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Re: New girl Farrah at NBC

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:45 am
by Golden Sun
Sorry, I was under the impression you posted these pics as a promotion in order to get people to join your site and give you money? Being as you mention she is being added to your members section at the weekend?

Then when you did not receive lots of fawning replies saying how amazing these pics of a fully clothed girl with her tits blanked out were started replying to yourself asking why? I told you, as a punter nothing else, why its not an interesting post to me, that was after you asked "Presumably nobody has any comments on this one either way"

Not sure where you get the 'Labour exchange' or wife beating thing from? Or what my post count has to do with it, I am not promoting a website or blowing bubbles up anyone's bum at the minute.

Re: New girl Farrah at NBC

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 9:07 pm
by Daz Savage
Aha, a reasoned reply.
Thanks for that.
Okay I'll explain my surprise then.
I post here to get members on my NBC site yes but since it costs all of ?3 for a month it's nothing more than something that covers my costs to find and test-shoot new girls for the biz. I could happily shut the place down and still carry on as normal.
My posts of brand new girls usually solicit responses and emails from people interested in working with the girls and I assumed that Farrah would be inundated, not with fawning replies about how good she was or how crap the lighting was (my bad there), but with people asking to work with her.
I was amazed that when I posted Lou (nonude) she got several offers of work which I passed along to her but Farrah has had none whatsoever.
For me this is a bit of a litmus-test to see if I will work further with a girl as well and was doing my best to 'bump' the post to give everyone a chance to see it.

My scathing response to you was due to two things:

1. Anyone who comes here 'expecting' anything at all but contributes a tiny amount is called a lurker and as such has no value when it comes to opinions. I'm sorry but that's true of any board. A regular thanker, contributor, poster etc. has great value because all of these activities promote both the board and/or 'bump' posts. A contributor is listened to but a person making demands and listing expectations is very likely to be ignored at best.

2. Your reply made it seem as though you had a problem with paying for porn and that you 'expected' a free ride and that this was the place to indulge that fantasy. Without successfully marketing our sites we producers will go out of business and then there will be no free anything for anyone. For some people that strategy will include giving away their best stuff, their worst stuff, their 'off-cuts' as it were, they will give away lower resolution examples of work, smaller versions or work and they will offer clips that never quite get to the punchline. And even, in some cases they will censor the work. All of these techniques are employed at one time or another to keep us in business and attacking us for it is a little like wondering why all companies don't just give away everything for free all the time.

Basically - to keep you in free porn someone else has to buy a subscription now and then. To attack that process or dismiss it as nonsense is to insult every contributor, every producer and every subscriber.
You should be thanking us.


And in reference to the 'labour exchange' comment et al: If you can expect a free ride here and actually advertise the fact in front of other producers then that smacks of monumental selfishness. Anyone who demands free porn in return for nothing at all - not even regular thankyou's - and only breaks his silence to complain may very well be an incredibly self-centred person in other areas too. People I know who have these traits often live for free off the state and have wives/girlfriends cowering at home since they do not see why they should sweat for anything or do anything themselves.
You may not be that kind of person at all but that's the impression you gave me by posting such a complaint here as a newbie.

Re: New girl Farrah at NBC

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 3:51 pm
by redalert
Not a bad looking girl at all mate but, only working upto art nude, I personally think she would struggle to get many shoots from other togs. There are some absolute stunners working to that level and I think she would struggle to compete with them.

Sorry if that sounds a bit critical but its just an honest opinion. If she upped her levels however it would be a different story.

Re: New girl Farrah at NBC

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 6:09 pm
by Daz Savage
No mate, that's cool. I am well aware of what you're saying and can only agree with your comments about her levels etc.
Thanks for the feedback Red.
Like many regular professionals she is going to begin at the beginning and work from there. I have seen too many people leap in at the deep end and disappear without a trace because they didn't take it step-by-step. Farrah may well go all the way, who knows but I for one will not pressurize her to move faster than she wants. If she's starting with art nude then cool but I will put this feedback to her when I shoot her again on Sunday.
Continuous feedback is the key to cultivating positive-minded professionals I believe.


Re: New girl Farrah at NBC

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 6:37 pm
by redalert
Definately right way to go Daz, start at the level the girl feels most comfortable at and see how it goes from there. I have shot girls who have advanced their levels before they should have done and the movies looked awful, you could see a mile off they were not really enjoying it. To me there is nothing better than watching content where girls are confident and having fun, no matter what level, and if they aren't then you may as well chuck what you've shot in the bin.

As for the comments on Farrah herself, that was just my opinion of her. If you think she will do well then thats all that matters. Feedback and advice is always good to have but gut instinct and your own experience is a hell of a guideline to go by too.

Re: New girl Farrah at NBC

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:46 am
by Sally
Hi All,

Does anyone have any more up to date pics of Farrah?.

Daz, your NBC site seems to be down, do you know if Farrah is still available for shoots as I'd like to use her for a Art Nude shoot I have planned.

Anyone got a contact email addy for her?


Re: New girl Farrah at NBC

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 5:38 pm
She looks stunning - love those knickers too!