Officer Dibble feels qualified to comment here as he has stacked boxes in a warehouse as well as being in the adult video biz through the relative good times.
Yes it was wonderful to get away from a life of cap dothing drudgery. What a change hey? One minute your stacking pallets in a frozen-food cold store or getting up in the middle of a stormy winter's night to deliver Missus Bisley's 'Gold Tops' and pint of 'Sterri' and the next your in an Armani suit in Richard Desmonds Canary Wharf board room talking turkey. Not to mention having the objects of your wildest desire and most extravagant proletarian fantasies from ?Mayfair' or 'Club' sitting on your lap!
"Most blokes would give their right arm for that."
Yes, I'm sure they would. And that's why Dave has ample justification for moaning. Because it's not like that anymore. There's only a fraction of the dough about, the 'new birds' are about as appealing as a soggy loaf of Mother's Pride - hey, they certainly ain't the goddesses that we worshiped from afar in 1988. With the advent of digital camcorders and the Internet the whole thing has gone way downmarket. Now, both idiots and those with low standards can be players. Quality people don't want to be associated with 'downmarket' and because what's left is naff the punters are deserting in droves. This means less dough to go around and the downward spiral continues...
Hey Dane, if you had an agreeable lifestyle and career, then persons or circumstances fucked it up, I?m sure you would have a moan to.
Officer Dibble.
Brit Porns Dying
Re: Brit Porns Dying
yeah but the point I was making Dibble was no matter how much worse its got it's still a damn site better than most other jobs. Okay maybe theres not millions in it, not even thousands, but im sure the competent among you break even with a little bit to spare. ok maybe the birds arnt as tasty what, the difference is pay most blokes a hundred quid they will happily stuff some boxes for you, pay them a penny and theyll stuff even the roughest looking half decent sort you care to throw in front of them. In fact theyd probably pay for you for the privilage. As I said I'd quite happily do it for free, so exuse me for not being overcome with sympathy when you lot harp on because you can't keep up the loan payments on your Rollers and Mercs..oh what a hard life it is! Heres a wacky idea if you dont like it, dont do it...Simple as that. Do we really have to here so much moaning? Maybe the real thing holding back the British indistry is all this whinging, negativity and lack of self belief. Even the great Ben Dovers been guilty of it at times. You all seem to have lost your energy and become tired with the game, jaded I think the Americans call it, the enthusiasm, the enjoyment and the drive to succeed all definently appear lacking.
Im sick to death of it..Someone lend me a camera and a few quid and ill go out and do it meself...if it sells it sells , if it doesnt, oh well, no big deal. At least I will have had some fun and when I can't afford that Lexus afterwards at least I wont be bending your ears moaning about it for months and months afterwards...ENJOYMENT!..thats we need to bring that back to the industry, people who do their work because they genuinely enjoy doing it and not because they are looking for a quick route to that penthouse pad in the docklands!
Im sick to death of it..Someone lend me a camera and a few quid and ill go out and do it meself...if it sells it sells , if it doesnt, oh well, no big deal. At least I will have had some fun and when I can't afford that Lexus afterwards at least I wont be bending your ears moaning about it for months and months afterwards...ENJOYMENT!..thats we need to bring that back to the industry, people who do their work because they genuinely enjoy doing it and not because they are looking for a quick route to that penthouse pad in the docklands!
Re: Brit Porns Dying
hear hear...
Couldn't agree with you more. More enjoyment and positivity are definately needed.
Forgive me if I'm wrong but the industry is the way it is because the market called for it. Everybody wanted to see the girl next door material the more amateur the better. The industry enjoyed this because the films became very cheap to make and more people wanted them. There was money to be made. Then every man and his dog jumped on the band wagon and flooded the market place with a load of crap. Now the interest in that material has gone because there is too much of it and a lot of it is rubbish.
What the industry needs now is another innovator. Somebody positive and enthusiastic about the business that can find some new route to go down and regain interest.
Put it this way porn will still be here in 20 years but it will have changed and somebody/ies will have changed it and the same person/people will have made money doing it. Oh...and I dare say probably enjoyed themselves too.
Couldn't agree with you more. More enjoyment and positivity are definately needed.
Forgive me if I'm wrong but the industry is the way it is because the market called for it. Everybody wanted to see the girl next door material the more amateur the better. The industry enjoyed this because the films became very cheap to make and more people wanted them. There was money to be made. Then every man and his dog jumped on the band wagon and flooded the market place with a load of crap. Now the interest in that material has gone because there is too much of it and a lot of it is rubbish.
What the industry needs now is another innovator. Somebody positive and enthusiastic about the business that can find some new route to go down and regain interest.
Put it this way porn will still be here in 20 years but it will have changed and somebody/ies will have changed it and the same person/people will have made money doing it. Oh...and I dare say probably enjoyed themselves too.
Re: Brit Porns Dying
Well, yes....but apart from pissing and moaning about it, they're not actually LEAVING the biz in droves, are they?
Which suggests that it's still a whole lot better than shelf-stacking.......
Which, I suspect, it is.
Which suggests that it's still a whole lot better than shelf-stacking.......
Which, I suspect, it is.
