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Re: O/T Irritating Rich Cunts
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 7:36 pm
by magoo
Agree with you on that Hornet. Both Bono and McCartney are pious, pompous, preaching twats. McCartney thinks hes still cool which is embarrassing. The dick still talks about things being "fab". Knob. And I still find it irksome that Lennon sang "imagine no possessions" while he lived in a mansion overseas to avoid paying tax to the UK. And dont get me started on Yoko Ono.
Re: O/T Netpass thingy
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 7:39 pm
by magoo
Thanks for that info Mr Pleasure. And thanks to the others who also replied.
Re: O/T Irritating Rich Cunts
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 8:14 pm
by buttsie
Not into bottom films Magoo?
Re: O/T Irritating Rich Cunts
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 10:21 pm
by Officer Dibble
Agree about Bono. What a monumentally pretentious tosser! Getting kitted out in native gear to go on African fact-finding missions and highlight the problems of third world debt. Fuck that! Why doesn?t the lairy fucker come round my gaff and highlight the problems of Officer Dibble's debt?s - I probably owe more than all those third world fuckers put together! And why doesn?t he start acting like a proper rock star shagging birds, acting lairy, doing Charlie and smoking spliffs on 'Parkinson.' Thank god we've still got some decent rock stars left in the form of Mick 'n' Keef.
Re: O/T Irritating Rich Cunts
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 11:39 pm
by mike johnson
Can anyone translate this into American English??
Re: O/T Irritating Rich Cunts
Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 12:15 am
by buttsie
Mick n keef...rockin grandfathers...I dare to wonder how many potential paternity suits there are out there
Axel & Slash aren't doin to bad....The song Rocket Queen was certainly a memorable "Live Album song" in the studio caught on CD...excellent stuff
A little bit unproffesional to forgo that recent sold out Canadian booked out concert cos they either got lucky or bommbed out of their brains before kick off
Who would ever class U2 as a rock band...more like folk music to me with a few exceptions
Re: O/T Irritating Rich Cunts
Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 1:39 am
by magoo
Hi Mike. Do you mean the heading?
"cunt" dictionary says a womans genitals. In the USA I belive the word is used also as a derogatory term for a woman similar to slut. However in Britain the word "cunt" takes on more colourfull and entertaining meanings and is used to describe inter alia:-
(a) an aggressive or nasty man eg "that policeman behaves like a proper cunt" for example stealing charity money would be described as "a cunts trick"
(b) a foolish or gullible person eg "No I wont loan you my car! Do you take me for some kind of cunt?" or "George Dubya Bush is a right daft cunt" (meaning he is stupid)
(c) any person who behaves in an irritating or twatish fashion or whom one doesnt like eg Bill Gates, Tony Blair, David Sullivan or Bono from U2. This is the context in which "cunt" is being used here.
Oh I almost forgot, it also is used to describe a vagina aswell but this is less amusing.
And while on the subject "fanny" means vagina in the UK where as in the USA "fanny" means arse.
English is a truly amazing and diverse language. Every day I thank the Lord I was not born Spanish.