'I, like anyone/everyone I know in this biz, does not even THINK about race/colour/creed.'
I think about colour, there are some nice black girls in the film 'ladies man' , does that make me 'racist'?
Even if they act like they are 'not consenting', they are consenting because they released and signed the release forms (we assume).
Thinking about their colour is racist?
Has Claire Kiernan done interracial?
Re: Gets My Goat
With the greatest respect to the ladies concerned, I have "had relations" with many lovely non-white ladies, Do I qualify for the KKK?!
What a load of bollocks anyway.
What a load of bollocks anyway.
Re: Gets My Goat
What these producers mean by 'interracial' is almost always black guys with white girls..
And regrettably the vast majority of black guys in these efforts seem perfectly willing to play up to the 'badass' vibe......
And regrettably the vast majority of black guys in these efforts seem perfectly willing to play up to the 'badass' vibe......
Re: Gets My Goat
Thats exactly the point JJ. You put it so concicely. I fear our old chum Marcus is misunderstanding the previous points. Nobody objects to inter-racial sex. Far from it. But the stereotypes of black men as predatory savages preying on poor sweet white girls panders to thick redneck morons and BNP supporters everywhere. Its these deep-south stereotypes that piss off the racially aware forumites not the act of black penis in white vagina.
Some of you may remember the outcry in USA when a Star Trek episode was aired featuring a white Cpt Kirk kissing a black girl. This was in the late 60s early 70s or so I am told. The US public thought it was revolting to screen such perversion.
Some of you may remember the outcry in USA when a Star Trek episode was aired featuring a white Cpt Kirk kissing a black girl. This was in the late 60s early 70s or so I am told. The US public thought it was revolting to screen such perversion.
Re: Gets My Goat
It was Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura) kissing Bill Shatner's Kirk. And as I understand it, it was the station that raised the initial objections to Roddenberry's script: 'the viewers will inundate us with protests', etc.
As it turned out, hardly anybody except the usual suspects (Bible-belters/KKK/Rednecks) objected, and the overall audience reaction was rather favourable, proving once again, I suppose,
H L Mencken's adage about never going broke by underestimating the taste of the American public...
As it turned out, hardly anybody except the usual suspects (Bible-belters/KKK/Rednecks) objected, and the overall audience reaction was rather favourable, proving once again, I suppose,
H L Mencken's adage about never going broke by underestimating the taste of the American public...
Re: Gets My Goat
With you on that one Magoo.
Have to say that I hate Star Trek but even I remember that being made an issue out of, although at a much later date as I wasn't even born!
I think it was with Nichelle Nicholls who played Uhura.
It's not the fact that different colours have sex, it's the way that it's put across.
The whole badass muthafucka thing is more than insulting.
Now ignore my name, but tell ya a secret, I aint white, but my girlfriend is. I'm mixed eastern.
Chorus of all; "So what! What do we care Holden?!"
My point exactly. It doesn't matter and it shouldn't matter.
Charmaine Sinclair is a total babe. Do I give a fuck that she's of mixed parentage? Hell no! Do any of us see her as a badass bitch? Un-bloody-likely. We just see her as a damned fit woman who we wouldn't mind a bit of time with!
I still can't get over the fact that we have such issues in the 21st century!
Man has flown to the moon. We have created weapons that can level cities in a heartbeat. We have microchips so small that we can barely see them yet they yield an untold amount of info etc blahda yadda, but we are still colourblind!
Sorry, I'll get off the soapbox and hide.
Still.......Holden MacGroyn
Have to say that I hate Star Trek but even I remember that being made an issue out of, although at a much later date as I wasn't even born!
I think it was with Nichelle Nicholls who played Uhura.
It's not the fact that different colours have sex, it's the way that it's put across.
The whole badass muthafucka thing is more than insulting.
Now ignore my name, but tell ya a secret, I aint white, but my girlfriend is. I'm mixed eastern.
Chorus of all; "So what! What do we care Holden?!"
My point exactly. It doesn't matter and it shouldn't matter.
Charmaine Sinclair is a total babe. Do I give a fuck that she's of mixed parentage? Hell no! Do any of us see her as a badass bitch? Un-bloody-likely. We just see her as a damned fit woman who we wouldn't mind a bit of time with!
I still can't get over the fact that we have such issues in the 21st century!
Man has flown to the moon. We have created weapons that can level cities in a heartbeat. We have microchips so small that we can barely see them yet they yield an untold amount of info etc blahda yadda, but we are still colourblind!
Sorry, I'll get off the soapbox and hide.
Still.......Holden MacGroyn
Re: Gets My Goat
Methinks el smartarse knew what I meant, although I could have said it differently.
Still.....Holden MacGroyn
Still.....Holden MacGroyn
Re: Gets My Goat
If by 'el smartarse' (though I have very little Spanish blood, AFAIK) you mean me, what I was trying to convey was that every reproductive event (or 'fuck leading to pregnancy') involves a mixing of genetic material.
A species survives only if it has a sufficiently large gene-pool to enable it to adapt to changing environmental conditions and water down deleterious gene-expressions: so all those idiots who rant on about 'racial purity' and proscribe miscegenation are flying in the face of a few billion years' worth of experimental evidence to the contrary.
In short, racism is not only bloody offensive, it's biologically plain daft. For example, a sufficient admixture of 'white' genes into certain African populations would virtually eliminate endemic sickle-cell anaemia within a few generations.
A species survives only if it has a sufficiently large gene-pool to enable it to adapt to changing environmental conditions and water down deleterious gene-expressions: so all those idiots who rant on about 'racial purity' and proscribe miscegenation are flying in the face of a few billion years' worth of experimental evidence to the contrary.
In short, racism is not only bloody offensive, it's biologically plain daft. For example, a sufficient admixture of 'white' genes into certain African populations would virtually eliminate endemic sickle-cell anaemia within a few generations.
Re: Gets My Goat
You took the words right out of my mouth.
Now I was tempted to go down that road somewhat but I figured my soapbox might just crack.
I used similar arguments with BNP tossers who used the whole pure white & British rant at the last election.
My point was that it is highly unlikely that there is a single pure anglo saxon blooded person around by default of genes and their nature.
I guess I used too many long words. Either that or they misheard my arguement as "Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough!"
Still......Holden MacGroyn

Now I was tempted to go down that road somewhat but I figured my soapbox might just crack.
I used similar arguments with BNP tossers who used the whole pure white & British rant at the last election.
My point was that it is highly unlikely that there is a single pure anglo saxon blooded person around by default of genes and their nature.
I guess I used too many long words. Either that or they misheard my arguement as "Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough!"
Still......Holden MacGroyn