Re: Brit Porns Dying
So you're upset that British pornsters are doing films in the States. It's terrible isn't it? And it's not just pornsters - people like Kate Winslet and Hugh Grant do it too, apparently. I've even heard that bands like Oasis and Coldplay do concerts over there. Heaven forfend!
For Gawd's sake, of course British pornsters have to do films in the States, the alternative is starvation. How much do they get paid for a scene? ?500-?1000 I'd guess. That means having to do 40-odd scenes a year just to earn an average living wage (and realistically, they ought to be looking to do a lot more to try and save some money, given how relatively short a pornster's career is). There simply isn't that much work around in the UK, it's a matter of basic volume and size of the industry - most directors won't want to use the same girl more than once a year, so to film 200+ scenes in five years in the UK alone is simply not realistic.
I think you'll find that everyone in the entertainment industry who wants to earn a decent living - be it a musician, mainsteam actor or porn babe - has to do some work in the States. And what the hell's wrong with that?
I think it's great how Brit pornsters have such a good presence in the international porn markets. The fact that Swedish company Private established itself in porn films via movies directed by Brits Ben Dover and Frank Thring. That America's best selling porn series, Barely Legal, is the work of Brit director Clive McLean. That Layla-Jade is Buttwoman. That Nici Sterling and Scotti Andrews are among the most in demand performers in American porn. That a new generation of British blondes - Rebekah Jordan, Hannah Harper, Jessie J et al - are following in their pussysteps. And so on...
What exact element of this have you got a problem with, JP?
For Gawd's sake, of course British pornsters have to do films in the States, the alternative is starvation. How much do they get paid for a scene? ?500-?1000 I'd guess. That means having to do 40-odd scenes a year just to earn an average living wage (and realistically, they ought to be looking to do a lot more to try and save some money, given how relatively short a pornster's career is). There simply isn't that much work around in the UK, it's a matter of basic volume and size of the industry - most directors won't want to use the same girl more than once a year, so to film 200+ scenes in five years in the UK alone is simply not realistic.
I think you'll find that everyone in the entertainment industry who wants to earn a decent living - be it a musician, mainsteam actor or porn babe - has to do some work in the States. And what the hell's wrong with that?
I think it's great how Brit pornsters have such a good presence in the international porn markets. The fact that Swedish company Private established itself in porn films via movies directed by Brits Ben Dover and Frank Thring. That America's best selling porn series, Barely Legal, is the work of Brit director Clive McLean. That Layla-Jade is Buttwoman. That Nici Sterling and Scotti Andrews are among the most in demand performers in American porn. That a new generation of British blondes - Rebekah Jordan, Hannah Harper, Jessie J et al - are following in their pussysteps. And so on...
What exact element of this have you got a problem with, JP?
Re: Brit Porns Dying
'With the advent of digital camcorders and the Internet the whole thing has gone way downmarket'
sorry - just had to laugh *ha* *ha*
As if porn was ever 'up market'.
sorry - just had to laugh *ha* *ha*
As if porn was ever 'up market'.
Re: Brit Porns Dying
Without getting personal but am I talking in a different language from you, twice you have misread the intention of my original message so let me try and spell it out for you.
Fact 1 - At no point in my original mail did I have a go at the actresses who go to the states to work, in fact I totally understand why they do it as they can probably work more/earn more over there than they can in the UK.
Fact 2 - The original intention of mail was to have a go at people who control the industry and the fact that over the last few years it really hasn't moved on FORCING some of our more talented actresses so seek their living elsewhere.
Fact 3 - I applaud that Layla, Nici etc have done so well in the States, I only wish we had an adult industry here in the UK that could support their ambitions however without British producers actually coming up with a product that could entice the public to go out and buy it then I see no great future at all for british adult movies.
Without getting personal but am I talking in a different language from you, twice you have misread the intention of my original message so let me try and spell it out for you.
Fact 1 - At no point in my original mail did I have a go at the actresses who go to the states to work, in fact I totally understand why they do it as they can probably work more/earn more over there than they can in the UK.
Fact 2 - The original intention of mail was to have a go at people who control the industry and the fact that over the last few years it really hasn't moved on FORCING some of our more talented actresses so seek their living elsewhere.
Fact 3 - I applaud that Layla, Nici etc have done so well in the States, I only wish we had an adult industry here in the UK that could support their ambitions however without British producers actually coming up with a product that could entice the public to go out and buy it then I see no great future at all for british adult movies.
Re: Brit Porns Dying
There not leaving in droves simply because there were never any "droves" in it in the first place - maybe a dozen different producers and a few more distributors in the mid nineties. Some of those are now doing different things and some others are very close to it.
I would certainly agree that crap though it is at the mo it's a dam sight more apealing than shelf stacking or similar.
Officer Dibble.
I would certainly agree that crap though it is at the mo it's a dam sight more apealing than shelf stacking or similar.
Officer Dibble.
Re: Brit Porns Dying
What's up Joe? Can't tell the difference between up market and down market? OK then, here?s a stark contrast for you. Just checkout any 'Gonzo' style movie made in the last two years and then take a look at a ten year old Sarah Young movie produced by Hans Mosser, such as Rendezvous With Sarah, Private Affairs, Sarah Queen Of Love, etc.... See the difference now?
Officer Dibble
Officer Dibble