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Re: How do any producers make profit?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:40 pm
by Amber Freeway
Again guys, thanks for the feedback! It is nice that people are sharing their thoughts and advice and experiences... in low budget film making there is a lot of film snobbery where people keep their cards close to their chests instead of helping each other out.

I especially agree with you Paul, about minors watching adult stuff and the powers that be not being bothered about it...most of the time you don't even have to verify your blinking age to get on these sites.

Picking up on what Jimslip said about having a good idea is, because I come from a low budget film making background, is making dramas with hardcore content in them, but I think I will struggle getting anyone to look at the content on the net, as is seems too 'old fashioned' but I'm not sure!! I was thinking maybe some of the adult channels on Sky might be interested in that sort of thing but I noticed that they don't show as many drama based stuff anymore or am I wrong? Does anyone know if any of the adult channels have commissioning rounds like the BBC or Channel 4 etc?

I am realistic and I know that I will not be making thousands...even a bloody small profit would be great. Thanks to Kim for the advice you gave...I will start looking into that. I agree with what you say about chucking as much at the wall as possible and hoping that something might stick!! In low budget filming you are lucky to break even. I recently shot a NO budget short....that cost US over a grand and we'll be lucky to get all of it back!!

I think again, going back to what Jimslip said, I need to find something, get an idea and work on it.

On a 'lighter' note !grin! ...don't knock the 100 watt light bulb, it has been a Godsend to us in low budget film making. Christ, we've just shot a film in a woods at night using about 40 LED camping lights to light the scene 'cos the generator bust LOL! I wish I'd have had a 100 watt lightbulb then!!

Once again, thanks for the advice.

Amber x

Re: How do any producers make profit?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:07 pm
by andy at handiwork
The new Canon C300 shoots at 16000 ISO with hardly any noise apparently. A 100 watt bulb would be over lighting it. A couple of well placed candles would be enough to get a good image. Mind you, at 10K for the body only, I'd expect the pictures to be good.

Re: How do any producers make profit?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:42 pm
by jimslip
The problem with a 100 watt bulb, is that many camcorderers know nothing about white balance and as experienced camera people will know, a tungsten 100 watt bulb can make a place look very manky indeed!

As for porno/ drama, why not do yourself a big favour and stick to drama, the world desperately needs more drama, it doesn't need more porn. Just look at the listings on Sky and you will see a mass of celeb and reality shite spread over hundreds of channels and very little drama!

I'm sorry to have to say this, but the World tires of paying for porn, it is bored and no longer entertained and what would have been the viewers of old are now enacting their fantasies for real, with real girls from Adult sites. The World of porn will end up viewed as an oddity and an old curiosity, that "Strange folk used to watch".

The New Age of porn will dawn with the advent of 3D Holographic films and interactive body suits, where you can actually SHAG your favourite star, whether it be Dot Cotton one night or Kelly Brook the next, the choice would be yours and all in the comfort of your living room!

Would you shag a 3D Hologram of Dot Cotton?

[img] ... n--001.jpg[/img]

Or perhaps Kelly Brook?.......or maybe both?

[img] ... nha-3D.jpg[/img]

Re: How do any producers make profit?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:04 pm
by Amber Freeway
You know something Jimslip, I think you are right about porn. Nobody is bothered about drama anymore either....they just want to be spoonfed reality shite TV - like some twat sitting in a jungle (studio)...I don't know whose reality that is!! I might try my hand at making a full one hours programme about some fucker making a cup of would probably be a big hit - on Channel 4 anyway!

I love your idea of the New Age of Porn (pmsl) that would be amazing...shagging Dot Cotton (vomits) mind you, the thought of doing Kelly Brook would be nice !wink!

It's true about bulbs and white balance. We try to use low energy, daylight spectrum lightbulbs which are pretty good - they are good for people with SAD as they give a proper white light.

Re: How do any producers make profit?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:15 pm
by Paul Taylor
Happy to hep Amber you are right about people keeping things pretty close to the chest. I have always tried to help people where I can and I have to put John and Kim in that category too.

Me and Scarlet are fine by the way Kim cheers, hope you too are doing good too :0)

Re: How do any producers make profit?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:19 pm
by jimslip
TV executives think that Chavs rule the TV schedules, hence all the reality crap, but look how the BBC has come to once again rule the airwaves, with dramas like Downton Abbey and Birdsong, which people cant get enough of. I think it is in fact Chav TV which is doomed and the pendulum is already swinging back to proper, expensive, entertainment.

Re: How do any producers make profit?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:36 pm
by videokim
Amber i have only ever shot low budget & as there are not many overheads we are on an instant earner from the start, its made us an household name (well with the adults lol!) & our site does better than some of the glossy pro ones so rule out the low budget myth.
Done right you should be making thousands but don't run before you walk & spend your budget in accordance to your earnings, amateur is far bigger in popularity at present & does well in most countries so make what you can afford.

"in low budget film making there is a lot of film snobbery where people keep their cards close to their chests instead of helping each other out"

Again this is not true as most of the industry we know would give you the shirts off their back, we all muck in & help each other e.g. if we need extra camera's, girls/guys, locations we only have to pick up the phone & ask...would any big pro companies do this that you know ?

Join UKAP & chat to the many producers of all levels as most are keeping their head above water & making a profit even though it may not be that of previous years they are still holding in there.

The Adult channels do commission series sometimes but you need to be known first or show them something thats interesting or different...saying this we have had ideas stolen so keep ideas secret until your ready to screen the series.

Re: How do any producers make profit?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:59 pm
by jimslip
Just seen the worst title so far on reality shit TV.....on Reality 9.30 pm, "Fuck off! I'm fat!"

That's how bad its got!

Re: How do any producers make profit?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:13 pm
by Welshmorph
Clips4Sale is very good if you are able to shoot regular content for very little cost as you need to be uploading a clip every other day ideally to keep you up near the top of the listings. Especially if you shoot some of the more 'weirder' fetishes on there, for lack of a better word.


Re: How do any producers make profit?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:09 pm
by puretotty
Well some guy just posted on another board that he earnt $5k from Clips4Sale last month... but did say he was putting up a ton of content...

I have heard from soem however that they earnt little to nothing...

I tried AW once, put a lot of time and effort in and didn't really get a return :(

Maybe I was doing something wrong, or maybe my content is just crap... :(

I need to employ someone I think...