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Re: Purestorm read your e-mails!

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 2:14 pm
by croftycc
Yes? Wouldn't you?

Deliveratly creating a "fake" profile to get around a suspension sounds unethical to me.

Re: Purestorm read your e-mails!

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 2:17 pm
by u_suck19
do you think unethical is unethical? !happy!

Re: Purestorm read your e-mails!

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 2:30 pm
by croftycc
To be fair , "unethical" was Charlie's term-

" So in effect they are forcing people to use their own system and then sitting back and reading the messages - pretty unethical practice if you ask me."

I don't think anyone is "forcing" anyone to use Purestorm. In fact as a photographer there is space on your profile for both a home address and a telephone number!

Re: Purestorm read your e-mails!

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 2:51 pm
by 31charlie
"there is space on your profile for both a home address and a telephone number!"

Lol! That's too funny! Yeah, great idea Claire. What we should all do is put our home addresses on our profiles so people can write to us in the post (I mean it's not like its the 21st century or anything is it?) - or better still any Tom, Dick or Nutcase could turn up on our doorsteps out of the blue. Good thinking! E-mail addresses are removed by the moderators on Purestorm so you have to use their own messaging system if you want to use electronic communication (which is how most people in the 21st century communicate).

Your other comment that I was wrong to start up a second profile in order to "get round" the suspension is also floored. I did state in my message that there were three models who were waiting to hear from me to arrange shoots - without signing up to Purestorm again there was no way of me contacting them. What would you suggest I do? Forget the models and leave them hanging and have them thinking "that Charlie bloke is bloody unreliable"??
The problem here is that when you get suspended by Purestorm they refuse to enter into any discussions with you. For example, if they want to suspend me that's up to them - as you say, they have their rules and its their site. However, they could allow me to send a single message to the three models who are waiting to hear from me - but no, their attitude is silence and brick wall treatment.

Also Claire, can you tell us who you are anyway? I am a professional producer of four years experience and well known by most of the models and producers in the UK. In addition my profile on BGAFD contains full contact information and details of my website. Yours contains nothing that can in any way idenfity you. You may well be a professional person in the industry yourself but it does bug me when people come on here with opinions and won't even identify who they are.

Re: Purestorm read your e-mails!

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 3:25 pm
by croftycc
Firstly, who I am. I'm a former model, at the moment looking to go into photography, not got anything of merit yet though to show from it!

I like Purestorm, but I don't work for them.

"However, they could allow me to send a single message to the three models who are waiting to hear from me - but no, their attitude is silence and brick wall treatment."

I can see your point- suddenly they totally cut off your contact- but to be fair you have to accept that you shouldn't have approached the models offering this work in the first place.

Re: Purestorm read your e-mails!

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 3:51 pm
by 31charlie
Hi Claire, OK thanks for explaining a bit about who you are. It is appreciated !happy!

I also liked Purestorm for the two years that I was a paying member, during which time I must have given work to at least 50 girls from that site! I only started not liking Purestorm when they suspended me and refused to respond to my e-mails.

You say that "You have to accept that you shouldn't have approached the models offering this work in the first place." I don't agree though. My e-mails are targeted at girls who would probably do this sort of work - I don't just blanket e-mail. And my defence is surely the HUGE amount of girls who DO contact me through Purestorm and then go on to work for me.
Purestorm is supposed to be a site where models can showcase themselves to potential photographers and producers. I am a producer who contacts girls who are likely to do my work and regularly DO do my work and for that Purestorm suspends me! I know we can come back to the whole "its in their Terms and Conditions" argument but if a model contacts me saying she wants to work for me and I reply to say "OK, here are the shoot details", why should Purestorm get involved and block our discussions? I don't see the problem myself.

Re: Purestorm read your e-mails!

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 3:58 pm
by croftycc
" And my defence is surely the HUGE amount of girls who DO contact me through Purestorm and then go on to work for me.
Purestorm is supposed to be a site where models can showcase themselves to potential photographers and producers. I am a producer who contacts girls who are likely to do my work and regularly DO do my work "

I guess that with time models who do this sort of work will perhaps join up to sites such as Glamourfinder, AIR, This one, AW, Be Seen Here, or look to join agencies who provide this style of model.

Re: Purestorm read your e-mails!

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 7:00 pm
by videokim
Purestorm do read your mails so should not be trusted to advertise peoples profiles, saying this they are a law to themselves & anyone in the adult industry with a bit of savvy would keep this site at arms length as there are plenty of more genuine ones around.


Re: Purestorm read your e-mails!

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 7:18 pm
by william
Trouble with purestorm is that they have tempting models on the site and you get into a converstion and then get banned. Even opeing up a new profile you soon find out that they find you and ban you again just when you are getting someplace. Have met a few models on this site and the models are just as bad as the togs as quite a few work to stronger levels but dont say on the profile. Ive found the thing is to get their emails as soon as you start to converse so that you have a way to talk to the model other than purestorm. Also do not mention adult work at all and keep your emails limited in content.

Also watch for the snitches the models that talk you up to adult and then forward your emails to the mods. Im pretty sure the peeps that run pureshite come on here and laugh at us, but we will keep getting on and keep meeting models through that site even though they try their hardest.

Maybe we should all generate profiles and then screw them about or find away to hack them off of the face of this earth.

Been barred 9 times now and its not bothering me no more. Met 27 models from that site and did bj hj shoots with em

Re: Purestorm read your e-mails!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 1:11 am
by Cenobitez
What I don't get it once contact is made why do people keep the conversation within the system ?

I talk to people on facefuckbook, myspaz and even adultwork and soon as work possibility is there, I asked for an email and/or phone number and don't continue to use the system incase I get nuked. Which facebook have currently banned about 6 of my sites when you send a message of post my site names on a wall it comes up URL REMOVED, I know its coming, kinda like a slap in the face so I prepare. Everyone should do the same :)

So The snitches as you say wouldnt be an issue for me as working/talking up wouldnt happen on purestorms system.

I don't (think I) have a purestorm account as I expect I'd get banned pretty sharpish coz of my own site interests and a while ago they blocked a few of my website addresses being used in profiles so pretty sure I'm not welcome :P so I just don't go there.