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Re: Website construction

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 12:27 pm
by puretotty
To be totally honest me and OEJ are probably the two cheapest sluts here... but Curry is very cool (actually thats incorrect it's very hot !)

James where are you based ? Are you at either ETO tomorrow or the XBiz meet on Tuesday ? I am hoping to be at both...

Re: Website construction

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:56 pm
by paul jones

What do you want the site to do? make you money from memberships, or pay per downloads, or what?

Do you need a site - will your content/volume/sales/traffic justify it? Or do you just need a Clips 4 sale shop linked from a basic pretty page site?

CC monies - explore the costs and compare them to C4S. It's a volume driven equation.

Site Build - you want a site built using a CMS that you WILL LEARN to manage thereafter. Most tears in this game are "my webmaster isn't updating". They don't because usually they ain't paid enough.

Basically - the more you are willing to learn how to do, the cheaper the costs.

Hosting - I pay a tenner a month for AIR because I can do everything bar hosting it. Other solutions cost more...

Marketing - no one can do this but you. Don't pay for services until you have worked out - by hard slog - what does and doesn't work for you. I have had some very interesting and unexpected results with initial Tittivation, and that will drive the way I do the next few thousand listings...

Nutshell - you can almost nothing or new car money, it all depends how much homework you want to do, and all that does is let you find out if people like your stuff.


Re: Website construction

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:06 pm
by puretotty
Like you I only found out about the show and meet recently... luckily I am 24/7 with my sites... dont do a dreaded 9-5 havent for the last 9 years :)

I cant think of anything coming up soon... but then i dont really follow these too cloesly... sure the people on the board would know more...

Re: Website construction

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:18 pm
by puretotty
It's very doable... you obviously need the initial outlay however... thats for the initial shoots... the construction of the website... the back end programming such as the CMS system... the server costs... and most importantly an amount of money to buy/attract traffic...

Man I cant believe I am sharing my juice and I aint at leats had a Onion Bhaji starter out of James yet !

Re: Website construction

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 5:00 pm
by puretotty
Are you from a sales background, is that your full time job... I feel like I am speaking to a very persistant salesman lol... mind you I used to be one myself...

OK As it's a quite Sunday, and I have an abundant stock of Pepsi Max and Wotsits... and only have a few menial things to do tonight... I will spare a little time...

My first question is this... do you have the equipement to do the shoots ? Are you going to shoot it yourself or hire someone else to do that bit ? If your doing it your self do you have a good Digital SLR camera ? Do you have a good video camera preferably HD ? Do you have the lighting set up, ideally seperate lights for video and stills ? And where will you use for location, do you have your own hourse/apartment you will shoot in or will you have to hire studios/apartments to shoot in ?

Give me the answers to these and we can get the ball rolling... lol