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Re: Dodger DVDs

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 5:14 pm
by jj
I doubt they'll ever be...didn't you follow my recent travails?
He will transfer them to vid for you, though.....

Re: Dodger DVDs

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 5:16 pm
by steve56
thanks j.j.

Re: Dodger DVDs

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 7:21 pm
by dodger
well what can i say , i wish people who cant olay dvd's come back to me as you say they clearly have my site name all the way on them and this is to ensure even if copied they give maximum publicity

if you have a problem you email me and i shall refund you fully no questions asked however if you dont email me how am i usppoed to know !! im not a mind reader,

they ar eposted with a plastic cover in a jiffy bagm the reason for this is becasue people constantly tell me hey dont want any marking on the packaging but i guess cant please everyone can you !! also cases and packaging cost money and i feel they are cheap enough a sit is without adding may more cost to the dvd itself as i use top quailty discs as all will and can see

so hopefully answers few questions and to steve i think it is i cna only apologise as when i ge torder all dvds go out within 1-3 days so i would only have had order that time scale before that

also i have just updated dvd store now
have a looky see if can see the full size dvd clips there ,at least shows your pcs are working loll

ps i bought two dvds recently myelf and guess what both arrived in ame packaging and plastic cases !! also with no labels i didnt think this untoward

Re: Dodger DVDs

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 7:34 pm
by dodger
ps sorry to rabbit on but reading other posts, you cant tell me that for 8 dvd's for $100 thats approx $15 each or ?9 each you want coloured labels and full print out of dvd contents in dvd case? hell woolies cant sell them cheaper or asda, not sure if your aware there is a national shortage of dvd discs just now, good quailty ones and i just had to buy new ones whih cost me ?2 each(that was also buying in bulk of 1000 discs) , by time allow for postage and packaging which is included in the amount there isnt a great profit trust me !!

Re: Dodger DVDs

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 8:37 pm
by jj
....never mind: have just donated $100........