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Re: O/T C4s Salon

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 5:59 am
by Layla~Jade
Steve56 asked...
"hello lay are you enjoying america do you prefer the us to the uk or vice versa?'

Hi Steve,

Yes, of course I'm enjoying being in America.
Glorious sunshine, and sweltering heat...
I mean, well who wouldn't ? ;)
I'd be a liar if I were to state otherwise :)

As for which country do I prefer, the UK or the USA...
Well, that's an easy one... I prefer the UK !
After all, that's where I live, its where my house is, and also, its where I call home :)

So why am I in the states so much ?
Simply because there just isn't the work for me, back at home...

Perhaps if the market were just a little bit bigger,
and if there weren't quite so many restrictions in place...
Then perhaps things would be different...

But then that's just simply the reality of the situation...
That's just the way it is... I cant do anything about it...
I certainly cant change it...

But then again, I'm certainly not complaining about it either :)

Luv Lay

Re: O/T C4s Salon

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 6:00 am
by steve56
thanks lay