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Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 5:24 pm
by edbowen
Holly gets far too many good things said about her for this to be anything other than a genuine error


Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 7:35 pm
by countb
Busted balls,fair enough you are angry but weve all suffered letdowns.
Ive never posted a bad punt on the internet as you write it off.
In my opinion the matter should have remained private between you and Holly to try and resolve.
And in truth,Hollies admirers will jump to her defence so she wont lose credibility.
Any publicity is better than none(old saying but true)

just my take on the situation but you did invoke comments and if you want to come and bust my balls,feel free lol


Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 7:49 pm
I understand let downs etc...however when I explained to her I would not book her after the cancel at last minute from the previous time, there was no apology, as I wasted ?175.00. she denied it at first, but when I proved it to her, still no apology- whatever- say keep it between us is not good enough, she let me down, thats all I have to go on...3 kids do you not realise your looking after your kids? weird..however I did not want to bring the matter up but her responses were rubbish and not apologetic one bit!!


Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 5:03 am
by holly xx
this will my last response to this post
i did apologise when i had to cancel actually, some things r unavoidable my children were supposed to b away for the evening i had arranged for them to b away for the night, but by 4pm there was an issue that meant they had to b home i will not justify or b bullied by someone like yourself.
we all get let down by people i dont have enough fingers to count how many times this has happened to me in 3yrs, i just get on with it (and occasionally on here about it)
thanks to everyone as u all know i do pride myself on reputation so love u all.
its a nice day today the sun is out so if ur not working get out in ur garden.
happy love
Holly xx


Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 5:41 am
by derrick76
What a load of bollocks. May all those who sympathise with Holly more than the 'victim' lose a ton of cash and see how much they'd be singing the same tune.

What some of you fail to realise is that the guy knew his money was gone and the sting would have been lessened IF Holly had been mature and professional and offered a sincere apology instead of replying with the attitude that says: "Yeah I cancelled on ya. So what? Too bad for you."

It's mind boggling how this attitude can be defended just because she gets you hard. Well, when the shoe is on the other foot kicking you I really doubt you will be taking this stance!


Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 5:43 am
by derrick76
And who gets the benefit of a sincere apology and a way to make up for ?175 lost? I'd love to know that.

I'm not saying shit doesn't happen, but I am surprised at the out pouring of support for indifferent attitudes.

I guess it's like a mother who gives the benefit of the doubt to her son who just ran over a kid via the drink driving route because it was out of character.


Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 5:48 am
by derrick76
As a father of three young daughters I know for sure I would NOT arrange a shoot in my own home. And even if I did I would make pretty darn sure my 3 daughters (all under age 10) would be no where near the home.

I'm dead certain I'd realise if I had my kids or not. My kids TRULY come first and they are ALWAYS at the forefront of my mind, and thus I'd never mix up shoot dates and having them in my home.


Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 5:54 am
by derrick76
I'm with you Busted Balls. You are TOTALLY right. Let downs happen and you must write them off but when a model shows no care about the let down and proceeds to spit in your face (no apology or saying so what) then that's a whole other issue, and THAT I feel is what is escaping a lot of Holly's supporters.

The only other thing I'd want to say to you is never 'try' to destroy someone's rep or career. Just let the world know she let you down and showed no remorse and leave it at that.

You certainly don't need to keep it a private matter. What's the point of doing that if the other party isn't remorseful?

Trust me, I and my partner have been in your shoes on no less than 6 occasions. One girl even missed a flight to come to shoot by going to Gatwick instead of Stansted, but we shot her twice after that. Why? Because she was highly professional and apologetic about it! And she was only 20 years old. I was HIGHLY impressed by her attitude.


Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 5:58 am
by derrick76
this 20 year old offered to REIMBURSE US for the ticket! That is why we offered her two shoots, in order to make up for reimbursing us the ticket. She's 22. Proof positive that age is just a number.

Another glamour model got ill right before a shoot and didn't make it. WE understood, and she still was so apologetic and offered to do an extra hour or two free if we re-booked her.

lighten up everyone...............

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 6:34 am
by Jason Porn
Just read all these posts and i'm not here to judge : all i know is that when i have worked with Holly everything was SUPERB and i would heartily recommend her to any tog/producer............BB - we all have cancellations from time to time and now you must move on your stuff is good, holly is good and all she needs is a good spanking!!!!


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