible. Hence it is difficult both to find out which models are flaky until too late and warn others.

The forum is there for everyone not just UKAP members, the forum is not locked. The no show thread on the forum if you sign up with a user name like any forum for free you can report it, aslong as you e-mail the model to let them know about the post so they can at least give there end of the story, and let me tell you, they almost never do making themselves look less guilty. The one I made didn't do nay favours especially when she mouthed off and made herself even worse. Have a read you can read it without being a member of the forum


Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:22 am
by Snow Patrol
sparky wrote:

> For photographers / producers, outside of UKAP, naming and
> shaming is virtually impossible. Hence it is difficult both to
> find out which models are flaky until too late and warn others.

Nah, its free to view and free to join....

Re: UKAP access for all

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 2:30 pm
by sparky
Paul and 'Snow Patrol'

Thanks for advising that the UKAP forum ' Report a no show / time waste ' thread can be read by anyone and also that all may join the forum, not that it is ' trade only '

I have just sent a request to join.


Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 2:58 pm
by Paul Taylor
no worries sparky

Re: UKAP access for all

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 2:59 pm
by Snow Patrol
All cool - Thats what its there for :)


Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 3:26 pm
by sparky

I am different from you in that my shoots ( solo level not POV etc) are for fun both the shoot and the content and are of course paid.
Yes I have a budget but I can't understand model taking time to reply to emails and agree to a shoot for the time / level and amount of content requested for the fee offered but then cancel saying the fee is too low - if they thought because too late to find another model I would increase the fee that back-fired big time..
Also after being caught out I will never now book a studio.
Hence I can never directly be out of pocket but have wasted numerous days booked as holiday from work. I now have a Plan B but rarely something I would have booked a day off for.

Regarding rearranging a shoot my rule is now that unless the reason given for the cancellation is something totally unforeseen and provable the model doesn't get a second chance.
Several years ago a model cancelled late evening the day before with ' my mother has been admitted to hospital '. However a few days later there was feedback on her profile referring to a shoot on the day she cancelled on me ......

Others reasons in the past have been
- I was much later back from today's shoot than I expected
- My child was ill in the night
- A text at 4am - ' I can not get to sleep '
Any may have been true or not...

However while in a similar situation I might have to phone into work saying I will be 1-2 hours late it would have to be very serious not to turn in from a responsibility viewpoint as well as the loss of earnings.

The bottom line is if the hassle outweighs the fun, like ' kiNky erOtica ', I will give up shoots. The scales have not tipped yet but balance is certainly now finer than two years ago.


Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:17 pm
by kiNky erOtica
Sparky you hit the nail on the head! The hassel outweighed the fun, and whilst I met and worked with some of the UK's best, on set, and my own 90% solo stuff, I like you am not full time and using a days holiday to shoot fuck all seriously fucked me off.
Luckily I shoot from my house so never had a studio booked, and in the the last 2 years of my active shoots when it really got bad, I insisted on a text before 9am and made it clear to models I booked "no text no shoot" And like you plan B what ever it was I had, like a back up model who wanted a shoot with me but I'd emailed back saying I had a model but If they wanted to be a back up if I got a cancel, or having something else planned, so hence I never wasted a day waiting on nobody. Rebekah Dee to name a great model helped me out once on a cancel, when I called her on the off chance. Just to add I never ever cancelled a shoot.
And Anyone who did cancel, I never gave them a second chance* regardless of the excuse, harsh maybe but thats my work plan.
*except the one who I gave a second chance and never did show cos she overslept... (Professional I don't think so!)


Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:08 pm
by Big Ears Pix
I'm in a similar position, I do most of my shoots on days off work. I've not had a no show for a few years but earlier this year I had a fair few late cancellations, a couple being from a well known reliable model mentioned in this thread. Okay shit happens but it seems to happen more often in the UK modelling biz.
And yes girls, I know photographers can be just as bad.

Roger Vaughan