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Re: Syphilis In The UK?

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:27 am
by Katie Fox
i'm sure you'll save it with all your useful advice and insights

Re: Syphilis In The UK?

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:34 am
by one eyed jack
Open and honest means libel and lawsuits. Its a catch 22. I'm in favour of not naming and shaming because it often leads to mudslinging without anyone dealing with it objectively.

I'm all for dealing with this in a mature and responsible fashion and certainly not willing to spill the beans to a fan base site.

Please dont see this as a cue to email me privately as to be honest what i know is not proven fact and I'm not willing to impart this kind of information to paranoid individuals.

The only people that should know are producers and performers as far as I'm concerned. Another reason I wont name performers is simply because there is a lock down and everyone should just wait or get themselves sorted out otherwise those who think they havent got anything will continue working and infect other people.

Re: Syphilis In The UK?

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:41 am
by Katie Fox
i certainly will be, the outbreak was in prague, not here, and any performers over here who have worked over there recently have since been retested and treated as a precaution, scaremongering and naming and shaming just isn't helpful. it's not a case of keeping my head in the sand, i take my health very seriously to suggest i don't is most insulting and idiotic. a couple of my shoots have indeed been cancelled because of the risk, so producers and performers alike have taken the right action but not ground to a holt indefinately as there hasn't been a big outbreak within our industry over here, your post just isn't helpful

Re: Syphilis In The UK?

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:01 am
by Cenobitez
I don't see why anyone who isnt in the industry cares whats going on in the industry behind the scenes ?

For example, no one outside of save the whales cares about what the supermarkets are doing to reduce the usage of carrier bags so that more Minke Whales aint found with 800kg of plastic bags in their stomachs are they ?

As long as they have their bags they don't care, so as long as the porn flows, whats the interest ?

Re: Syphilis In The UK?

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:05 am
by Tequila_Woods
My thoughts exactly Cenobitez

Re: Syphilis In The UK?

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 12:00 pm
by Trinity
Well this looks great for new comers who're trying to get a foot in the door!

It's down to the producers and performers to deal with this the correct way, not for some 'fan' to post useless crap on a public forum!