Ben Dover's Viz Debut

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Re: in all it's glory...

Post by Hornetbloke »

Good work Woody and Ace :-)
Elton Dong

Re: in all it's glory...

Post by Elton Dong »

Look's like Linzi Drew has gone down hill ,anti porn !!!
still its allway's nice to see her 'crutch'
hope the leg get's better Linzi.

Re: Ben Dover's Viz Debut

Post by steve56 »

well it made me laugh ,iused to love private eye in the 60s and 70s

A word from the Viz publishers!

Post by Bill »

Hello there Ben Dover fans.

I work at the Publishers of Viz. A pal of mine pointed out all this deabate out to me.

Lots of folks say it's gone down hill in the last few years but then I think you can say that about most of British culture.

Personally I think 'up the arse corner'and the Profanisaurus are some of the best things to come out of Viz since it started (I've got back to issue 23).

There's still no other mags that come close to it for pure laughs if you ask me but then I would say that.

On the phone ads - Viz writers hate them. It's all our fault. Is it really a big deal for readers that we take their money? They wouldn't advertise if plenty of readers didn't phone the lines so some of you must like em!

To the fella who said all the original writers left, you're actually wrong. Chris Donald the original editor left but all the other original team are still there. Some of the nicest people you'll meet.

I thought the Ben Dover strip was fairly funny. That said it wasn't one of our best issues (the Xmas one was however, the Roger Mellie strip was genius).

Anyway - ta for buying it if you did. Hope we can make it better, we're trying and sales are pretty good - we sold 400k more copies this year than last year and the Profanisaurus book is a national bestseller.

So there you go. Feel free to write back abusing me!

All the best


Re: A word from the Viz publishers!

Post by woodgnome »

hi bill,

most of the people on this forum are more concerned with abusing themselves, than their fellow man. decent of you to drop by and stand your corner, though. we look forward to a skit on bgafd towers!

Re: A word from the Viz publishers!

Post by jj »

Viz comes to bgafd !
Fame at last !!
And no, it's not just because they're Geordies.......

Re: A word from the Viz publishers!

Post by TGITC »

"most of the people on this forum are more concerned with abusing themselves"

That answer is an absolute FUCKING CLASSIC Woodgnome !
I nearly pissed my pants...
