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Re: New Adult Performer Recruitment Site?

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 3:25 pm
by RougeBlush
"but as a decent coder you would just write your own rather than hack the shit out a CMS."

Pretty much exactly what I'm planning to do ;-)

Thanks for all the feedback from people. It's very helpful.


Re: New Adult Performer Recruitment Site?

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 3:34 pm
by Peter
You'd need to keep out all the TFP jokers as well, once they infest a site, the girls dissapear fast, as they get fed up with being pestered for freebies and just stop looking at their mail.

Re: New Adult Performer Recruitment Site?

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 5:37 pm
by Cenobitez
I'd say good luck, if you don't mind making your money from ads and affilates, rather than membership, I'd say go for it.

Your also going to need serious luck getting credit card approval.

Re: New Adult Performer Recruitment Site?

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 5:47 pm
by Cenobitez
Peter supposing said site existed, what would you pay to be a member ?

Only Paid/Part Paid Work/Content Share, unless the girl invites others.

Lets Use the UKAP payment guide, and a standard payment matrix to set average prices.

Lets also say 3 tier response indicator that indicates the average time a message is:

Sent to Read (this would indicate how often they login)
Read to Replied (this would indicate how quickly they replied)
Replied to Unreplied. (this would indicate how many they ignored and encourage them to say no thanks).

This message system would backup the removal of wasters.

Also a work offered to work confirmed to work completed indicated so a percentage of accepted work to complete work would be displayed as well. This way if Peter and Michelle agreed to work today, and the work is carried out its a + she no shows its -, and the same works both ways kinda like ebays feedback.

No test shoot bollocks, just cold hard cash work or website contenrt share.

I already have half this software built but realise the girls would simply come directly here or to other free forums negating the need for the site hense why it was never finished.

I wasnt planning on blocking the girls posting TFP but I was planning on putting clear markers on the messaging system that said TFP offers or not and if togs are reported multiple times for offering girls who said NO TFP then they would be penalised.

If your account hits X% then your suspended.

Maybe RB will integrate some of the ideas I had, as I had half dozen methods like the above to weed out the wasterss, wannabe's and never going to bes.#

The only question is how much would this be worth ?

Re: New Adult Performer Recruitment Site?

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 6:06 pm
by Peter
Cenobitez wrote:

> Peter supposing said site existed, what would you pay to be a
> member ?


A tentative yes, but such a site would be no good if all it featured was the usual suspects that are on every other site.

Re: New Adult Performer Recruitment Site?

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 7:57 pm
by paul jones
I'm with Cenobitz on this - it's very doable, but it's hard to see that it's commercially sensible.