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Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 7:15 pm
by TheDonkeyWork
And was there anything essentially wrong with the Hiwatt thread? Many of us contest the validity and the sentiment behind what he had to say - but it was debate; vociferous debate!

The way to change attitudes is through debate - and attitudes to porn need to change on a wider level, therefore public debate sould be encouraged. Debating it behind closed doors amongst the enlightened is going to achieve what? More pwer to the "UKAP Cartel" (not that I beleive one exists) but it aint going to do anything for porn on a wider scale.


Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 9:15 pm
by one eyed jack
We can never do anything for porn on a wider scale.

That is a different battle entirely and one that needs everyone on board to work.

Hell we cant even manage to control certain things outside of our control as it is.

Just even having the association is a feat in itself.

A lo tof the isues that are discussed on these forums are not for UKAP to deal with as those are certainly outside of our control and if it was, UK Porn would be a lot better for it on a whole.

One of the problems with UK porn perhaps is not enough people care about it to make it work. If they did, things certainly wouldnt be the way they are at the moment ie no shows (not just performers but producers too), stds, faking tests, apathetic attitudes to work and so on and so forth.

Kick UKAP in the nuts by all means but at least there are those who are in it trying to make a difference at least.

Critics should think of that before pointing fingers.

Quit being part of the problem and start being part of the solution because the truth is , as individuals we aint gonna make that difference ourselves.

If we did we wouldnt be where we are now.


Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 11:50 pm
by Keiranlee

How come performers aren't allowed in either?


Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 2:08 am
by Spanner
I totally agree with Darren, I think you are all forgetting one inportant thing. The consumer!!!! Has anyone asked the UK consumer what they want??? I posted a comment on O/T forum about 'decline of porn' have a look what some consumers said.

The fact is the US and to a certain extent the central European industry works, whay is this? Do you think they have not had legislation to stop them producing or selling porn in the past? It is our job to push these barriers every time.

Open up the industry make it more public rather than underground and dirty. What do you think Playboy and Hustler did in the 70's. Make stars rather than private meetings that go nowhere and awards that have no reflection on sales or popularity.

The US understand how to promote a porn industry to make money. We should be exporting our product to the US and the rest of Europe rather than buying their stuff. Why just look at the UK market and government, this worldwide??



Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 4:40 am
by TheDonkeyWork
Terry says folk should stop kicking UKAP in the nuts - "stop being part of the problem" - and I think that's the point Darrne, Kieran and Spanner all make... UKAP are getting kicked in the nuts because, in being "insular" and somewhat "exclusive", even "secretive" - it is in itself "part fo the problem".

Kieran says - widen it to performers, Spanner says include the consumer and Darren pretty much says "open yourselves up to scrutiny". All are saying the same thing but rleated to their own angle. It seems that the criticism is that UKAP has become something of a masonic style old boys club. Far from helping creatr harmony it has in actual fact created disparity and disunity.


Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 6:23 am
by James not Bond
Which companies/ individuals are members of UKAP?

And who runs it?

Or is that privy knowledge?

I would consider applying for membership, but would need to know a lot more about it.


Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 7:07 am
by one eyed jack
All the answers are available on links on the left hand side of the home page.

Donkeywork, if you are a producer why dont you come to our next meeting on December the 5th? Its free and you have the option to join if you want and you'llget to meet all the oter members who attend as well.


Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 7:24 am
by Cornish Chris
(Quote) Who are UKAP? How do I join?
Monday, 03 September 2007

In late 2005 a group of the UK's adult film producers arranged to meet for a few beers and a chat, among the companies at the first get together were Doll Theatre, One eyed Jack, Jim Slip, Marino, RP Films, Nectas Movies, MAI, Wankstar plus several others, many of the producers had not met each other before although everyone was aware of each others work. After a very succesful get together it was decided that forming an officail association was needed to help the UK Adult Film industry progress. Since the first meeting UKAP has met 4 times per year and has gained members such as Relish, SGS Media, Rock Charogne, Nylon Stocking Sluts. The UKAP Executive Comittee consists of Kendo (Erotic Flesh Prod), Dave Gray(Freddies world) Wendy Stevenson(SWALK productions) and Jay Kennedy from RP films.

If you are a professional UK adult film producer and you would like to become a member of UKAP and have access to the private forum then please contact any of the Executive Comittee by sending a Private Message through the forum. (END Quote).

Got a feeling several of those mentioned are now ex-members, maybe an updated F&Q might be in order.
What are the current subs, still ?250 p.a ??

As you are aware the connection between UKAP and "punting" sites, put me off, as I know it has others.


Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 11:10 am
by jimslip
The irony is we might in the end be glad that we are operating from the UK. In the States having fried Max Hardcore, the Right wing nutters are now attacking John Stagliano, who as it happens is not a psychopath like MH. He is being prosecuted for the fact that European videos have found their way into US sex shops.

So in other words all pornographers in the US are under attack.


Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 11:20 am
by TheDonkeyWork
I think there is certainly a moral crusade within the western "democracies", i.e. the UK and US in particular - this might or might not have something to do with the religious influences at works within the upper echelons of our repsective democracies.

This is perhaps another reason why porn is likely to be on the losing end of any battle for wider accpetance... of course - it is the public eho should dictate the policy... and if the public reject the policies where does that leave the lawmakers?

Ultimately pushing for wider public acceptance is perhaps the only way forward.

Agree re Stagliano... whilst the Rocco material is "hard", arguably "extreme" and most certainly "intense" - there is not the misogynistic element present in the Max Hardocre stuff.