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Re: New HIV scare in US

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 2:21 pm
by BBWHoney
Josephine, perhaps I didnt write that comment quite as I had meant it. I am talking cum shots - not so easy with a condom but of course it can be whipped off last minute. Personally I would be up for using condoms without issue, but the producers I have worked with do not like them and in my opinion I agree that scenes do look better without them. Thats only my opinion and everyone is welcome to their own.

Another thing to mention is that HIV can of course take up to 3 months to show in tests, that being said if someone has the virus and its not yet showing, how many people could they pass it on to who in turn pass it on in that time period?! The facts are worrying but as mentioned by someone else - we choose this industry so its the risk we have to take xx

Re: New HIV scare in US

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 2:46 pm
by videokim
Josephine is right condoms help in the prevention of sexual diseases, yes they are not 100% but a cert is only good on the day of the test & is completely useless after the first sex you have. Its also very misleading to new models that think they are safe...wrong its Russian Roulette.
Bareback models will catch something on a semi regular basis compared to models using both.

Pride, personal taste & the old fear of "no ones going to watch films with condoms" stigma stops the industry using condoms, we have made British condom films for 12yrs so if it was that bad would we still be making

The industry (models & producers) needs to be educated better as most of it is still in the dark ages & for a sex industry this is silly.

Honey said "condoms are not suitable for scenes" but they are & a producer asking a girl who wishes to use a condom to do bareback should respect her wishes or ask another girl who is prepaired to take this risk.

Monthly certs were thought of as a good idea so why not condoms as well, surely both would be better...wouldn't they.

As i said on the another thread about the same subject we will get stick for saying this but we will keep on saying this until the industry see's sense.
Producers will soon tell someone without certs to go home & to us we feel the same about condoms.

Re: New HIV scare in US

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 2:56 pm
by BBWHoney
Hi Kim

Just wanted to point out that I hadnt initially made myself clear in the first posting and if you see my second posting I did clarify that for cum shots condoms arent ideal but like I say this is in my opinion.

I have no issues with condoms, until I worked in this industry I had always used them! On the other hand, again only my opinion, I do think porn without condoms looks better.

Also you say that a cert is only good on the day its first issued, technically its not as HIV can take up to 3 months to show up so where that STD is concerned nothing is going to be 100%... xx

Re: New HIV scare in US

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:00 pm
by videokim
Jimslip said

"As far as all performers wearing condoms is concerned, great idea......if you want to nail the last few nails into the coffin of an already ailing industry"

People will still watch porn with condoms & if more started doing this it would soon catch on, the industry is at its lowest in years anyway so nows the best time to start.
How many producers against condom porn have actually made films with condoms...very few i bet because they know its a myth.

The only reason people bother with certs is that producers can't see these & if they could they would be a no no as well.

Re: New HIV scare in US

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:03 pm
by Annap
and thats one if the reasons ive sto pped doing b/g

Anna P

Re: New HIV scare in US

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:04 pm
by videokim
Yes Honey you are right all NHS certs have a warning stating that some illnesses can take up 3 months to incubate, do private clinics say the same i wonder.

Re: New HIV scare in US

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:08 pm
by BBWHoney
That is a good point, I have no idea?! I get mine from NHS but even before that I was aware of the STI's and STD's etc so I came in with my eyes open. What does worry me though is the amount of girls and guys that are really unaware of the facts. A couple of years ago a friend actually said to me (when I was telling her to use condoms with random guys) "oh I dont need to worry about HIV you can only get it through anal..." There are so many myths related to how you catch things and how they are spread, I just hope that anyone who comes in to this industry is wise enough to look at all the facts first. Xx

Re: New HIV scare in US

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:12 pm
by Tequila_Woods
I started writing this earlier and deleted it but here i go again....

I understand the producers point to a certain extent of the punter prefer the porn with no condoms etc but if every producer (or model for that matter) took a stand and said boy girl scenes with condoms only, the porn would still get bought. If EVERY (and i know this brings up the topic of regulation again) professional porn producer introduced condom only scene then what would happen?

YES - You may take a dip in sales at the beginning, but eventually it would become 'the norm'. It just needs someone to make the first move.

It may also help with 'mainstreaming' (probably the wrong word to use), maybe making more popular with the 'haters', the porn industry. If all those out there who put down porn saw that models and producers were promoting safe sex, then surely this can only be a good thing?

I know that porn is all about the fantasy but i guess this could start a huge niche, and with it huge profits. At the end of the day alot of guys ONLY watch British porn and theres a whole lot more that prefer it and im sure many of them would watch it even if condoms were used.

At the end of the day, if a guy has good enough control over his dick to do porn then he has enough control, to whip the johnny off before the cum shot or produce another one within half an hour or so for the cum shot in the face at the end :)

Re: New HIV scare in US

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:17 pm
by jimslip
You are correct Masie. Every time someone in LA contracts HIV,( there have been many other unreported cases)

we seem to go hysterical. It's a matter of personal risk assessment, we have created a Health and Safety obsessive culture, where nobody expects to take any risks in their jobs. Policemen who let people drown, because they had had no training to deal with people in difficulties in a pond. Conker trees being fenced off and so on.

We, the performers, should minimise the risks of our jobs as much as possible and I have had many a long chat with Greg at WMC in London about this topic.

There is no 100% solution.

Re: New HIV scare in US

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:26 pm
by videokim
We make as many movies as most on here & guess what we have always used condoms, its a fact condoms don't affect the sales of films...