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Re: Hard TV content

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 5:52 am
by wannabe
If it does take off without all the red tape will that mean that sky viewers will see an upturn in the harder content that is promised but never shown?

Re: Hard TV content

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 6:31 am
by Phil mCc
No SKY are bound by OFCOM, same with cable and freeview. OFCOM won't bow to any idea "just because you can get it on IPTV it is ok for normal transmission" I know I have had countless meetings with them. We don't transmit, you request a file, its a huge difference. The consumer cannot accidentaly get the content.

Phil McC

Re: Hard TV content

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 8:33 am
by planeterotica
You can allready get Hard TV content in the UK

Re: Hard TV content

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 11:49 am
by Phil mCc
Forien satallite requiring a different dish and not much british or live stuff. This new IPTV service works in 14.5 million homes today. Ask your self do you have 1mb or more. Thats it. How does hotbird help our struggling producers.

Re: Hard TV content

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 1:51 pm
by blackjaques
Phil, for the technologically challenged ( not me, of course, but a friend of mine) what equipment do you need and where do I (or my friend) place it ?
Where does the internet connection need to be ? Can I use a laptop with WiFi ?

Re: Hard TV content

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 2:20 pm
by Phil mCc
Through Vehda(they are the installers) all it is is a set-top box plugged into your broadband conection. You don't need a laptop or a PC in the house. It has a harddrive so can download as well as stream live. If you have any other computers on your network the box sees them as a source so you can stream stuff you have downloaded to your PC, You can also play all you photos as a slide show on your TV. We have a Wi-Fi box as well but we have been testing network over mains, we will be selling these as well, they are better than Wifi for streaming.We are currently in discussions with everyone you can think of and I can see a potential where if you take your box abroad you could get all the UK channels from Freeview but over our network. You would require a UK address and the box would be registered to it.
To view on a PC or a Laptop is really easy, depending on your feed, how close you are to the router is the question. the streams are 600k and using a set-top box they are great on TV.

Phil McC

Re: Hard TV content

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 1:46 pm
by stevieq
Phil, is there a price for these set top boxes? whats the price of a complete setup and installation?


Re: Hard TV content

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 1:52 pm
by Phil mCc
Set top box is freem ?40 instalation charge, then minimum package is ?10, so you could get access to Hard Core 18R for a tenner a month,

I suggest you book a box at soon as I just heard a hour ago the first 100,000 boxes are reserved, my partner is trying get more installers so we can up the standing order of boxes to 35,000 a month.

Phil McC

Re: Hard TV content

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 3:50 pm
by Androm
This is the way technology is going. BT have started TV through your internet connection, so has Mr Gates via Xbox live, I also believe Skype/Google have been trying it. You are going to see more of this sort of thing as BB speeds speed up.

Tests that were conducted results showed that a internet connection of around 16GB was needed for full live internet TV broadcast so it nice it seems your system will stream to HD.

If you looking for more installers drop me a line, I worked for Sky for 5 years and also know about computers.

All the best in your new adventure and hope all turns out well.

Re: Hard TV content

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:16 pm
by Phil mCc
We really are looking for installers, the company used to be Satellite direct and have 200 installers right now with some freelancers helping out. They are capable of 25,000 instals a month. But have alread took orders of over 100,000 boxes.
BT stream H264, Others are MPeg 2/4 we use Microsoft so WMV/VC1 it is a much smaller file, 600 is cable TV quality. For high def we download to the 80 gig hard drive, in fact the box will have 60 gig of Hi-Def on it at instal. By January we will have the chipset added to our box which upscales standard definition to Hi-Def, it is amazing we have a state of the art cinema at our Arundle offices with a hi-def Barco projector. It is the best I have ever seen I can wait to watch Digital Playground's Pirate on it one night when the staff go home.
Might see you at ETO at weekend if you are going.

Phil McC