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Re: The trouble with amateur's is.....

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 4:59 pm
by LaurenCox
I must say I have to agree with Snow Patrol there ... taking your time to write a detailed analysis of your proposal takes time and if you aren't going to get a response why bother.

I always give any 'one liner' email a reply and see what I get back, if the result is not worth the bother then a simple no thanks is all it takes.

We all have to start somewhere so give people the benefit of the doubt until they give you cause to belive otherwise x x x

Re: The trouble with amateur's is.....

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 5:04 pm
by forepl4yer
Same old, same old.. amateurs getting a bad rep.

Wasn't there an older thread on this from from Lady Tiffany regarding **********'s downright insulting and unprofessional attitude towards her?

Correct me if I am wrong, but, isn't / wasn't ********** a professional.. i.e. f**cking / abusing girls to make money?

That's what porn's all about females getting scr*wed so that producers can make money out of them.. unless your an amateur, in which case you do it for the pleasure.. that's the only difference.

If an amateurs approach is brief, but not offensive what's the big deal? If a model replies politely, then there shouldn't be any friction. Of course, if an amateur or professional's approach is rude, then of course, that's bad.

There's good and bad amateur models, togs and producers. It's just producers think they are saints.... get real!

Re: The trouble with amateur's is.....

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 5:26 pm
by nikonman
I totally agree with "Snow Patrol" on this one.
For a first email asking if you are available for a shoot, a simple one or two liner seems the right thing to do.
When or if you receive a reply you would then expect to email more details.
Also is it only Amateur's who do this?

I wonder if this is why i don't seem to get replies!

As far as the other stuff in concerned that is totally out of order and extremely childish

Emily you are a gorgeous girl and i would like a shoot with you , but i feel i should not send you a email.
It might be of interest of what you and other models would expect in a first email.


Re: The trouble with amateur's is.....

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 6:10 pm
by Sam Slater
To be fair, what with lots of models and performers not bothering to check their e-mails -or not having the time- did you think he may have just been sending out something to make sure it didn't bounce back?

Most top performers, and successful models don't have time to send out sarcastic replies to amateurs as they're too busy travelling and working. It seems you don't fall into that catagory...

Re: The trouble with amateur's is.....

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:15 pm
by one eyed jack
Hi Foreplayer:

Without prejudice and in defence of Emily, if your email was as stated: i want to work with you with no introduction fore and aft then I wouldnt regard you with much seriousness either.

When ever anyone solicits me or indeed vice versa i always state who I am, my sites for them to see my work and a bit of information about what I do and ask if they are interested.

So okay you both got off to a wrong start which can be remedied with an apology and if Emily continued then you may have a point.

I'm sure this can be sorted out now she knows you are who you say you are and not some random weirdo. Girls do get them quite frequently which is why i always make it clear who I am on introduction. It can also be quite paranoid inducing if you get so many of these kinds of emails after awhile.

I dont assume everyone knows who I am.

In fact I like it better when they dont know who I am.

Re: The trouble with amateur's is.....

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:17 pm
by one eyed jack
Sorry I should have added I like it better when they dont know who I am so that they can judge me for my work before judging me as a person.

Re: The trouble with amateur's is.....

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:40 pm
by Snow Patrol
You said: Snow Patrol - i would have thought that if you are doing regular shoots you would have a standarised template email that said who you were, what you were shooting for, and what you wanted from the model? perhaps that's a silly suggestion!

Well, in my case that is a silly suggestion, and I'll explain why... Its not to get into a pissing match with you or anything... Its just so you can see the other side of the coin, so to speak...

First of all, I shoot once every one or one and a half months... I work in adult full time, but my 'private' shoots are just a hobby for me...

As such, I chose a different girl as the fancy takes me... I dont always shoot the exact same thing with each girl... So there's no standard format for a shoot.. Also, although I run a number of websites, both adult and non adult, I dont nesseceraly have a particular website in mind for any particular shoot... So I cant nesseceraly give a website address either...

Now, lets say for example, I see a photo of a girl, like you, looking for work on the BGAFD... Well, I may think to myself... Hmmm Id love to dress her up in a nurses uniform, and white lingerie, then do some water-sports and have her fuck herself with a toy...

So, I now need to send an email...

So I would send an email saying 'Hi want to do a shoot?' and if I got a reply, of 'Sure... Send details' Id follow up with:

Yes, I want to video you in a nurses uniform, and white panties. You pretend that your locked out the toilet, and piss your panties. Then, you pretend to get turned on by this, produce a big red vibrator, and fuck yourself to orgasm... Shoot will take approx 30 mins (Real Time) and I will pay you ?250.00 in cash on the day.... I will come to you, so you dont need to travel... Y/N ?

Now from my point of view, I would NEVER just send that email, 'Blind', from the start! Suppose I had your email address wrong by one letter? And it arrived with someone else? Worst case scenario, it arrived with a child? NO WAY!

But if you've sent me an email saying 'send details' and I reply, then that way, I KNOW that its going to get to you....

I expect that you DO get a lot of people wanting to fuck you in the guise of 'a shoot' an I understand that... However in well over 10 years in the industry, I have NEVER interacted with the models myself in any way shape or form... Nor have I suggested or expected it... OK, so that's me... I am not EVERYONE.. I accept that...

BUT... I am the voice of the silent masses that DO shoot regularly, DO contact models via emails.. AND DO INTIALLY SEND A ONE LINER :)
Peace- Over n Out :)

Re: The trouble with amateur's is.....

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 9:17 pm
by sparky
As an amateur with no interest in any form of publication / release on internet my funds only cover a couple of shoots a year.

At the planning stage I send a brief email to potential models stating the work level and shoot length I am looking for, possible dates and location and asking availability and rate.

I appreciate models are busy and get many emails.
Inevitable some don't reply while I short list those who are interested and affordable to send more details to. I always reply to responses even if only to say thanks for replying.

Snow Patrol's comment about the email ending up in the wrong hands is right though.

Comments from models about the details they would like included in enquiries would be useful.

Equally models can help eliminate inappropriate enquires by being clear with basic information about who they will work for, what levels they work to and work styles they are not interested in, where they are located and how far / long they will travel plus keeping their posted photos up to date.

Re: The trouble with amateur's is.....

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 10:11 pm
Emily, as a complete aside to this.. (sorry), are you tattooed?