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Re: honest opinions please

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:02 pm
by Holly D
I have been given alot of harsh critism for the way I look and been told on many occasions that I am not gonna make it anywhere in this industry, mainly based on my tattoos. Critism is just that persons opinion and that doesnt mean its right and if you dont agree with that critism just ignore it.
The thing is we are in an industry where we are judged quite heavily on looks. I think part of the job is working on looking your best. As much as personality etc are important, if a producer who has never met you personally is going to book you, it is usually based on how you look in the photos he has seen of you and 9 times out of 10 the producer is going to book the girl who he can see has worked hard to look their best.

Re: honest opinions please

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:41 pm
by nasty
I disagree with that advice too. You might not have been right for what this guy shoots, but just by taking a look across the whole spectrum of porn shows that not just one look sells. There's people of every size and shape, fake and natural boobs.

Personally I'm pretty shocked that he told you to lose another stone. You look great to my eyes. I, and many others like a naturalistic body on a porn performer.

But I guess it's really what market you're going after will dictate the look that you have to have. Like Natalie Heck obviously wanted to work in the States, so had to change her body to become Savannah Gold and she got lots of work.

So I'd say listen to yourself, not the original advice giver or any of us, and decide how you want to look.

Re: honest opinions please

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:51 pm
by paul jones
The trick to toning is to make all your food from basic ingredients - that way you automatically cut the crap that goes into stuff and confuses the body and makes you fat.

DO NOT DIET. Eat when you are hungry, but eat fruit, drink tea. Not biccies. Not choclates. Alcohol is a massive source of calories. Opening more than a bottle of wine a week is bad news.

YOU CAN EAT CAKES - just make it a rule that you can only eat the cakes you have made. Combine that with being too busy to make cakes, and soon they become an occaisonal treat, which is fine.

DO take up a combination of weights (you won't bulk up, no testosterone) AND an aerobic like cycling/swimming/running. Swimming is best - so long as you push it. Build up slowly and after 3 months aim to be doing 1/2 a mile most days and 1 mile a couple of times a week. The areobic stuff helps increase the rate at which you burn food, even when doing nothing. It also helps control appetite.

You should be in the gym 3-4 times a week for 60-90 mins.

Think of it as part of your job as a model if you find motivation hard.

After a year - yep, no shortcuts, this is about changing slowly - you will be your natural shape and size. For most women under 40 that is a 10-12, some 14. Once you get there, if you're still not happy, then consider the knife, buit don't try and diet down further, it doesn't work.

DIETS MAKE YOU FAT - when you diet your body thinks "famine", so when it gets foodm it builds fat to get through the next famine.

EXCERSISE MAKES YOU TRIM - because your body think you are chasing your food through the veldt - KM chasing game, now there's a video I'd pay to see :-) so DOESN'T put on the fat that would slow you down.

Re: honest opinions please

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:02 pm
by JohnnyRebel
Sounds like a complete 'tool'! Knows fuck all about the business in general and has less tact than me!
Tell him to go fuck himself and don't take it personally. The whole industry is on it's arse at the moment, so there isn't as much work around as there was this time last year in general.
Just keep plugging away and don't change who you are!

Re: honest opinions please

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:05 pm
by Dani Amour
Paul can i just ask, Kaicee was asking peoples opinion on her body size ect, so from your reply about what not to eat to make you fat ect, what are you saying? you also say that women under 40 are a size 10-12 yes i agree with that but kaicee is now down to a 12 so falls in that that statement, also you made the following statement " You should be in the gym 3-4 times a week for 60-90 mins." can i ask why? as she says she is a mum of 3 very young, and working full time.
Im not sure what your point is?

Re: honest opinions please

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:05 pm
by Mr Mark

Ignore his 'constructive' criticism and just keep on being you.

Give me a woman who looks like a really woman any day, rather than one of these carbon copy, poured from the same mould, Zoo/Nuts/Loaded bleached bimbo, silicone smashed wannabes, that couldn't raise an erection on most sane men if they tried.

You're looking better than you ever have AND most importantly, you have a personality that exudes sex - in my book that's the most important thing.

Give me curves, give me charm, give me personality any and every day.


Re: honest opinions please

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:26 pm
by DJ_Jenns
I think you have to take any advice with a pinch of salt and balance it against your own judgement.

Any advice given is based on personal opinion and is usually a comparision to an individual preference, clearly this persons was based on what they look for in models.

I think you'll happily accept your not the industry standard size 8-10, blonde haired generic model. If this is wait you are aiming for then possibly is time to hang up the gloves so to speak.

If your attempting to be a very attractive young model with individuality and charisma then I think you've nailed it. You have an excellent brand image and at 23, have surely a long way to go in your career.

Re: honest opinions please

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:38 pm
by Mitch69
I cant see a problem with you at all a woman can be sexy if she s size 8 or 18, if everyone liked the same thing would make for a boring world!
You look sexy and there is work out there for you without having to starve yourself to get it.
Dont feel forced into changing your appearence x

Re: honest opinions please

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:43 pm
by paul jones
I wasn't commenting on KC per se, ...

So, for KC - if you are happy with your shape and fitness, that's all that matters. DO NOT LISTEN to other people. If YOU want to change yourself, then work with biology, not against it. Avoid surgeons.

Actually I'm an example of natural shape...

We've met and you know I'm not exactly Adonis, but my weight and waist hasn't changed in 20+ years and I can still swim a mile in 42-43 mins. Even when I was 20 and my idea of a fun afternoon was an 80 mile bike ride or half marathon I had my little paunch. I am my natural shape, and that's fine.

A six pack and well defined musceles would be nice, but it's not me - to get them I'd have to follow a body builders diet and work out for a hideous amount of time, all the time. I'd be fighting my biology, not working with it.