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Re: o/t Re: tamara promotions
Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 4:36 pm
by Bill Rose
Thanks for suggestions......
Re: tamara promotions
Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 9:16 pm
by jj
I too have voiced confusion over the certification of their vids, and the lack of clarity in their cats.
Which is why the jj fortune has been frittered away elsewhere....
Re: tamara promotions
Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2003 7:50 am
by mex
I very much doubt that the post will give you the real name/addy of a po box client. Tamara for me have always been a bit of a con- I bought 3 of their vids from a local dodgy little adult shop years back on the strenbgth of their video sleeves and descriptions- got the bastards home and they were nowt like!! different girls than on the pics and different content than described on the sleeve. Never had the old "actual content may be different from pictures displayed" line anywhere either! ROGUES!
Re: tamara promotions
Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2003 10:24 am
by todge
mex wrote:
> I very much doubt that the post will give you the real
> name/addy of a po box client. Tamara for me have always been
> a bit of a con- I bought 3 of their vids from a local dodgy
> little adult shop years back on the strenbgth of their video
> sleeves and descriptions- got the bastards home and they were
> nowt like!! different girls than on the pics and different
> content than described on the sleeve. Never had the old
> "actual content may be different from pictures displayed"
> line anywhere either! ROGUES!
The Post Office are legally obliged to give anyone the address of the P.O box user-definite !
Ah,the wacky world of Brit Porn Mex !
The sleeve thing you'd hope is a thing of the past,but the
website and cats don't fill you with confidence.
It would actually be nice to hear a stout Tamara defence from someone.Not least cos even within the confines of the old 18 cert.,I've been told their stuff is quite watchable.
For my part though,I'll wait till some of their R18's are reviewed on BGAFD.