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Re: How Was Erotica - Thinking of Going Tomorrow

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 8:39 pm
by mark28
I was thinking of going tomorrow, how busy is it usually on a Sunday?

Re: How Was Erotica - Thinking of Going Tomorrow

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 8:17 am
by Coolcat
Puretotty, I'm confused. You're saying Erotica shouldn't be about "mainstream" stands like Strictly Broadband? Yet the Cate Harrington/Katie K twister moment 'worth the admission price alone' actually happened on Strictly Broadband's stand!

I think Erotica should be about ALL of this - yes, people's sexual preferences, lesbians, exotic outfits and the rest... yes, SB and Sport newspapers... yes, girls leaping into hottubs, swingers, R18 DVDs, toys, clothing and plenty more besides. It seems the diversity has reduced - not so many stands, not so big a range of subjects. Maybe organisers are charging more for stands, pricing the smaller businesses out of the market, I don't know, I don't work for them. I've asked this before on a different thread just because I'm interested in the replies - what else WOULD you like to see at Erotica?

Re: How Was Erotica - Thinking of Going Tomorrow

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 8:51 am
by LuxuryYacht
Is it possible that Erotica is feeling the pinch of the global economic crisis?

Re: How Was Erotica - Thinking of Going Tomorrow

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 10:23 am
by puretotty
Hey Coolcat... sorry as always to try and relay something on a forum isnt the best... especially when your busy and doing it quickly... let me try again...

I believe years ago "Erotica" was more about the couple who when they pulled the curtains to at night, put on some rubber, leather, chains what ever... the show was where they got to do it without pulling the curtains too...

I was amazed at my first Erotica, I saw a guy who must have been in his 80's walkign aroudn in a see through silk nighty, I saw a guy in his 40's dressed in a second world war RAF uniform, and then have a mini skirt on his bottom half... I saw a gimp beign dragged around, and another in a gas mask !

Over the years I have seen the more commercial side creep in... and I honestly believe the old schoolers dont like it, they feel it as invaded their scene... I can give you examples... Cate was snubbed by no end of people she tried to give a Strictly Broadband card to, thats cause these people dont want "FREE PORN" they want a whip, leather boots and ball gags !

Also as always happens the likes of the sport being there attracted a certain elemt of young lads with their mobile phone cams... the stands at both SB and Sport were surrounded by these guys clicking away... but they were also clicking away at the other oldschool eroticors... something else you could see wasnt appreciated, especially as there is a camera ban for this exact reason.

All I am saying is Erotica this year was not as good, would I go again NO, will Erotica not be here next year, no it will indeed go on... But there is definetly room for a good adult show... which would better suit the people on here... weather models, producers, webmasters or the joe public fan !

Re: How Was Erotica - Thinking of Going Tomorrow

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 4:27 pm
by Coolcat
Hi puretotty, thanks for a considered and interesting reply, which certainly puts a new slant on the debate. It seems Erotica suffers from trying to be all things to all people, and ends up not really satisfying anyone.

Of course it wants to attract the young male consumer with plenty of cash to spend, but it fails to advertise in any of the places which might make the event visible to him, and then if he does happen through the door, it tucks those stands which could be of interest away and tells him he can't use his camera/phone as if this was the 1970s.

Naturally it wants to retain the custom of its "old-schoolers", but as you indicate it conjures up several new ways of irritating them as the years go by, and a weekend which was once a haven of non-judgmental acceptance of an alternative lifestyle becomes something far less pleasant.

Most curious of all, despite all the incremental changes year-on-year, it seems to accept shrinking numbers of stands and if not shrinking attendance figures, certainly stagnant ones.

Like I suggested earlier, I'd be cutting the cost of stands and packing the place to capacity with the sort of diversity of exhibitors we used to see. Come one, come all. If you're going to try to be all things to all people, give them a massive range of experiences during their visit.

Failing that, there's definitely room for a good adult show - and the Adults Only show last year gives a hint (well it did for me, anyway) as to how it might look. But personally, I'll go back to Olympia next year, because even a lukewarm Erotica show is better than nothing.

Re: Erotica - Sunday

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 5:15 pm
by The Toybox
Well we had a rather super day out thank you very much indeed :-)

Took Lily Ivanova and Monica Haze from the studio, Lily looking rather cuddly and busty, and Monica looking statuesque and as usual getting a lot of interest from companies looking for erotic girl/girl and fetish shoots.

Lily was immediately jumped on by a Japanese film company who thought she looked particularly sexy (perhaps because she's their height), then on the subject of lovely small people, met up with the gorgeous Kaz B. for the first time to discuss some possible work in the future at the studio, and of course said hi to Harmony Hex who's shot here three times including very recently a great bgg with Lily.

[IMG] ... icadx8.jpg[/IMG]

Lily Ivanova - Kaz B. - Monica Haze

Then on to watch Georgina Baillie shake her curvaceous ass with the Satanic Sluts - very pleased to see my pic from our recent shoot at the studio still chosen to front her MySpace page - and to meet the lovely Yazmin who I hadn't bumped into before but whose incredible nipples are now indelibly stamped on my mind (and shortlisted for a shoot very soon).

Politely turned down an offered a demo of the new anal stimulator, ignored some Page 3 girls whose names weren't familiar, met up with some six-foot model types who might just possibly have been men in an earlier life (hope not though), girls got some new toys and clothes, watched the Torture Garden stage show. Value for money for ?25 a head? Maybe, maybe not. Quite busy today though, and more than enough to see for two or three hours.

Re: Erotica - Sunday

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 5:35 pm
by rhino
Good for you. The Page 3 girls at the Daily Sport stand were bad.
There was this guy who wanted to shake hands and kiss Dani Thompson.
Dani told the guy to get lost. She wasn't really in a talkative mood!

Re: Erotica - Sunday

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 7:17 pm
by zippo
Something closer to the shows in Barcelona, Budapest, Prague and Berlin would undoubtedly be more popular. Oh and i do believe you can take photos of the stage shows at these events too.

Maybe Erotica is a little dated now?

Maybe it has more to do with....

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 8:56 pm
by TheDonkeyWork
... the lack of disposable income out there...?

Re: Erotica - Sunday

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 2:58 pm
by ChampagneTease
Good to meet you at long last Bill, and Monica and Lily - be your were envy of the show having 2 hunnies on your arm!

I enjoyed the show personally from a promoter/exhibitor point of view bit as a punter I would have been pissed off.

I was working on the Juicy TV stand which I was very impressed with too be honest - 'Providing hardcore content in the UK finally!' a platform which allows you to stream hardcore cia a broadband connection to your tv. Great to see something so innovative at long last.

Also I was pleased to meet Beatrix Bliss who I've wanted to meet for a while, see Yaz, Ivon, All at Stricly Broadband, Maverick, Neville, Paul from ETO Zena & Leigh from Mighty Aphrodite (awesome stand by the way loved the sexy fien art prints) Sammie B, Paul and Peter the two guys who go every year to get their prints signed and a load of others who I haven't seen for ages!

As an interested consuming wanting to stock up on lingerie, boots, shoes and toys I was very disappointed! Everything was over priced, the selection very limited, and there seemed to be no discounts available.

I can understand why of course during this time of financial difficulties, plus I expect Erotica charged exhibitors more this year as well as consumers.

I decided to stick with my usual ebay/online sex store combo and spend my money online instead.

As a consumer I'll visit one of the European shows next time until things start improving in this uninspired, over the top pc country.

Kaz B!