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Re: Rates Debate

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 4:38 am
by Masie
One eyed jack I have no doubt that you pay a fare fee for what you do, my point was never about what people pay just that id find it easier if each producer paid his grls the same everytime (extra ?20 for stunning performance well earned drinks still standing - what a fab way to opporate.

I think it was a bit miss leading of me to add link to ukap in the same post. ukap do a good job it just took mrs cleaver over here a while to discover it. what i really should have said is that, that particular entry would have been useful for me if it had beeb duplicated on other sites to increase chance of me running into it. xx

Re: Rates Debate

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 5:28 am
by one eyed jack
Yeah fair enough Maisie but I htink if other sites were going to offer this it would really reflect what they were willing to pay and thereofre there would still be confuision as to what the standard rates of pay are.

I remeber this causing much conflict with a couple of togs throwing up concerns that the standrard rate is misleading with their busines model of pics and 20 minute videos on a per hour basis.

What I mean to say is video producers and togs have different payscales and strength of work but from my experience, photogrpahers usually command higher rates than video which is why I never really understood the different rates of pay they were looking for.

I'm hearing of girls commanding double that these days and fair play to them iof they get it in these financially trying times.

Re: Rates Debate

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 7:01 am
by James not Bond
I was quoted ?250 per hour by an amateur yesterday.

Whose taking the piss there??

A couple of years ago I was quoted ?300 per hour by a 'professional' model. Not long back she contacted me again saying she would do a shoot for ?150.

Just for the record I have and never will work with either of them.

Re: Rates Debate

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 7:12 am
by chloecruize
my two cents:

the US pay rates are uniform, the Hungarian rates are uniform. the UK rates are a freaking mess. IMO its due to the lack of regulation, too many chiefs, too many people with these websites where girls list their own profiles and rates. no wonder there are girls offering PATHETIC pay rates.Way to sell yourself short girls. the rate of a street hooker in eastern european countries is only marginally cheaper than that ?100 offer (according to the BBC show last night which stated their rates)

the US and Hungary industry are dominated with agencies. agents who demand particular rates , stick to it, and are in the best interests of the girls and guys they represent.

these BASIC rates are HIGHER than what the UK pays. The girls are high quality, problem free and show up on time. studios know they are reliable and will get a great scene out of them. paying $1000 (?650) for the scene (plus $100 booking fee) ensuers this. what do producers expect to get from a girl charging ?100?

fuck. a PROPER STD test costs ?220 in London. how do these girls expect to make a profit?

if EVERY girl stuck to a basic rate (even hungarys rates are at ?500 for a bg scene according to sandys models) and didnt budge, the industry here MIGHT just find a higher quality of girls, performance, and attitudes.

case in point: for those who know Derek Hay in the US, he doesnt budge on girls rates, the reason being, once he drops her rates for one producer, every producer would expect her scene rate at that price. she has just cheapend herself, and the industry. recently rates have come up other there two, and this is what Derek had to say

thats enough of my whinging, girl really need to stop offering work at primark prices though....

Chloe Conrad

Re: Rates Debate

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 7:49 am
by chloecruize
"Also when employed tradesmen for a job - cut down a tree, clean a carpet, wash the window it's often done on a singluar "here is my quote mate" basis. " Paul Bergman

porn is also like this.

we offer it on a by the SCENE basis. now a scene might be a BJ, pussy licking, vag, anal, it might have elements of spanking, cum swallowing, facial. it might have acting and a storyline, and can take 12 hours all up from makeup to shooting and leaving. this is why we dont get paid on a by the hour rate, or change for 'extras" there are no extras in a scene. its to be assumed most things are possible, unless its fetish, or a different level of work (ie b/g rates vs anal, vs group)

if a girl quoted ?x for bg + ?x for bj + ?x for cumshot = ?xx would that not be strange?! lol

ive done scenes in the US that were in makeup and out from the scene in 4 hours ive done others that have an 8am calltime only to finish the scene at 1:30am the next day! there is no extra pay for this. in saying that, most of the day was spent waiting around. the scene still only took an hour to film soft and hard with stills. and THATS what you pay for. not a random breakdown of "acts"

im curious now, how do other girls set their rates, here in the UK?

Re: Rates Debate

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 8:00 am
by Peter
I simply set the fee i'm willing to pay, based upon the budget the job allows.

In the nicest possible way, the girl has the option "take it or leave it", either is fine with me. Sometimes that means the girl gets more than she would have charged me, sometimes less.

I usually base this on the division of the money lef over after the hard costs have been taken out, then make a reasonable division of the leftover between my profit and her profit.

The only exception I make is for girls who do TF stuff or content share. Obviously bunging a few pics on a cd is much better for me than paying out hard cash.

Standard rates will never work unless publishers/webmasters etc pay standard rates, which is never going to happen, and models drop the 'standard rates (unless it suits me)' double standard.

Re: Rates Debate

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 8:11 am
by Peter
Matt P wrote:

> I proposed a voluntary code of practice along the lines of the
> banking code.

We used to have a self regulatory system when real agents, (the type with an office and a 'phone you could talk to them on in office hours) existed, but models and photographers destroyed that by going behind there backs in order to save ?20.

Like communism, your idea is fine in theory, unworkable in practice. Everyone's in favour of standards until it affects *them* negatively.

Re: Rates Debate

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 8:48 am
by mybeautifultease
Thanks Masie, I try :) i've done that 'ton one side payment' thing before and your right, it felt awful and awkward it was from that point that my rates were developed and published on my site. I have used them more since but I confess not on every occasion.

I used to think rather misguidedly before I started a pay site, thinking that agencies (a proper one as Peter and Chloe mentioned above, not an online directory) were the way to bring a bit of sense to the UK Industry scene and be in both the interests of the models and producers but I fully understand the point Peter is making about people going behind the backs of these agencies to secure a saving.

I'd rather pay the ?30 fee on top of a standard rate to take away some of the hassle and damn right annoying e-mail ping ponging I sometimes find myself in and also, thinking about it, reduce the number of no-shows I may experience.

Last year I placed a casting on PS for a simple, non-hardcore topless and implied nude shoot, I was offering ?150 plus travel and other reasonable expenses I had a message from a model saying I'd do it for ?70... In a bid I assume to ensure she got the job.

Re: Rates Debate

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 8:55 am
by chloecruize
this is why agents need to be firm.

girls (and male talent for that matter) shouldnt take matters in their own hands to save a few ?'s. US agents have contracts drawn up, heaven forbid a girl gets caught attempting to work outside of that contract and cutting her agent. she would be void of the contract, and dropped like a sack of shit.

would REALLY suck to be blacklisted over there, it keeps the serious girls in, and the flakes out. and poof! the US makes fantastic porn with excellent profits.

why cant the UK just borrow their business models and apply them here?

if everyone acted like a professional, no one would have anything to compain about. right? :P