Brazilian Waxes - OT?

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Re: Brazilian Waxes - OT?

Post by Lizard »

Who really cares, as long as there,s light at the end of the tunnel :-)

Re: Brazilian Waxes - OT?

Post by jj »

Of course it is.....the associated secretions are chock-full of pheromones and all that other smelly/gooey stuff.
But if you're already aroused (and having reached this stage, you bloody well ought to be), then they're practically otiose.
I expect what happened was, a few European gels discovered waxing, their guys/girls liked it, and the fad took off, like so many others have done. Next week, it'll be something else I expect........toad-sexing, or moustache-wrangling.
But I noticed you tending near the end towards the 'Mother Nature knows best' argument, a somewhat slippery slope: Humankind's entire evolutionary history has consisted in bucking our evolutionary limitations.

Re: Brazilian Waxes - OT?

Post by jj »

Fallacious: see above.

Re: Brazilian Waxes - OT?

Post by jj »

I do......but mainly because of the biological half-truths contained in their arguments.
The only thing that matters here is personal taste: if you don't like it, don't do/watch it.

Re: Brazilian Waxes - OT?

Post by Lizard »

No, I was bieng a bit flipant,I meant if you pick some good looking girl up in a club or whatever(Annabel,s) obviously in your case, and you take her home, youre hardly gonna boot her out cos she,s got no muff hair. are you?
"sorry love your shaved, forget it" I,m off for to walk me greyhound.

Re: Brazilian Waxes - OT?

Post by sandie »

i personally agree with what has been said. i dont want to look pre-pubecent. i like my bush and taken the reaction most producers have when i strip off (especially the yanks on my recent visit) so do they.
but variety is the spice of life as they say, so im not saying all girls should go au naturel...I just like MY bush (so did one model who tried to braid it once too, hehe!)

Re: Brazilian Waxes - OT?

Post by jj »

I never know with me.
Mind you, wouldn't be seen dead in Annabel's.
Officer Dibble

Re: Brazilian Waxes - OT?

Post by Officer Dibble »

"The only thing that matters here is personal taste:"

On a personal level of course, no problemo. But there are wider ramifications for erotic entertainment and those who make a living from it.

If you agree that there is something in the argument that female pubic hair plays a role as a sexual trigger in the male, then wouldn't you agree that it would be absurd for some who's job involved stimulating the male libido to divest herself of one of the tools nature has provided for this purpose? And furthermore, if all females involved in the sex industry decided to divest themselves on masse, don't you think that might have a bit of an adverse impact on sales of visually erotic items i.e., mags, video etc. Maybe it would create a sense in the male sub-conscious mind that these new videos and mags were not quite are horny as videos and mags used to be. Maybe guys as a whole might think, "Hmm, these new videos are a bit naff, they're not flicking my switch, there's something missing. I just can't put my finger on it." Makes you wonder doesn?t it?

If you don't agree that visual sexual triggers are important in nature take a look at a male peacock. It would look pretty sad without those feathers wouldn?t it? Feathers of which the purpose is to attract and impress female peacocks. How would it get on without them? It's a cert those peacock birds wouldn?t fancy a poor old ?depleted? cock bird would they now?

Officer Dibble.

Re: Welcome Home, Babe!!!

Post by Ace »

Great to see you back Sandie!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you had a great time and a safe flight back!!
Officer Dibble

Re: Brazilian Waxes - OT?

Post by Officer Dibble »

Nice one sandie.

"but variety is the spice of life as they say,"

Indeed it is.

"so im not saying all girls should go au naturel"

Me neither. I would just like a lot more 'bushy' oasis?s in this current desert of depletion.

Officer Dibble.