Model Fee

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Re: Model Fee

Post by John »

After reading Sandies posts, I agree that she has not been treat right.

I am sure most agree with her.

The reason to cancell the shoot was not a good one.

If I was 'Rob' I would have just done a solo shoot with Sandie and paid her the full amout, this way both parties are happy.

By the way Sandie I bet your one of only a few models who do pay tax, as I cannot see many who do. Lets face it, its all cash in hand with no records of any payments with most models and photographers.

Thread now closed

Post by alec »

All sides have spoken. Further comment from those who were not involved is unnecessary.

Re: Thread now closed

Post by rob »

Thank you to Alec - as one who was involved perhaps I could a offer a final itle comment - and hopefully you'll elt this go on the board

I have no issue here - where the sue-ing and tax thing came from was not me - my original post simply said 'is this normal practice'? That was it.

Thank you to Sandie for clearing the fact that she was paid. I will take it on the chin as a learning on my part for future work with all models.

I remain a fan of Sandie's and the forum- we have discussed another shoot concerning a bukkake party and she is unable to contractual reasons - I have no issue with that.
