I'm assuming you are disagreeing with my comment about the do gooders.
If my assumption is correct could you explain why you disagree.
Political Porn Party
Re: Political Porn Party
It is all good input, and naturally the BBFC restrictions re licensed sex shops will be high on the agenda.
I agree with John that a broader base is needed, but the very title - PPP - is designed to shock with its directness.
Magoo, I did read your post from last night and of course totally agree that there have been terible miscarriages of "Justice". Were I in a position to take extreme action against those we all consider to be an insult to humanity, I would have to be 1000% convinced of their guilt. Violence is to be deplored in any form, but the human animal being what it is, it is a sad fact of life that there are occasions when it is the only answer. Naturally this view is contentious, to say the least, and total anathema to others, sobeit. Since I am never likely to be in said position, the subject is totally academic.
The website design is in hand and we've already had some bright ideas to publicise it where it will do most good.
"Make love not war" emanates from the 60's when the dangerous clowns decided it was in all our interests to invade a jungle - a small matter that wasted billions of dollars and thousands of lives, all to no avail.
My oft-stated preference for Sex, booze & rock 'n roll is a simple condensation of the theory that we should all be allowed to live in peace, pursue own harmless pleasures and let everyone else do the same.
I agree with John that a broader base is needed, but the very title - PPP - is designed to shock with its directness.
Magoo, I did read your post from last night and of course totally agree that there have been terible miscarriages of "Justice". Were I in a position to take extreme action against those we all consider to be an insult to humanity, I would have to be 1000% convinced of their guilt. Violence is to be deplored in any form, but the human animal being what it is, it is a sad fact of life that there are occasions when it is the only answer. Naturally this view is contentious, to say the least, and total anathema to others, sobeit. Since I am never likely to be in said position, the subject is totally academic.
The website design is in hand and we've already had some bright ideas to publicise it where it will do most good.
"Make love not war" emanates from the 60's when the dangerous clowns decided it was in all our interests to invade a jungle - a small matter that wasted billions of dollars and thousands of lives, all to no avail.
My oft-stated preference for Sex, booze & rock 'n roll is a simple condensation of the theory that we should all be allowed to live in peace, pursue own harmless pleasures and let everyone else do the same.
Re: Political Porn Party
'We should also hunt down all the do gooders that don't allow us to give the child molesters a slow and painfull death.'
I disagree with state sponsored death penalty. HRA (The Human Rights Act) also has the Sixth Protocol(article 1)
Some states of the USA are possibly the same as Saddam Hussein.
I don't believe I should give the state the power to kill me or anyone else.
I disagree with state sponsored death penalty. HRA (The Human Rights Act) also has the Sixth Protocol(article 1)
Some states of the USA are possibly the same as Saddam Hussein.
I don't believe I should give the state the power to kill me or anyone else.
Re: Political Porn Party
Hear Hear. I thoroughly understand what you mean and agree with you.
I can also see where I went wrong in an earlier thread.If this was why you disagreed with me Joe King, then I understand.
I can also see where I went wrong in an earlier thread.If this was why you disagreed with me Joe King, then I understand.
Re: Political Porn Party
I was speaking emotionaly without full thinking as I always do when that subject is raised.
I do think though, that if someone is found unarguably guilty of such an act the punishment should be a lot more harsh than it is now.
I do think though, that if someone is found unarguably guilty of such an act the punishment should be a lot more harsh than it is now.
Re: Political Porn Party
"Why is it that you can buy video's/dvd's from companies such as Excaliber/Jaded based in the U.S for around a tenner yet U.K/Euro based retailers charge on average ?25 per tape."
Volume of sales dear boy. There?s a much lager customer base in the States and consequently when they have an NTSC disc pressed over there they will invariably have many more copies pressed than we would in the UK. This brings the unit cost per recorded program way down. Also, taxes in general are much lower in the States - just take fuel for instance. They're still paying less than a quid a gallon over there! It's cheaper and easier to do business out there. They're are a lot of poncy bullshit taxes in Euroland imposed on us by Brussels and Gordon Brown to subsidies all sorts of undeserving causes.
"you can even buy a Hollywood blockbuster that's cost millions to make for around ?12.50 from most retailers."
It may have cost millions to make but something like 'Spiderman' will sell many more millions of copies and pay per views around the world. Even if the studio only gets a ?1.00 a copy back it will find itself in Eldorado. Unit costs again, the more you sell, the cheaper you can sell it for.
"If retailers started to charge an affordable price?
Affordable price? Are you suggesting that ?25.00 isn't affordable when the average wage/income is around ?500.00 a week? When I bought my first genuine porn video in the early eighties it cost me ?40.00. Yes, about double the price of today?s programs. But the most startling thing is that at that time, as an average workingman, I was only earning ?70-80.00 quid a week! Adult video has come way down in price relative to earnings. If the price of shag movies had been raised to keeop pace with earnings you would today be paying ?250.00 quid a copy for something like 'Ben Dover's Weary Spunk Splattered Arse Reamers - Part Umpteen!' You'd have something to whinge about then.
