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Re: New AITA statemant

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:17 pm
by Dylan Devere
"I have challenged the person who started the Jan rumour to email me with details on where they got this date from "


Try looking on twitter- January was mentioned on there DAYS ago- 8:30 in the morning 11th April

Don't make a patsy of the first person to mention it on here because everyone else had been saying it

Has anyone looked this week alt all this girl's certs since January?

These are simple questions and no one is answering them

Your lack of replies doesn't really inspire confidence in your organisation, which we can all join for a annual fee

Re: New AITA statemant

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:40 pm
by lowerloft
I would to think that the people she worked with since Jan would have noticed if her cert was saying anything other than negative.

Lack of replies, not sure what you mean.

Puretotty, AITA have all the private data from the clinic. The said performer agreed to allow AITA to talk direct to the clinic. The Jan dates have come from thin air and have no relevance to this incident.

I trust that this will now end this matter.

Re: New AITA statemant

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:55 pm
by Trinity
After what I've not long been told my confidence in this industry is now gone!

I am appalled that this has been confirmed through another party via Facebook about the January rumours.

If indeed the clinic dropped a bollock then fair enough, but this 'performer' has worked with some pretty big names and they no doubt have worked with a MASSIVE amount of peope since her first test result.

I've also seen for myself that this person has done several shoots since the first test in January of this year.

As for AITA, well I think you're a mockery!

I'll quite happily admit I'm wrong if the clinic and this 'performer' come on here and make factual statements to prove otherwise.

But why the hell wait 4 months before telling anyone!!!

Trinity x

Re: New AITA statemant

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:39 pm
by Dylan Devere
wow kim- you have a question about this that keeps being ignored- how unusual,

this whole thing stinks

as for max clifford- i did see one posting on twitter that pointed out that this young lady had made herself very well known by all this

Re: New AITA statemant

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:52 pm
by puretotty
OK so the cert that shows her as HIV Positive is from April then ?

Re: New AITA statemant

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:27 pm
by videokim
I was thinking the same myself Dylan xx, we have also had a reporter asking us why we are so pro condom yet the group of people who say they front the industries needs choose to ignore this subject.

Maybe the the guys who did fetched the press into this for whatever reasons to themselves will do us all a favour inadvertently.

Re: New AITA statemant

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 5:50 am
by Toliverwist
I think AITA have reported soberly and factually on the situation.

However as for joining them, I'm not convinced one does get a full voice. There is no evidence in their constitution that they are a democratic organisation.

There are no published constitutional regulations that point to members having any right;

# To move and vote on resolutions at the AGM or elsewhere;
# That the the AGM has any executive function in respect of members' directions by majority votes on resolutions;
# That members have any right to challenge the NEC by resolutions;
# That members, or a certain number of members, have any right to force an EAGM;
# That members have any right to associate locally, (structure).

Additionally, the roles and responsibilities of officials and members seem inadequately defined.

Re: New AITA statemant

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 6:16 am
by jimslip
It really appears that some people on here are almost disappointed that the performer IS clear! Is it the drama? Is it the supsense? Is it the gossip? Who knows? They just don't want to believe the good news......

The performer had a recent routine test, like we all do and the clinic MISTAKENLY declared that they were HIV positive. As a measure of this particular clinic, ! heard the performer was allegedly told over the phone while they were out shopping!

The clinic has since declared they made a clinical error, is this so difficult to comprehend???



If some of you continue to be troubled, then the only answer is YES leave the XXX industry and do something else.

Re: New AITA statemant

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 7:34 am
by one eyed jack
If you want an opinion in anything (not just AITA) you got to be in it if you don't want people to influence changes that may affect you

Its all very well people out here poking rebuke but AITA took a stand and dealt with it their way. You can be part of that decision process and be in the know but if youre not how will you know if its democratic or not?

As far as I know, decisions are reached by agreement of those in the association and not just taken on by an individual.

It seems to me that people here are in favour of the one individual that dealt with it his way and is faultless for it but someone else steps in to take it further they get negative criticism.

I don't see anyone here among the critics doing what they are doing about this. Give em a break and let them do what they are doing.

Its a thankless job dealing with industry affairs for all the aggro involved and the individuals concerned do it unpaid too.

Re: New AITA statemant

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 7:56 am
by paul jones
I am pleased with the way AITA stepped up to the plate.

They gave everyone as much information as they could as soon as they could.

There is NOTHING that anyone in the industry needed to know that has not been published by AITA.

Behind the scenes they have done more than you know with emotional, practical and logistical support.