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Re: x3guide review of TMVideoproductions
Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 1:13 pm
by TM Video
Would have loved to email you direct... just didn't know were to find your email address. Is it on the site somewhere? I tried clicking the link to your name but no go. So who is crying like a girl? You I think.
I don't feel I was complaining but instead wondering why you say you couldn't find our content when clearly it is the top links on our main page, instead you focused on our plugins which most are found on SUB pages and it clearly states "these photos from our friends at..."
On the BBS here are a lot of our customers and friends so I put forth to them a question about improving our site.
Why so defensive if you don't believer your own review? Maybe you work for our competition!!
Thanks for showing your true colors though!!
Re: Site Review- TMVideoproductions
Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 2:35 pm
by Lizard
Couldn,t agree more, this point has been raised before, the TM site does look amatuerish, front page gone wrong, and I think first impressions are important, no excuse these days,web design and hosting bieng relitavely cheap.
Web design,especially for pay sites needs to be attractive and look professional if you want people tp part with thier hard earned!
Re: Site Review- TMVideoproductions
Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 4:00 pm
by Officer Dibble
"On a side note - Dibble, how do you order through your website as there seem to be a number of dead links???"
Ah yes, I thought someone would mention that. The links are not dead; it's just that there is nothing on the other end of them. The pages that correspond to the "dead" links have not yet been created. As soon as I get some free time more pages will appear. "So, why show the buttons to none existent departments?" I hear you ask. Well, it's just that the navigation system is created first and that is the basis of almost all the pages on the site. So when you create a new page it's just a copy of a basic navigational template and then content is added which is relevant to the department that the page will be assigned.
You can't order though the website just yet (unless you simply e-mail the order) however, we can always have the HCC catalogue sent which gives various options for ordering.
Re: Site Review- TMVideoproductions
Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 4:02 pm
by jj
It would be less disingenuous of you were you to state these facts clearly every time you puff this 'site'......
Re: Site Review- TMVideoproductions
Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 4:17 pm
by Officer Dibble
Haven't seriously "puffed" UK Shags since Dec 2002 when I added some new content. If I've puffed it today it's only in the context of a discussion about good artwork and design.
Re: Site Review- TMVideoproductions
Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 4:26 pm
by Officer Dibble
Wheyhey! An endorsement from Strand - possibly the longest serving, most technically accomplished UK producer of quality porn, is the adult entertainment equivalent of "By Royal Appointment." I've said it once and I don't mind saying it again - Great minds think alike!
Re: Site Review- TMVideoproductions
Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 4:32 pm
by jj
.....there are 30 refs. to it here in the last 90 days: about 10 of which are from you, responding to (mostly unhappy/
unimpressed) comments about the site.
OK, not exactly 'puffing', but the preceding 2002 circus led a lot of people up the garden path: it's not normally considered acceptable behaviour for people to inflict their 'hobby' upon others......
Re: Site Review- TMVideoproductions
Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 4:49 pm
by Officer Dibble
Hey, it's free ain't it? It's interesting ain't it? It is easy one the eye ain't it? Some forumites have even complemented the Officer on an entertaining piece of scribbling and indicated on the forum how much they enjoyed it. It's not like I'm asking for any dough.
Re: Site Review- TMVideoproductions
Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 5:24 pm
by jj
True, it is free, and the parts of it that actually go somewhere are leavened by the Ossifer's lively wit.
But the rest (online shop etc.) is less than ideal: I keep returning periodically in the hope that it's evolved, only to be disappointed.
JJ- moonlighting for the Police Complaints Authority
Re: Site Review- TMVideoproductions
Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 6:10 pm
by Officer Dibble
Will resolve to open on-line shop sometime this year.