Nope, he is attending the household as usual but has not yet overwhelmed me with his presence.
As for cheaper - the word is, less expensive.
Anyone in the London area can avail himself of his services, just mail me -provided you are serious.
O/T Poxy dial ups
Re: O/T Poxy dial ups
Speak only of what you know Marcus.
I post as someone who works across three, yes three, operating systems.
I only touch pc's when I have to, and generally at the behest of Lady Rosemary who know's about these things.
Superior to pc's in almost all things is the Mac, written for humans by humans not for computer geeks by well, er, Bill Gates.
Vastly superior to both are RISCOS machines, British designed, British built. Top quality all round. The, ahem, Rolls Royce of the computer world.
I post as someone who works across three, yes three, operating systems.
I only touch pc's when I have to, and generally at the behest of Lady Rosemary who know's about these things.
Superior to pc's in almost all things is the Mac, written for humans by humans not for computer geeks by well, er, Bill Gates.
Vastly superior to both are RISCOS machines, British designed, British built. Top quality all round. The, ahem, Rolls Royce of the computer world.
Re: O/T Poxy dial ups
I defer to your superior knowledge in these matters. My knowledge of computers is akin to my knowledge of the Outer Hebrides, in other words, what I am told and have experienced.
However, my remarks re PC's are a fact - not what afficianodo's would have us believe.
The rest is a FACT, whatever system.
I defer to your superior knowledge in these matters. My knowledge of computers is akin to my knowledge of the Outer Hebrides, in other words, what I am told and have experienced.
However, my remarks re PC's are a fact - not what afficianodo's would have us believe.
The rest is a FACT, whatever system.
Re: O/T Poxy dial ups
"PC's are infinately more versatile and user-friendly"
Excuse' moi?
User friendly? You've obviously never been near a new Mac Marcus old chap. The whole reason behind the foundation of the Apple Macintosh Company was to make computers, and more precisely an operating system, easy for ordinary mortals to use - as opposed to code junkies and DOS speakers. Thus, the Macintosh GUI was born - And the Lord Bill looked upon the Mac GUI and saw that it was good. So on the seventh day he created WINDOWS - which wasn't quite as good, but it would do. Today Apple Macintosh is the leader in ergonomic computer hardware and software design, the influence of the iMac on PC manufactures seems all pervading becomes glaringly obvious in any branch of PC world.
"versatile" I'll grant that there are a few esoteric software programs that have no equivalent on the Mac. But mainstream users will never even come near to needing them or understanding what they are for.
Hey, I've got both systems - had to get a Windows laptop to run some obscure and very specialised international finance program. So I can be a little objective. Yes, I?ll grant that Bill has done a decent job of obscuring DOS's inherent awkwardness and nastiness but OSX is a new and beautiful Unix based operating system that has been written from the ground up to take personal computing into the 21st century.
Hey, when you get a Mac you don't need to know "an expert who REALLY knows what he is doing." - they work straight out of the box. "Plug 'n' play" is the expression the Yanks use.
Officer Dibble.
Excuse' moi?
User friendly? You've obviously never been near a new Mac Marcus old chap. The whole reason behind the foundation of the Apple Macintosh Company was to make computers, and more precisely an operating system, easy for ordinary mortals to use - as opposed to code junkies and DOS speakers. Thus, the Macintosh GUI was born - And the Lord Bill looked upon the Mac GUI and saw that it was good. So on the seventh day he created WINDOWS - which wasn't quite as good, but it would do. Today Apple Macintosh is the leader in ergonomic computer hardware and software design, the influence of the iMac on PC manufactures seems all pervading becomes glaringly obvious in any branch of PC world.
"versatile" I'll grant that there are a few esoteric software programs that have no equivalent on the Mac. But mainstream users will never even come near to needing them or understanding what they are for.
Hey, I've got both systems - had to get a Windows laptop to run some obscure and very specialised international finance program. So I can be a little objective. Yes, I?ll grant that Bill has done a decent job of obscuring DOS's inherent awkwardness and nastiness but OSX is a new and beautiful Unix based operating system that has been written from the ground up to take personal computing into the 21st century.
Hey, when you get a Mac you don't need to know "an expert who REALLY knows what he is doing." - they work straight out of the box. "Plug 'n' play" is the expression the Yanks use.
Officer Dibble.
Re: O/T Poxy dial ups
Bayleaf, I confess I have underestimated you all these years. You are self evidently a man of 20/20 vision and superior taste, not to mention a Grand Master of computing. Please accept my humble apologies.
Officer Dibble
Officer Dibble
Re: O/T Poxy dial ups
I don't like to be difficult here I merely read, follow links and jack off. I would never question the big guns on porn matters, least of all Officer Dibble. But, as we're discussing my field of things:
"Today Apple Macintosh is the leader in ergonomic computer hardware and software design, the influence of the iMac on PC manufactures seems all pervading becomes glaringly obvious in any branch of PC world."
