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Re: Fake Cum ? Suggestions ?

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 2:04 pm
by puretotty
The next question is what is the best delivery method ?

Re: Fake Cum ? Suggestions ?

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 4:23 pm
by Bodi
Gaviscom, type which comes in a long tube type packet.

Re: Fake Cum ? Suggestions ?

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 5:00 pm
by one eyed jack
I've been summoned to the great hall to answer to the Guild of Pornographers for disclosing official trade secrets so hopefully I can appeal my case Kim !laugh!

Re: Fake Cum ? Suggestions ?

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:57 am
by Eva May
Hi there,

I have been in the industry for a while and loads of people are using liquid silk lube but it really doesnt taste very nice so why not trying gaviscon sachets!! Taste great and looks like real spunk ;)

x Eva May

Re: Fake Cum ? Suggestions ?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 9:37 pm
by puretotty
WOW ! That's all I have to say !... OK well a bit more...

So tonight was the first night in the mad scientists lab, well thats what it felt like lol...

So I make up a couple of batches of "FAKE CUM" I wont give away just yet what the two batches consisted of... or the results as I wont truely know till the morning...

However I also picked up a bottle of GAVISCON, epic fail as I bought the original anaseed one, and it is PINK ! What flavour is white ?

Anyways luckily I also bought the sachets as suggested (MINT) A... FUCKING... AMAZING... totally looks like SPUNK ! I must of spent about ?30-?40 on various things to try and blend the perfect SPUNK, little did I know GAVISCON had already done it for me !!!

Oh well the biggest cost was the PINA COLADA which can definetly be put to a better use lol !

Re: Fake Cum ? Suggestions ?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:32 am
by videokim
I reckon we will forgive you this time Terry lol!

Re: Fake Cum ? Suggestions ?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 5:24 pm
by frankthring

What a fascinating debate - could be called the Great Gaviscon debate.
I never used fake cum until recently but for reasons of speed on some
productions I have been using a lot lately....
After trying various substances we like icing sugar, little water and some
times some egg white added....just get the consistency perfect and away
you go ! P.S. It also tastes nice to lick off the model !

Re: Fake Cum ? Suggestions ?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:52 pm
by puretotty
I have made two batches with various ingredients... And I got to say both look promising... using arrowroot really helps (that's my tip of the day for fake cum !)

However I still think Gaviscon has it... and nice and minty tasting !