Have to agree, it wasn't until I moved down here to the southern hemisphere that I realised that our quality of mags in the UK was not so bad. Down here in the southern hemisphere its all US h/c shots, stills taken mainly from movies. Trouble is an out of date Escort sells for $17 NZ!! And I find that hard to stomach knowing what I used to pay!
Well I guess thats the price we pay for year round sunshine, ho hum hey Buttsie
Biggie, New Zealand
What porn mags lack these days
Re: o/t Re: What porn mags lack these days
Well,what can I say...it's so true what you all say...
I started work as a pro back in the 1950's right through to the mid-90's...the early years WERE the glory years of glamour photography...
Today-it's all gone down the tube,as I've said before "the kitchen has been taken over by the amateur snapper,Mrs Jones from next door...and the digital camera".
Yes,the digital camera,the un-thinking mans tool.Cram as many pictures as you can onto a disc and flood the internet with millions of snaps..
Thats NOT photography,thats gluttony to keep your site running to stave off your competition.
Then theirs the punters who want everything FREE...what's all that about!!
The REAL photographer,not the garage machanic who thinks he can DO photography,it seems has had his day,the real Professional like myself has retired,not through age,but all the crap he encounters out there today.
As I've said "Im looking for a new sin" one that the amateur and Mrs.Jones cannot get too.
I started work as a pro back in the 1950's right through to the mid-90's...the early years WERE the glory years of glamour photography...
Today-it's all gone down the tube,as I've said before "the kitchen has been taken over by the amateur snapper,Mrs Jones from next door...and the digital camera".
Yes,the digital camera,the un-thinking mans tool.Cram as many pictures as you can onto a disc and flood the internet with millions of snaps..
Thats NOT photography,thats gluttony to keep your site running to stave off your competition.
Then theirs the punters who want everything FREE...what's all that about!!
The REAL photographer,not the garage machanic who thinks he can DO photography,it seems has had his day,the real Professional like myself has retired,not through age,but all the crap he encounters out there today.
As I've said "Im looking for a new sin" one that the amateur and Mrs.Jones cannot get too.
Re: o/t Re: What porn mags lack these days
NZD17-00 that must be about AUS8-00..which issues can you lay your hands on Escort,Razzle,Fiesta,Knave,Mayfair....lol
but seriously the price of literature in general since the introduction of the G.S.T. is to blame
Love that sun...Bikinis left,right and CENTRE....drool
Thursday 35 tan stark white
Friday 41 light brown
Saturday 41 chocolate brown
Sunday 38 rock lobster
Given that the weather bureau is normally wrong by 3 degrees
no wonder the English cricketers melted like marshmellows in that 42 degree heat...50 degrees in the middle
but seriously the price of literature in general since the introduction of the G.S.T. is to blame
Love that sun...Bikinis left,right and CENTRE....drool
Thursday 35 tan stark white
Friday 41 light brown
Saturday 41 chocolate brown
Sunday 38 rock lobster
Given that the weather bureau is normally wrong by 3 degrees
no wonder the English cricketers melted like marshmellows in that 42 degree heat...50 degrees in the middle
Re: o/t Re: What porn mags lack these days
Tell me about it Buttsie. I started selling internet content about 10 years ago for $10 an image. I gave up trying when I found out last year that the going rate was now 0.20 cents per image - pathetic. As for setting up websites Joe King has some of my Donna Ewing pics on his pages. And that Tiff Walker has my shots. Where do they get them and the rights to publish ( which is what they are doing ) from ?
Prof. You should contact me about your old stock if you have any, I might be able to help you make some big pocket money.
Prof. You should contact me about your old stock if you have any, I might be able to help you make some big pocket money.
Re: o/t Re: What porn mags lack these days
Its quite sad really for when the bubble bursts and the regualtors and lawyers move in where will the quality photographers be
I can remember a previous post stating that the reason that pics in the 70's and 80's remain so vivid in the imagination is not just down to the attire but the technology used which if i rememeber correctly has been abandoned so every tom,dick & harry can now shoot and undercut the professionals and sell their second rate material.
I can remember a previous post stating that the reason that pics in the 70's and 80's remain so vivid in the imagination is not just down to the attire but the technology used which if i rememeber correctly has been abandoned so every tom,dick & harry can now shoot and undercut the professionals and sell their second rate material.
Re: o/t Re: What porn mags lack these days
You didn't mention the Adult vids. on hire @NZ$10 for 4.
Re: o/t Re: What porn mags lack these days
So what are the four type of sheep available for hard core porn these days...lol
Is that show where the dog chases the sheep through an obstacle course still the number one rating TV show
It was hot....even we had it for a while....lol
B...OZ Anzacs Forever
Is that show where the dog chases the sheep through an obstacle course still the number one rating TV show
It was hot....even we had it for a while....lol
B...OZ Anzacs Forever
Re: o/t Re: What porn mags lack these days
I was kindly emailed this page by someone, with the view that I may want to add a comment being the 'person behind Unzipped'. Well, I can only say a huge thank you for very kind words, its refreshing to hear. I've never posted a message like this previous so I'm unsure of what I can say. I try very hard on the small budget we have to produce something which I enjoy and hope others will find arousing working at the moment at a time when good girls are in short supply. I prefer more tease and less 'in your face shots', while trying to give the girls a different style, which I must add is mostly down to my stylist Kathy West who should take the credit, as she designs all the sets, make up and outfits and even selects the girls. Like myself she has her own style of doing things which have proved successful over the years, which has now showed in the success of her own site Kathywest.com. I'm pleased you like the results, its all original and hopefully we'll continue with it for as long as we can.
Many thanks,
Peter West
Many thanks,
Peter West
Re: o/t Re: What porn mags lack these days
We finally agree on something besides the 2 Chappell brothers... Trevor & Greg being about as Australian as Mike Tyson or Piggy Muldoon
B...OZ Scout Biscuits...Bigger Than The Rest
B...OZ Scout Biscuits...Bigger Than The Rest