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Re: Attn. GEORGE
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 8:40 pm
by George
Spamming, no. As for promoting, it's a fair cop, guv. Learned it from you I think!
Incidentally, if you see Jennifer anytime soon, I am still waiting for her to come back to me re a shoot, but perhaps she's having second thoughts about the promised kiss.
Re: Attn. GEORGE
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 8:42 pm
by George
Hardly spam. I'm responding to a post headed "Attn: George". Well, I'm George.
Re: Attn. GEORGE
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 8:48 pm
by Lizard
Now dont be pedantic, that was blatant spamming to a question I posed, take a 2 week force sabatical and read the FAQ.
And may I suggest some Earl Gray to calm you down a bit, at least CC doesn,t blatently ask you to buy stuff!there more subtle than that in Cornwall.
Re: Attn. GEORGE
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 9:41 pm
by George
Spam is unsolicited commercial email sent to lots of people. I was merely taking to a commercial level a discussion which you yourself had initiated with me. That's why the thread is headed "Attn: George", and not "Attn: Lizard".
I suggested you buy the CD because it was clearly just what you needed to assuage your lust for the lovely Jo. It was in the category of "Have an Aspirin, Lizard, you look a little scaly tonight".
However, I do concede that in rushing to your aid I might have slightly overstepped the mark which I had myself had sought to draw, and I therefore hang my head in shame.
Yours sincerely
A mortified George
PS: The other CD is good too!
Re: Attn. GEORGE
Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 7:45 am
by Jennifer Martin
Well well George did i read that you was trying to send Lizard an email by using his email address off the forum tut
Regarding the email you sent me i am still working on a trip to London but will reply sorry i have been very busy shooting for my revamped web site which has over 1000 pictures and 15 videos in the members area George said advertising is okay oh and one last thing you can also buy my DVD which contains footage of me playing with Layla~Jad and Teresa Scott..
Okay enough sorry guys looks like i might have to post some more pics for you now as a appologe any requests
Re: Attn. GEORGE
Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 7:50 am
by George
It's OK Jennifer, I know you're a busy girl.
Re: Attn. GEORGE
Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 9:23 am
by Cornish Chris
OMG I love this.....funny how thing that come around turn around.
Sorry George but after the stick you gave both Jennifer and (unjustifiably) myself not so recently, the oppertunity to highlight your faux-pas was far to good to miss matey.
So if you think about it rationally for a moment everybody has their own favourites and the chance to furthur or promote them is a chance to be snapped up if your worth your salt.
I hope my little dig has not left you with too much egg on your face or infact a bruised ego or bruised anything else for that matter.
LMFAO right lets get down to the matters in hand and keep up the good work of promoting and enlightning the world of the delights of Brit Girls.
Nuff Said.
Cheers Cornish Chris. xx (Theres My Kiss GEORGE)
Re: Attn. GEORGE
Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 12:45 pm
by Lizard
Dont be absurd Jennifer, of course it,s allright for you to shamelessly promote yourself, 24hrs a day 7days a week, you must post as often as you can! and of course if you happen to send one or two piccy,s to my e.mail, well! thats just an accident, these things happen.
But regarding Georges blatent spamming and outrageous use of forum space, he,s a bad boy! and he knows it,why I suspect right now he,s beating himself with a mallet to rid himself of the guilt feelings.
er...15 videos in the members section eh! lovely, re-vamped web site, g/g action with layla and Theresa, sound fantastic,
whats the name of your site again.....
I,m just brewing up, fancy one?
Lizard(shameless oportunist)
Re: Attn. GEORGE
Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 1:45 pm
by Cornish Chris
Just in case Jen missed This Liz old chap
You will not be dissappointed at what you find inside i can tell you matey.
Dont forget my Jennifer Martin & Teresa Scott set will be in
Two Blue Hardcore Vol3 Issue3 due out end of Feb place your orders now.
The DVD for sale at Jens site
is new and improved with a extra XXX bonus scene just finished editing the fucker last night.
Cheers Cornish Chris.
Re: Attn. GEORGE
Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 6:28 pm
by George
Cornish Chris wrote:
> OMG I love this.....funny how thing that come around turn
> around.
> Sorry George but after the stick you gave both Jennifer and
> (unjustifiably) myself not so recently, the oppertunity to
> highlight your faux-pas was far to good to miss matey.
> So if you think about it rationally for a moment everybody
> has their own favourites and the chance to furthur or promote
> them is a chance to be snapped up if your worth your salt.
> I hope my little dig has not left you with too much egg on
> your face or infact a bruised ego or bruised anything else
> for that matter.
> LMFAO right lets get down to the matters in hand and keep up
> the good work of promoting and enlightning the world of the
> delights of Brit Girls.
> Nuff Said.
> Cheers Cornish Chris. xx (Theres My Kiss GEORGE)
Don't worry, I've had a damn good laugh about this myself, and an element of schadenfreude (Spelling check, please, Ace) on your part is understandable. Thanks, too, for the virtual kiss. Most appreciated.