Teresa May finally does h/c video!!!!!!

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Re: Teresa May finally does h/c video!!!!!!

Post by magoo »

An understandable rant Buttsie. This whole story smells of a The Sport and a certain little chap called Dave. If she is going to do it then certain people will wish to build up the hysteria amongst the punters and sell more papers and website subscriptions.

One thing about porn is that its never enough. The punter is easily bored and hankers for the unobtainable whether it be to see a big name softcore/page three girl to do h/c or to see existing h/c girls go one step further. Porn never satisfies thats why it keeps on selling. People want more because porn is always just not quite perfect or satisfying enough. Look at the number of guys who wished and hoped that LDM would do h/c. Then she did and now the same guys are feeling dissatisfied and are starting to jibber about the possibility of a second b/g LDM vid. Even if she did one they would then after a few months start wishing and hoping for a LDM anal or DP or watersports.

As I said porn is never quite good enough and never will be hence the constant search by punters for porn nirvana in the shape of something thats been withheld or anticipated. Cynical twats like Sullivan and Teresa May rely on this side of male sexuality to make a living.

Or perhaps I am talking bollocks?

Re: Teresa May finally does h/c video!!!!!!

Post by buttsie »

Know your argument is sound but I merely point out that there are thousands of good looking babes already doing it...just look at sure they don't enjoy the same public profile but are they any less enjoyable to watch...IMPO don't think so

So are you saying that Sab Jo could never satisfy you or is she the exception to the rule?

Porn isn't alone with not being able to satisfy fully but then it was never intended to be a replacement for being in a real relationship with real sex but an aid to having sex when the lust factor has died....3 months into the relationship for some
so I've been told


Re: Teresa May finally does h/c video!!!!!!

Post by magoo »

No Buttsie. Of course Sab Jo is not an exception. In real life she could satisfy me just by looking at me with those brown eyes. I would like to sit down and have a chat with her and not just sex her up like most of the no-brain fans would. But we are talking porn not real life. But its not enough is it? Just like your pics that you collect. I am mature enough at my young age to realise its all rubbish. The whole porn industry is based on misleading the punter.

In answer to your point the answer is NO. Pics or vids are never a substitute for conversation with a real woman.

o/t Re: Teresa May finally does h/c video!!!!!!

Post by buttsie »

Pistols at the crack of Dawn sir...5 or 10 paces

I wouldn't mind a Crack at Dawn P...sorry couldn't resist...B..OZ...immature for his age

My porn picture collection...rubbish...Never...but it does come in handy occasionally...everything in its proper perspective
I'm not really a collector otherwise my hard drive would contain 40gbs worth of pics as opposed to the 3gbs it currently stands at

The porn industry....misleading...sometimes...but then it is a fantasy industry I guess

Magoo(Wise for his Age)...soon to be holidaying in Belgium...walking the streets looking for you know who...lol

B...OZ Rubbish Collector

Re: Teresa May finally does h/c video!!!!!!

Post by jj »

"Sex her up"?
You'll be smoking ganja next, and worrying about yer mojo.
Raaaassss claaaatttt......

o/t Re: Teresa May finally does h/c video!!!!!!

Post by buttsie »

Word has it a gentlemen just purchased all the baked beans from the local supermarket....The Munchies have struck!!!!!

Was seen leaving with an open tin in one hand and a full trolley
in the other


Re: o/t Re: Teresa May finally does h/c video!!!!!

Post by magoo »

Buttsie I didnt mean to imply your picture collection was rubbish. Its no more rubbish than my video collection. I was just saying that the nature of collecting porn is that it never quite hits the spot so we keep collecting more. Thats how the industry survives. In real terms its a mere distraction from real life. And I am as guilty as anyone of wasting time on porn.

Now if you will excuse me. I have to go now as I am off to a baked bean convention in Antwerp. I am doing a speach about the merits of baked beans and custard in modern pornography and Sab is doing a live demo. Then its off to one of those street cafes for lunch to get "beaned up" (I must stop confusing JJ by using post-war phrases). Beans with mussels .....mmmm nice.

Magoo (all beaned out)
jj the belgophile

Re: o/t Re: Teresa May finally does h/c video!!!!!

Post by jj the belgophile »

...you forgot the mayonnaise.

Re: o/t Re: Teresa May finally does h/c video!!!!!

Post by buttsie »

or theres the opposite argument...It hits the spot so we buy more

Watching Porn to me is no different to listening to a CD
For the moment you get some enjoyment,then you put it away and go buy the next CD/Video

Now you wouldn't argue that you didn't enjoy that CD
You'd say you were just collecting or looking for something different

To say that porn doesn't quite hit the spot is unfairly singling this industries product out IMPO

All I know is that if I watch to much porn or watch it when I'm in the wrong frame of mind it becomes a less than gratifying experience...only watch it when you feel the need to splurge

For mine the roots of this "Unsatisfaction" can be laid squarely at our Western Culture....the message is clear...consume,consume,consume...materialism rarely brings lasting contentment.Those that think it does are deluding themselves

Over the 20 years I've been buying porn I've bought a little over 100 porn vids

Off these I'd say 20 have "Hit the Spot" and these have been bought recently after much research and reviewing.
Buying a vid because the cover looks great is just stupid IMPO
but thats what I used to do.Guaranteed way to not hit the spot


PS For the record even I think my picture/wallpaper "collection" is rubbish so no hard feelings...I must be heterosexual...immature as always and loving it

Re: o/t Re: Teresa May finally does h/c video!!!!!

Post by WinkWink »

In Europe if you go into a sex shop you can often view a vid or DVD before you buy. The few times I've been able to do that here in the UK it's only been a "snippet" & you still get the feeling that something ain't quite right. Of course you can not view before you buy over the web unless it's a film that you can see via the net, then you have to "judge a book by it's cover". Make your own jugdement when you view the cover.