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Re: Gregor's reply
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 10:11 am
by Shaun?
Given the circumsatnces: Humble pie, anyone?
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 10:48 am
by Rabc
I accept that I have delayed sending these tapes to Sandie however let me put in chronological order the events of the past month
shoot took place in London 21st December
my parents arrived 23rd decemeber and stayed till 8th Jan, I am sure many of you will agree that its probably not the done thing to edit a porn vid in front of your 68 y/o mother.
Sandie went on a trip to Vegas, where she had a great time by the looks of thinfgs, during this time I had a little time to edit some of the footage together, am still working on this, not easy with working 2 part time jobs.
Sandie then was in the process of moving house.
I decided that it was safer to wait till she was settled into new gaff.
Tapes on their way today
Re: chronology
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 11:44 am
by fevrd
From Sandie's original post what was most worrying was the lack of communication. You can't just disappear for weeks on end and then say "Oh I was working on it all the time." If you don't communicate then what is anyone to think?
Also she has moved only very recently. She has certainly not been unreachable. In any case, if you had really wanted to get hold of her and were having difficulty you could have posted to the group for her attention. As you know, that works very well

Re: chronology
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 11:47 am
by George
There are always two sides to every story, though I suspect Gregor is not as good a communicator as he might be. He might even be a liitle dilatory (Ace, please check spelling). I personally am not a lot of things I might be, sadly, and am several things I wish I were not. Few of us are perfect.
I recall John Mason leaping into print concerning Karina Clarke. His frustration was understandable, having been left high and dry at the last moment (with a lot of money outlaid on a ticket) but Karina's story that she was suddenly called to a rape trial can I am sure be verified if anybody wishes to do so.
Of course I am biased because Karina is one of the loveliest girls on the circuit, and I must confess that I fancy her more than I do John M. No offence to John, but I am probably not alone there! Of course, if I were female, things might be different.
So the upshot is that naming and shaming should be very much a last resort, and I would personally prefer it if in the first instance the complainant would quietly report the matter to the three Solomons who run this site, and see if the thing could be resolved to everybody's satisfaction without the risk of blackening someone's name undeservedly. (Note to Ace. Long sentence, poor grammar. Sorry.)
Re: chronology
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 2:45 pm
by John Mason
First off, I don't remember 'leaping into print'. I don't remember slagging Karina off, in fact all I did was offer a ticket that cost me ?2500 to anyone with the same name free of charge!
I know you may fancy her, but I'm in this business as a business, and therefore expect models who want professional treatment to act professionally. Being texted two days before a trip, after failing to return any of my calls for the previous week, is not what I call professional! What do you call it?
Re: chronology
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 4:36 pm
by George
I didn't say you slagged her off, and I did say your frustration was understandable.
Based on the information you had, it would have been understandable if you HAD slagged her off. However, as it transpired, she does appear to have had a valid reason for ducking out, and had you slagged her off it would have been unfair. A less fair man than you might have succumbed to the temtation, then lived to regret it.
That's me point, m'Lud.
Re: chronology
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 4:55 pm
by Crimpo
The important thing is that the whole issue gets settled - and as is hinted above (by fevrd I think) the Board can be used to move things up people's lists of priorities!
And yes Shaun I'll have a massive slice of humble pie as soon as Sandie regains her property - and I'll be delighted to munch on it too!!