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Re: Recent News - Possible learnings ?

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:45 pm
by Millzy82
[quote]this feeble excuse it don't sell is crap.[/quote]
Based on one company's performance, I don't think that's conclusive. Your fan base may come from you producing content that caters specially for them but that doesn't necessarily speak for the industry as a whole.

That's like saying football is dead because one club went into administration...

Re: Recent News - Possible learnings ?

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:33 pm
by william
Bit its not a free choice as long as there are producers out there pushing for condomless scenes - You may say that it kills the moment - id rather it killed the moment than a performer !

This happened and we took a shapr intake of breath and thought about it - do we let it all go back to the way it was before ? I dont think so.

Health and safety will tell you they have a ratio of near misses to actual incidents - if you dont action the near misses then you will have an incident - so we have to wake up and realise that we cant go on as we did with a blind ignorance.

Way back in the automobile industry one manufacturer insisted that they didnt put seat belts on a car as it was better to be thrown clear. Every can we see now has seat belts as we learned that a seat belt saved more lifes.

The risk is grave its not the clap that you can get a pill or injection to clear this is a life long disease that is life limiting - every shag you have you are exposing yourself to the possibility of catching the disease - you are shaging every person that person has shagged and so on. So the laws of probability dictate that somepoint unless you manage the risk it will bite you.

The industry had had a wake up call here and we should aknowledge that - we need to look at a union for the performers to stand up and let them indicate the levels that they will work to. This going further to a tally kept of who the performer has worked with and when etc. A database if you like so that in the event of such an incident it is known who has worked with who....

Saying that condom porn wont sell is an attempt to control the performers and try to coerce them in to taking risks - By having a union of sex workers in place this could be managed and the ones that pressurise the models to work bareback would be identified. We all want to live healthy lifes and we all want to ensure that its all kept safe.

More traceability and more organised

Re: Recent News - Possible learnings ?

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 4:53 pm
by a m playlist
william wrote:

> Saying that condom porn wont sell is an attempt to control the
> performers and try to coerce them in to taking risks - By
> having a union of sex workers in place this could be managed
> and the ones that pressurise the models to work bareback would
> be identified. We all want to live healthy lifes and we all
> want to ensure that its all kept safe.

If I was a producer of porn, I should have no problems putting my hand up to say that I expect any performer who signs up to one of my shoots should be prepared to work bareback. If they're not prepared to work bareback, then don't sign up for the shoot.

I do not believe that any performer working in the UK today is coerced into working in the industry full stop. If a performer does not like the fact that they can't get much work because there isn't much work at their level - ie condom only shoots - then they should find another line of work.

Re: Recent News - Possible learnings ?

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 7:45 pm
by Hugh6821
"The risk is grave its not the clap that you can get a pill or injection to clear this is a life long disease that is life limiting - every shag you have you are exposing yourself to the possibility of catching the disease - you are shaging every person that person has shagged and so on. So the laws of probability dictate that somepoint unless you manage the risk it will bite you."

1. You can only get HIV from people that actually have it.
2. The probability of actually getting HIV is pretty small.
3. The UK porn industry isn't filled with HIV positive people.

Re: Recent News - Possible learnings ?

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:59 am
by Toliverwist
To be blunt, this suggestion is floated on assertion rather than persuasion, an individual poster's opinion that has no authority other than that opinion. And didactic statements such as;
' has to become the industry standard.';
should be judged in that light.

And to be even blunter, the unspoken assumption appears to be that performers who are willing to work without condoms enjoy a competitive edge, if so, suggestions of compulsory condom use for everyone, must carry the suspicion of an attempt to remove that competitive edge. And incidentally, would in that case, seem to discredit statements like;
'...this feeble excuse it don't sell is crap.'

Having said all that, an 'Adult Performers' Guild' which concerns itself with upholding the overall quality of performers including issues of safety, but which is administered on the principles of democracy, rather than assertive opinion, might be a good idea.

If there is interest, I could offer to draft a proposed constitution for such a body. However, I will have no truck with imposed opinion. Everything would have to proceed on the basis of majority opinion.

Sex Workers Union

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:08 am
by videokim
There as never been a recognized authority in the adult industry just different groups working together when it suits their needs, when certs came into action everyone said it would not work and even though most clinics were then private giving the better off at the time that competitive edge the others still stepped up to the mark in following protocol.

Was it not a didactic statement to say certs had to be used as this was said in the same context, we were not asking for compulsory condom use just the right for models who want to use them to do so without discrimination.

A sex workers union...for models & working girls needs to be set up with a board voted in by the people in a democratic way to see to the needs of these people.

Re: Sex Workers Union

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:41 am
by Hugh6821
"Was it not a didactic statement to say certs had to be used as this was said in the same context, we were not asking for compulsory condom use just the right for models who want to use them to do so without discrimination."

And that's not something that can be enforced. Producers will pick models who are willing to shoot without condoms, and what then?

If you want to have more scenes condoms used, then more producers will either have to start shooting scenes with condoms or the government will have to make condoms mandatory. The former won't happen until those buying the content will demand it, and I doubt that will happen anytime soon. The latter is a step towards banning it outright, so I prefer it not to happen.

Re: Recent News - Possible learnings ?

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:00 am
by andy ide
Quite honestly, any girl who wants to make money out of being a porn star in the UK doesn't have to speak to a producer ever again, let alone fuck without a condom. AdultWork gives them all the opportunities they'll ever need to create and run a highly lucrative business, on their own terms, without being an escort if they don't want to be.

The power is now totally in their hands.

Re: Sex Workers Union

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:12 am
by Love_Byter
There is already a union - the International Sex Workers Union, which is affiliated to the GMB here in the UK.

I'm not involved in it, and don't profess to have any knowledge of how (good or bad) it works, but you may find it suitable for your needs and other performers who are interested in this area of their work.

Re: Recent News - Possible learnings ?

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:56 am
by videokim
Thanks for that info Love_Byter, i didn't know it was still going xx...our friend Rona Stock chaired it years ago.

"The power is now totally in their hands."

You are right about this Andy for the first time models can do their own profitable business under their own terms on AW, most of the girls we know & work with on there are fully certed & use condoms themselves, it would be nice though to have an happy medium where both model & producers can voice an opinion without discrimination & fear they won't get work.

We all know B/G models are drying up fast as more of them are thinking about their health, as they can earn the same on AW compromises will have to be made if not now it will be within the next couple of years otherwise the Pro business will fade anyway...