Please help me id this great ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Re: Please help me id this great ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by jj »

...and even if it had been true (and she removed it), she wouldn't have done the deed anyway, I guess.

Re: OOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by buttsie »

My mistake...having never actually seen the vid in question
I based by statement on the reviewers scene by scene depiction

Must learn to count...soon...very soon...1,3,4,5...its a start


PS Liked the description of the supposed Scottish Bird who didn't talk very much English...classic

Re: OOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by alec »

That was Chloe Anderson too.

Re: naturally

Post by buttsie »

Should have guessed...Murphys law at play


Re: naturally

Post by jj »

The moral is: avoid everything.......

Re: Please help me id this great ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by magoo »

The version I saw of the Chloe Anderson scene had a conspicious edit at the tampon-removal scene. She said sorry for having her period, Ben and Marino grinned and said thats OK and giggled in a pervy manner then came the edit. One minute there was a string dangling from her then it was gone. So I actually believe she was having her period but presume the gory bits of footage remain only on Bens mastertapes.

An Afterthought

Post by magoo »

The thing I remember most was that she had obviously been told to play up the Scots accent. The exagerrated dialect was painfully obvious to those of us who can understand every word Rab C Nesbitt says. She was only one step away from saying "Hoots mon! Och Aye the noo! Donald wheres me troosers". Still I am sure the yanks didnt notice that and afterall thats who Ben has in mind when he comes up with these ideas. I dont mind him insulting the viewers intellegence as long as its only the americans who are taken in by it.

o/t Re:Accents & Americans

Post by buttsie »

Given that Americans can't understand the Aussie I've been told(they subtitle all Rural Australian Documentaries-believe it or not)....they'd have no hope with the Scots accent

Anybody understand the Crocodile Dude Steve Irwin...whats hes on..I'd like to know?


PS I wouldn't have expected the tampon moment to make it to film
Wouldn't have wanted to see it either

Re: o/t Re:Accents & Americans

Post by jj »

Given they can't (or won't) understand these accents, I do wonder why they are apparently so fond of St Patrick's Day parades, kilts, pipes, Paul Hogan, etc., when their relationships to the lands of their forebears is about as tenuous as mine.
You don't see me wearing a yarmulka.........

Re: o/t Re:Accents & Americans

Post by magoo »

Well we wouldnt would we! You like many of your fellow cosmopolitan ignorees (you all ignore each other) have no time for a civil "good evening m'aam".

You refer to your NE roots but I wonder if you could cope with the friendly communication if you ever settled back in the land of your forbearers. Bearing in mind you might have got used to London ignorance.

I never left my roots so I can criticise if I want to!!! And be bitter about never leaving.