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Re: One day TWO no shows WTF!?!

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 7:39 pm
by Tempest Raven
I don't understand why models don't turn up. Work is short at the moment so why go to the trouble of saying you will be there and then not turn up. It really winds me up that there are models out there who take the piss.

Tempest xx

Re: One day TWO no shows WTF!?!

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:15 am
by Benson_Media
We flew from Japan to shoot half a years content and shot 14 models. They all showed up.

The weather didn't though :(

Re: One day TWO no shows WTF!?!

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:55 am
by Thoms2000
No shows drain whatever enthusiasm you have left. Advertised for model to do glamour / motorbike shoot. About 15 expressions of interest. Opted for girl thst was nearby. I turn up. Motorbike turns up. Girl no show. No shoots or year after.

Re: One day TWO no shows WTF!?!

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:47 am
by ashleighembers
This why it pays to shoot the professionals!!:-)
We may be asking higher rates,and i get turned down all the time for castings as I'm told my rate is too high,however i turn up to every job on time and do the job exactly as asked .
i see a lot of girls agreeing hard levels as low as ?25 and ?30ph for hard bg and gg which i can see the lucrative reasoning from a togs/producers point of view, but i hear so many times how girls just don't bother showing up or if they do, they back out last minute and if they don't do that they shoot with no confidence or professionalism.
I understand companies need new faces,so this is what you need to search for......a "new model" but i would say (from a models perspective) keep the pay appealing for the level they are working and they are less likely to loose themselves the money by just not bothering.
As Benson media mentioned,they have shot 14 models with no cancellations,i myself have worked for them and they pay spot on for the level asked and would guess this is why models choose to not wake up that morning and go "ahhh can't be bothered,its only ?80 and my travels ?30"

Im saying this in a general term btw, not just to you nor suggesting you were obviously i don't know what your rate was, but if you are paying under the professional rate, you will get under professional models so maybe worth looking at that if you did have a low budget to 2 young models who are giving this a go for the 1st time.

Re: One day TWO no shows WTF!?!

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:00 am
by kiNky erOtica
Two things there:
A) I only booked the so called professionals at the professional rate, they still never turned up. One model did email me once to say she had a better offer, not money (actually less) but to work with a producer to enhance her career, funny thing is after about a month she was never seen or heard of again....
B) If has been booked for a lower rate than they usually go for then why did they agree in the first place? If someone asked me to travel to Scotland for ?50 to take stills I wouldn't say yes and then think "well actually it's costing me ?80 to get there... ahhhh don't think I'll bother..."
Go figure...

Re: One day TWO no shows WTF!?!

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:05 am
by kiNky erOtica
Two things there:
A) I only booked the so called professionals at the professional rate, they still never turned up. One model did email me once to say she had a better offer, not money (actually less) but to work with a producer to enhance her career, funny thing is after about a month she was never seen or heard of again....
B) If has been booked for a lower rate than they usually go for then why did they agree in the first place? If someone asked me to travel to Scotland for ?50 to take stills I wouldn't say yes and then think "well actually it's costing me ?80 to get there... ahhhh don't think I'll bother..."
Go figure...

Re: One day TWO no shows WTF!?!

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:24 am
by kiNky erOtica
Hmm why did that appear twice ?
Well just to add a another example of a classic no show I had a model I believe is still modelling who never showed on me as she allegedly had stuck too much coke up her nose the night before, or so I was later told by another model who knew her. Even more funny is though, a month later she txt me for a shoot (I didn't know about the coke thing at this point I'll add) I replied "sorry I don't shoot people who have no showed on me before" her reply was "oh sorry" ...

Re: One day TWO no shows WTF!?!

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:54 pm
by ashleighembers
I don't know then hun,i was only giving a perspective not trying to point out what had gone wrong with your experience that you mentioned or suggesting you did wrong,i was generalising the situation for many so sorry if you took it personally. Either way its unacceptable when people do that, i have had togs no show on me and its griping,so I've experienced it also at the other end of the scale.
I guess its down to the individual and how they are as a person,and unfortunately a lot of people have a "don't give a f@ck" attitude, we aren't all "coke heads" as not all producers are "pervs", its a shame on both sides of the production of adult content some people have to wreck it for others and add to a stereotype that doesn't stand to all and people start to loose trust .
Hope you have better luck next time with booking a model,some people don't appreciate the time and money it costs.

Re: One day TWO no shows WTF!?!

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 4:02 pm
by kiNky erOtica
Yo I never took personally, I'm too long in the tooth to do things like that I was mearly giving a few examples, and expressing a light hearted view.
Sadly I don't shoot porn anymore* but it was fun, and everyone I worked with bar 3 models were real coooool ;) oh and the coke reference was only intended to point to this model and no one else so sorry if this offended anyone.

*disclaimer! Unless asked / colaborating to shoot content.

Re: One day TWO no shows WTF!?!

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 8:37 pm
by MaxBones
Would be interested to know how you went about booking them, as I've been seriously thinking of taking a trip and shoot abroad?!?
