O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Re: O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws

Post by woodgnome »

"No-one wants to be an unwitting spectator to other people having sex in a public place," said Home Office Minister Hilary Benn.

???? er, right...


Re: O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws

Post by steve56 »

so how will homeless couples have sex then?[ha,ha,ha]
mike johnson

O/T Re: O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws

Post by mike johnson »

There is a bit in the news today about a pair of young women doing unstated sex acts in a store window in Madison, Wisconsin.One had her pants down around her ankles reportedly. Police noticed the crowd that they had attracted, & investigated. As they made the bust, the crowd booed.

Re: O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws

Post by Lizard »

Thats right, apart from 70% of the population.

Re: O/T Re: O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws

Post by WinkWink »

I'm just worried where they are going to stick the ticket if they catch you!! Or will they be carrying buckets of cold water to chuck over over zealous couples!!
Officer Dibble

Re: O/T Re: O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws

Post by Officer Dibble »

WinkWink doesn't seem to be taking this issue seriously. Maybe he's never shagged a girl in the woods or in a car down 'Lover's Lane' or even contemplated doing so? Well, it looks like those who are partial to a little al fresco shagging could find themselves making the prison-overcrowding problem somewhat worse. But not to worry, I'm sure the government will let out some burglars, car thieves and general brainless scumbags to make room.

Call me a miserable bastard if you will, but I don't think unnecessary and repressive new laws are in the slightest bit amusing. Quite the contrary.

Anyway, don't blame me, I didn't vote for any of the cunts.

Officer Dibble.

Re: O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws

Post by Prowler »

Before the bastards lock you all up you better get in touch and tell me where you are doing your out-door shagging. I don't think they can lock me up for filming it....Can they?

The Pussy Prowler

Re: O/T Re: O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws

Post by WinkWink »

My question is: Why can't they concentrate on catching real crim's, people who mug old ladies,rob shops & stores at gun point, people who are a real threat to us all. I agree with new sex laws to prevent "grooming" of children by adults on internert site's etc, but as one other poster said they would only arrest you if you are causing an offence to somebody else, so who is going to be offended by couples engaging in sex in a public place if it's somewhere off a beaten track.

We hear about not enough police been available to catch crim's. So how are they going to police such a new law?

Officer Dibble I was only trying to make light of something when most of the news we get today is so depressing!
london male

Re: O/T Re: O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws

Post by london male »

however i believe queers can do it outside.
special laws for them but not us.tells us something about the sexuality of MPs then(allegedly!!!!)
i spent rather a pleasant time one night on cannock chase many years ago when i was 28 and she was 42 and married.double thrill of shagging a married woman and doing it somewhere we might get caught.
anyway i digress, out of order these new laws.
John Mason

Re: O/T Re: O/T (a bit) - New U.K. Sex Laws

Post by John Mason »

SHIT! that's two night's in a row that I agree with Dibble!
By the way is anyone going to tell Terry Stephens (One Eyed Jack) about this! He'll have nowhere to shoot in the summer!