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Re: 2011 UKAP Adult Film and Television Awards

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:28 pm
by traceylain
Any movies forwarded for consideration will need to be by the producers or distributors.Otherwise, we will not have copies for judging.

Re: 2011 UKAP Adult Film and Television Awards

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:33 am
by Dave Wells
Thank you Si !

Re: 2011 UKAP Adult Film and Television Awards

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:10 pm
by bgafdfan
Sorry Dave I did try...

Re: 2011 UKAP Adult Film and Television Awards

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 5:26 am
by Dave Wells
There's a masonic type code to get in apparently !

Re: 2011 UKAP Adult Film and Television Awards

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:01 am
by one eyed jack
There you go again Dave with that "masonic code" nonsense again. We set up a forum for you as the green room and its stil lthere but you choose to shun us...The subject header is still you in the header for about a year now

Maybe its you salty sea dogs that look down on other producers thats the real problem here Dave. UKAP has no problem with you. You can apply like everyone else has to come to the party but you choose not to.

I've said it a hundred times Dave: You arent elegible for the association for the simple fact you are not a producer. You're a camera amn. A hired gun and sitting in on producers meetings will only bore you to tears. Things like us going to Venus for instance will jhave no relevance to you I'm sure

Can this be the last time I say this? I keep saying if you keep making comments like this I will respond in kind.

Theres no beef between you and me man. I still love ya (but not in a gay way) but you are a fucking miserable git sometimes. Liven up man. Not everyone in this biz is your enemy. Chill man chill!!happy!

Re: 2011 UKAP Adult Film and Television Awards

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:11 am
by one eyed jack
BGAFDfan...I think (and I do not speak for UKAP here but for myself) that you may be seen as a troublemaker of sorts which is why , rather than respond to you, people prefer not to respond, for a quiet life.

There is no heirarchy as such in UKAP and everyone does what they do by volition so given the task to answer your query, those involved with various ventures within prefer not to engage your posts by answering them. I think we both know who we are talking about here as I'm lead to believe youve made threatening and abusive posts to a couple of individuals (you know who) So can you blame them if they choose to blank you?

I'm probably being out of turn by saying it on here but feel it needed to be said since you and Dave here are trying to belittle us (again!) and what we do with your veiled comments.

By the way I'm not interested in getting into a flame war with you. You said what you said. I said what i said and lets leave it at that.

Try and be nice and maybe you might be treated as such. I can't answer your questions about the public vote because I have nothing to do with the organisation of this event.

Re: 2011 UKAP Adult Film and Television Awards

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:35 am
by jamie b

To one eyed jack and video kim.. ive spoken with you several times jack you asked me and my partner cindy behr to do a couples thing 2 years ago but she is contracted. As for you Kim.. why don't you google me.. Ive worked two or more times every week since I started nearly 3 years ago, for harmony, playboy, daring , killergram, bluebird, tvx and many more and I still do.. so as for someone who don't know the industry why don't you check before you make false comments... who the fuck are you more like.. never heard of ya.. But then I wouldn't be watching your crap!

all i was saying was that i have never heard of any of the films or performers that win those awards.. Its my opinion!

Re: 2011 UKAP Adult Film and Television Awards

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:08 pm
by bgafdfan
I agree with you Terry I don't want a flame war I want peace !peace!

Re: 2011 UKAP Adult Film and Television Awards

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 3:13 pm
by videokim
Google me "Kims Amateurs" & you will see i would clearly leave you standing lol! the films & performers who won the UKAP awards are well known in the Pro industry i work in so the sarcastic remark you made in not knowing them only shows the person you are.

Re: 2011 UKAP Adult Film and Television Awards

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 4:58 pm
by Phil Phee
Who hell Jamie B?