Adult industry Xmas party

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Re: Adult industry Xmas party

Post by Gaslight »

Looks like Pho3nix and Tracey are going to be busy then....2 girls and 50 testosterone fuelled males.......!whistle! !grin!

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Re: Adult industry Xmas party

Post by traceylain »

There are already a few more of us than just two!We will put a list up of girls attending later,but we have only been selling tickets this week.We would love to have lots more girls at the event just so we can have some even naughtier pictures of the event than the last one!
Tracey's Blog
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Re: Adult industry Xmas party

Post by Pho3nix »

arrgghh i am scared now! Please girls, come and help us!!




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Re: Adult industry Xmas party

Post by Gaslight »

Yazmin is coming, so that's four....which means we only need one more and I'M sorted out for the night...not sure what the other 49 guys will be doing..... !drink!

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Re: Adult industry Xmas party

Post by rgb »

Babysitters etc. permitting, I'm supposed to be bringing Victoria Brown - at two abreast, that would leave only 45 spare guys !grin!


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Re: Adult industry Xmas party

Post by traceylain »

We have only been selling tickets since last Monday,and a third of them have now been ordered,so we expect it to sell out pretty quickly,as we have slightly reduced numbers.
There are a few girls already booked to come,but as some payments are by cheque we will have to wait a few days to confirm any names on the UKAP site.
Tracey's Blog
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Re: Adult industry Xmas party

Post by Cenobitez »

Where is it, as I don't think we made the last one because the girls was messing about :(

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Re: Adult industry Xmas party

Post by harmonyhex »

I'll be there ^_^

Roll on the fun times x

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Re: Adult industry Xmas party

Post by traceylain »

Look forward to seeing you and working with you soon too,Harmony.
I think the party should be great fun with everyone in their naughty christmas outfits!
Tickets are going well,and it will be a good night again
Tracey's Blog
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Re: Adult industry Xmas party

Post by Gaslight »

I know this may sound greedy rgb, given that i've already got 5 girls to myself, but do you think you could introduce me to your guest at some point in the evening....!wink!

Career Advice: Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it.

Twitter: @stockingsluts