O/T ripped by tamara promotions ?

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Re: O/T ripped by tamara promotions ?

Post by jj »

.....but doesn't read the question, which was about the WEBSITE, not the vids.
Probably too wrapped-up desatching my orders, eh?

Re: O/T ripped by tamara promotions ?

Post by jj »

His 2nd post seemed a little intemperate, but the first was directed against a website....
P R Mann

Re: O/T ripped by tamara promotions ?

Post by P R Mann »

You know the old P R Mann....

P R Mann

Re: O/T ripped by tamara promotions ?

Post by buttsie »

To be fair to the producers he did make a sweeping generalisation
that took a quantum leap from the website to videos without explaining the specifics of the argument

You're right about P R MANN....he is forever battling the tide of
righteousness and morality that is sweeping the British Isles
Fight the good fight


Re: O/T ripped by tamara promotions ?

Post by conker »

oh man what have i done !!!!!!! let me explain. i ordered a pass to the tamara website, not an order for videos . im angry that they have a so called cancel by email service, it dont work...... ok , they keep taking money . they havent sent me a pass , and they dont relpy to my emails.....that sounds like a honest company, i think not.in my line of work if i dont do the job im paid for , i get taken to task. yes i did make a huge general statement regarding the uk porn industry, mr mcCavity im sorry if i offended you and others, i know your not all bad , marino included , but the simple facts are , i been taken for alot of money by alot of people over alot of years while i been banging my bishop and im sick off it, i take it most of the models / producers who post here know the man running this operation , i e tamara promotions , can you tell me how to get in touch with him by email in confidence,please. seems a shame that this industry in the uk is blighted by liars and cheat, which sadly reflects on good honest people ,and to those i again say sorry for tarring you with the same brush.mr mcCavity i would love a goodie bag lol but now im on " my moral highground " im to humble to beg lol . conker.

Re: O/T ripped by tamara promotions ?

Post by conker »

mr p r firstly im chilled , you want a reefer ?? ,but its not just my ?10.00 they stole, look at the previous posts , and im finding it impossible to cancel the debit, you get the point now ??im not good at making my point clear, im not as high and mighty as you think , all mighty conker, im just a bloke who expects to get a product he pays for, ?10 or ? 10,000 its a principal , but then again we are talking porn people here.........................

Re: O/T ripped by tamara promotions ?

Post by conker »

mr mcCavity , im sorry if i offended you and grouped you in with the less honest of the porn trade, i've bought from you and know your a good geezer , please forgive my rather generalised and angry outburst !!!!!! conker

Re: O/T ripped by tamara promotions ?

Post by WinkWink »

conker - if you don't get any further with getting your money back & you want to stop them taking any more money I think your last resort maybe to cancel the card if coming out of - a bit of a pain I know!(kinda last chance saloon I think!)
P R Mann

Re: O/T ripped by tamara promotions ?

Post by P R Mann »

Yes, but you don't seem to have wholly taken on broad what has been said. You are still accusing Tamara of some kind of impropriety and you seem to have declared them guilty without knowing any of the facts!

You say "they" keep taking your money, as though 'Mr Tamara' personally dips into your credit card account every month - but he doesn?t - it's just a regular payment you agreed to set up and that charge is now being automatically levied every month by some huge IBM computer in some huge financial corporation building somewhere in the world.

You say "they" don't reply to your e-mails and go on to suggest that this is conclusive proof of their financial impropriety and fraudulent trading - but hold on, haven't you considered the possibility that the person responsible for the e-commerce aspect of that site maybe ill? Or, that they are having serious technical problems? Or, a company other than Tamara owns the site and that they simply have an agreement/arrangement with Tamara to use the trade name and operate the site?

I don't know and you don't know, so before making irrational statements don't you think it would be a wiser course to get some hard facts and examine them objectively before reaching a conclusion?

P R Mann
P R Mann

Re: O/T ripped by tamara promotions ?

Post by P R Mann »

OK, I can dig that. It was just that you jumped to the conclusion that Tamara were simply ripping you off when there could be all manner of other explanations.

P R Mann