I fail to see how Mac software has prevailed, we can only work with what we are given by Mother Superior at MS. Nobody wins on another's platform.
"Unix based operating system that has been written from the ground up to take personal computing into the 21st century."
How is an OS based on a different, previous, OS written from 'The Ground Up'?
Uglygitkev - BSc.
PS - Are you actually an officer of the law?
PPS - Portsmouth are still top, is Bev Cocks a fan? I heard somewhere she was a Pompey girl.
"Today Apple Macintosh is the leader in ergonomic computer hardware and software design, the influence of the iMac on PC manufactures seems all pervading becomes glaringly obvious in any branch of PC world."
I fail to see how Mac software has prevailed, we can only work with what we are given by Mother Superior at MS. Nobody wins on another's platform.
"Unix based operating system that has been written from the ground up to take personal computing into the 21st century."
How is an OS based on a different, previous, OS written from 'The Ground Up'?
Uglygitkev - BSc.
PS - Are you actually an officer of the law?
PPS - Portsmouth are still top, is Bev Cocks a fan? I heard somewhere she was a Pompey girl.
Re: O/T Poxy dial ups
"I fail to see how Mac software has prevailed, we can only work with what we are given by Mother Superior at MS. Nobody wins on another's platform."
I didn't say Mac software had prevailed, I just suggested Apple was the leader in ergonomic (usable by humans) hardware and software design - Witness their many design awards and accolades for things like the iMac, the iPod and recently an award for 'Final Cut Pro' Apple's profesional video editing software, from a major film and TV association.
Just because 90% of the world use windows doesn?t mean it is best, it just means MS they had the best marketing strategy. Just look at Betamax and VHS. Everyone with half a brain agreed that Betamax was technically far superior, yet VHS won out simply because no-brain knob heads could get VHS copies of 'Driller Killer Part Umpteen' and 'Nazi Swine Holocaust 5' in almost any of those new 'Videoshops' that were springing up everywhere. Sadly the Betamax selection in those shops was relegated to half a dozen titles on the bottom shelf.
"Unix based operating system that has been written from the ground up to take personal computing into the 21st century."
"How is an OS based on a different, previous, OS written from 'The Ground Up'?
OK, that wasn't very well phrased. OSX hasn't been written from the ground up, but it is a hugely refined and developed flavour of Unix, an industrial strength operating system. What I wanted to convey was that a lot of people had spent a huge amount of R&D time and money refining OSX out of its Unix core.
Officer Dibble - CSE English Grade B
Dibble, an Officer Of The Law? - Yes, porn 'lore.'
"PPS - Portsmouth are still top, is Bev Cocks a fan? I heard somewhere she was a Pompey girl."
Er, what? You've lost me now...
I didn't say Mac software had prevailed, I just suggested Apple was the leader in ergonomic (usable by humans) hardware and software design - Witness their many design awards and accolades for things like the iMac, the iPod and recently an award for 'Final Cut Pro' Apple's profesional video editing software, from a major film and TV association.
Just because 90% of the world use windows doesn?t mean it is best, it just means MS they had the best marketing strategy. Just look at Betamax and VHS. Everyone with half a brain agreed that Betamax was technically far superior, yet VHS won out simply because no-brain knob heads could get VHS copies of 'Driller Killer Part Umpteen' and 'Nazi Swine Holocaust 5' in almost any of those new 'Videoshops' that were springing up everywhere. Sadly the Betamax selection in those shops was relegated to half a dozen titles on the bottom shelf.
"Unix based operating system that has been written from the ground up to take personal computing into the 21st century."
"How is an OS based on a different, previous, OS written from 'The Ground Up'?
OK, that wasn't very well phrased. OSX hasn't been written from the ground up, but it is a hugely refined and developed flavour of Unix, an industrial strength operating system. What I wanted to convey was that a lot of people had spent a huge amount of R&D time and money refining OSX out of its Unix core.
Officer Dibble - CSE English Grade B
Dibble, an Officer Of The Law? - Yes, porn 'lore.'
"PPS - Portsmouth are still top, is Bev Cocks a fan? I heard somewhere she was a Pompey girl."
Er, what? You've lost me now...
Re: O/T Poxy dial ups
Hey Dibbsy,I bet the only reason you have a Mac, is cos there sexy to look at and just a little trendy amongst "media types" they always have been Every muso and graphic designer I know has one, but lets not kid ourselves,all mac,s made today run windows apps, they have to! or no one would buy them, thats why you get ie6 and outlook with OSX, but an imac,or i book is a sexy piece of kit no question, why only the other week I was out on the pull in town with me imac under me arm, you should have seen the birds gagging to talk to me about me operating platform and tugging at me bios, cos I didn,t.
peace and tea man.
peace and tea man.
Re: O/T Poxy dial ups
Sorry guys but I can't resist it. Surely all forumites (as pervs) should have macs?