The unit cost situation is very different in the UK than it is in the States. The adult video market here is quite small - for various cultural, economic and legal reasons. Which means that producers and distributors can only count on shifting a couple of thousand units of any particular title. Thus means they have to charge much more per unit than the Yanks and it's still only just economically viable then. Actors and producers hardly benefit at all. They just make a living. This situation is unlikely to change anytime soon. It's not a question of cutting adult video prices and consequently selling a huge lot more, like knocking 10p off a tin of beans in Sainsbury?s. The British adult movie market does not work like that. The truth is that all those that feel a need to purchase adult video have done so and are doing so. That's it. There are no ranks of porno bargain hunters who are biding their time waiting for the price to drop to ?12.50. Porno/sex is a physical need. If you feel a craving, then like tobacco, dope, booze, you have to have it, now, price is not an issue.
"the majority of people buy pirate copies of the same movies which probably only benefit some gangster somewhere out to make an easy buck."
Most of the gangsters left ages ago - there's no dough in it anymore. All that's left is the good Officer and a few small producers who have no inclination to go and do anything else - Get a job on Civi Street? Make washing powder commercials? Fuck that.
Officer Dibble
Volume of sales dear boy. There?s a much lager customer base in the States and consequently when they have an NTSC disc pressed over there they will invariably have many more copies pressed than we would in the UK. This brings the unit cost per recorded program way down. Also, taxes in general are much lower in the States - just take fuel for instance. They're still paying less than a quid a gallon over there! It's cheaper and easier to do business out there. They're are a lot of poncy bullshit taxes in Euroland imposed on us by Brussels and Gordon Brown to subsidies all sorts of undeserving causes.
"you can even buy a Hollywood blockbuster that's cost millions to make for around ?12.50 from most retailers."
It may have cost millions to make but something like 'Spiderman' will sell many more millions of copies and pay per views around the world. Even if the studio only gets a ?1.00 a copy back it will find itself in Eldorado. Unit costs again, the more you sell, the cheaper you can sell it for.
"If retailers started to charge an affordable price?
Affordable price? Are you suggesting that ?25.00 isn't affordable when the average wage/income is around ?500.00 a week? When I bought my first genuine porn video in the early eighties it cost me ?40.00. Yes, about double the price of today?s programs. But the most startling thing is that at that time, as an average workingman, I was only earning ?70-80.00 quid a week! Adult video has come way down in price relative to earnings. If the price of shag movies had been raised to keeop pace with earnings you would today be paying ?250.00 quid a copy for something like 'Ben Dover's Weary Spunk Splattered Arse Reamers - Part Umpteen!' You'd have something to whinge about then.
The unit cost situation is very different in the UK than it is in the States. The adult video market here is quite small - for various cultural, economic and legal reasons. Which means that producers and distributors can only count on shifting a couple of thousand units of any particular title. Thus means they have to charge much more per unit than the Yanks and it's still only just economically viable then. Actors and producers hardly benefit at all. They just make a living. This situation is unlikely to change anytime soon. It's not a question of cutting adult video prices and consequently selling a huge lot more, like knocking 10p off a tin of beans in Sainsbury?s. The British adult movie market does not work like that. The truth is that all those that feel a need to purchase adult video have done so and are doing so. That's it. There are no ranks of porno bargain hunters who are biding their time waiting for the price to drop to ?12.50. Porno/sex is a physical need. If you feel a craving, then like tobacco, dope, booze, you have to have it, now, price is not an issue.
"the majority of people buy pirate copies of the same movies which probably only benefit some gangster somewhere out to make an easy buck."
Most of the gangsters left ages ago - there's no dough in it anymore. All that's left is the good Officer and a few small producers who have no inclination to go and do anything else - Get a job on Civi Street? Make washing powder commercials? Fuck that.
Officer Dibble
Re: Political Porn Party
Re: your last comment- tosh, balderdash and codswallop.
Never heard of lower prices= more 'units' shifted= more turnover= more wonga?
And you a Thatcherite.....tut, tut.
Bet Jack Cohen's spinning in his grave........"pile 'em high and sell 'em cheap".
Never heard of lower prices= more 'units' shifted= more turnover= more wonga?
And you a Thatcherite.....tut, tut.
Bet Jack Cohen's spinning in his grave........"pile 'em high and sell 'em cheap".
o/t Re: Political Porn Party
Me thinks this comment about affordable prices is more aimed at some sex shops that really are taking the piss with the prices being asked
The day that everybody has internet access
this practice will most likely stop
The day that everybody has internet access
this practice will most likely stop