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Re: MODELS WANTED read b4ubin

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 9:17 pm
by DSX
Considering you have never been here or don?t intend to come here where did you get the impression that its just ?old? people that come here.
Not only is that not true but you insult all the ?young? members here who are regular guests.
BTW lots of single ?young? members have taken up our passes to our venue.

Being a member here has nothing to do with the photo/video club that were promoting at this time.
Thanks for your input

Re: MODELS WANTED read b4ubin

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 9:18 pm
by DSX
Saracen thanks for taking the time to reply.
Agree nothing compares to twenties and is always our 1st option. The pass is an option that we thought would be worth more to some, but will be looking into the profit sharing as well now.
After all if we have the facilities why not use them for various events.
Nice site btw.

Re: MODELS WANTED read b4ubin

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 9:19 pm
by DSX
Perhaps a slight confusion here, Destiny SX as a venue and a pvt members establishment has nothing to do with the DSX Media Photo/Video services.

We have ?hot young singles? that attend our events but have no interest in modelling.

DSX Media is split onto 2 sections the use of the venue for professional film and photographers to come and use our facilities and the newly created 18s photo/video club mainly aimed at amateur and semi pro users.

Which is what this promotion is about.
The info that you have quoted was for daytime pvt use which was on our website several months ago and has now been deleted to save any further confusion.

Nice site btw and thanks for your input.