1/4 pounder with cheese..er O/T
Re: 1/4 pounder with cheese..er O/T
Oh yes, I see it now: it's like that thing where the candlestick turns into two juxtaposed faces kissing: you have to scrunch yer eyes up.....
Very clever.
And there I was thinking that it was Klingon script or something.....what a silly billy I am.
Very clever.
And there I was thinking that it was Klingon script or something.....what a silly billy I am.
Re: 1/4 pounder with cheese..er O/T
Gee Mike! Your right I made a spelling mistake. Now can you kindly go away and learn the following:-
colour NOT color
neighbour NOT Neighbor (might have got my i and e round the wrong way on that but Buttsie will tell me)
Defence NOT Defense
And numerous other ways that you yanks have bastardised our language (or should that be basterdized).
Listen we invented the language matey boy. You lot won the War of Independance and kicked us out (these days that would be called terrorism I expect).
But we still love you even if your President is a chimpanzee!
colour NOT color
neighbour NOT Neighbor (might have got my i and e round the wrong way on that but Buttsie will tell me)
Defence NOT Defense
And numerous other ways that you yanks have bastardised our language (or should that be basterdized).
Listen we invented the language matey boy. You lot won the War of Independance and kicked us out (these days that would be called terrorism I expect).
But we still love you even if your President is a chimpanzee!
Re: 1/4 pounder with cheese..er O/T
ok magoo, (if that is what you are called) you have alerted our intelligence information department about your hatred for all things american and suffice to say your life will be monitored from now on (apart from the periods of high alcholol intake), but just to let you know the next sheep you come across, it will not be worth the cashmire jacket on your back to back the fashist cells of terror in this free American world again.
you dirty rotten aunty american chap.
gwbush (coded message)
you dirty rotten aunty american chap.
gwbush (coded message)
Re: 1/4 pounder with cheese..er O/T
Bilko you have fucked up a bit mate. I am not "aunty american" as you say. However if you wish to call me "anti american" rather than "aunty" then I would still disagree. Some of my best friends are Yanks. And some of my mates are jewish, arab,black,catholic protestants......I think.
Re: 1/4 pounder with cheese..er O/T
.....I rather like the mental image of you that 'aunty American' conjures up: sort of a cross between Grandma Moses and Morgan Fairchild........
Re: 1/4 pounder with cheese..er O/T
Well, magoo, we are benighted linguistically in the colonies (blame Noah Webster for fixing the spelling) but we are still trying in our crass way to improve (or is that "improuve"??)....
Re: 1/4 pounder with cheese..er O/T
Webster was flogging a dead horse: we Brits have in the past often attempted to 'standardise' both spelling and pronunciation with similar lack of success.
'Usage is the only guide' is a good precept, humans being such a mercurial, inventive and bloody-minded lot.
The point is also well-made that many US forms are etymologically and especially, orthographically, closer to their classical roots than British English usages.
I just can't forgive 'St Loois' and 'Noter Daime'.........like fingernails down a blackboard.
'Usage is the only guide' is a good precept, humans being such a mercurial, inventive and bloody-minded lot.
The point is also well-made that many US forms are etymologically and especially, orthographically, closer to their classical roots than British English usages.
I just can't forgive 'St Loois' and 'Noter Daime'.........like fingernails down a blackboard.