
A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Re: crossover

Post by steve56 »

that was a good series and soundtrack!

Re: crossover

Post by steve56 »

jj wrote:
> ...and while we're there, Louise Germaine at least did those
> nude shots before LOYC.
> Doesn't really cut it, though.....

louise germain always reminded me of annalise from neighbours.

Re: crossover

Post by George »

I disagree JJ. She was a liitle shy, to be sure, but she had a certain je ne sais pas which always rang my bell. Gorgeous in all respects.

Re: crossover

Post by jj »

Sorry, I expressed myself rather poorly above: what I meant was that it didn't satisfactorily address the original question.

Re: crossover

Post by Crimpo »

I fear our nearest to a cross-over is Sir Ben - and last time I checked he didn't count as a girl

Re: crossover

Post by jj »

......not since the haircut, anyway.

Re: crossover

Post by lattara »

I recall seeing Amanda Dawkins, another performer whose name escapes me at the moment, and a girl whose name is IIRC forbidden in this forum in the Armstrong & Miller episode with the porn spoof. They were playing porn actresses, so I'm not sure if this counts.

Amanda also appeared in a TV Trailer for Sky Sports about a year ago - she was just cast as a pretty girl - no porn connection.

I also recall seeing Alison Amberley in another sketch show - but that was in some sort of sexual role.

There have been others in similar walk-on type parts where they are playing 'pornish' roles - can't remember specifics off the top of my head.

Re: crossover

Post by jj »

Tamsin le Vann's another one who's been hired-in as 'audience' eye-candy.
I don't think any such really count, as the requisite histrionic talent is small to the point of nullity.

o/t Re: crossover

Post by buttsie »

Theres really only been one successful cross over and she was a Yank...paved the way for everybodyelse but nobody followed

Given that she got out of the indutry at an early age probably would be the reason for her success IMPO


Bob Singleton

Re: o/t Re: crossover

Post by Bob Singleton »

buttsie wrote:

"Theres really only been one successful cross over and she was a Yank...paved the way for everybodyelse but nobody followed"

I don't recall Brigitte Lahaie being American!!! She made 17 porn films and about 20 thriller/exploitation films as well as hosting her own mainstream TV show on the arts and a radio phone in programme (not just about sexual problems, like Tabitha Cash did). She also played many minor roles in made-for-TV films.

Like her namesake, BB, she has now sadly become a recluse running an animal sanctuary.

Bob S