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Re: HIV/STD Certs and Hepatitis

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 6:15 pm
by LittleStudMuffin
Hi Russ/Paul

Thanks for bringing this subject up. I recently had 3 Hep B injections over 21 day period at Indigo. No problems apart from a bit of pain for rest of the day in my arm.
Last one was on 12th April - My "serology" is on 24th May.


Re: HIV/STD Certs and Hepatitis

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 7:12 pm
by Russ
Hi Graham, glad to hear you?ve been jabbed, chum! Get the Hep A as well!

Looks like 3 jabs in less than the 6 month period is routine after all, and as Charing Cross Clinic do it, maybe it?s OK, ?coz they?re the specialists!

So everybody, get your Hepatitis A and B jabs, and please just check with the person vaccinating you that effective protection will be for 10 and 5 years respectively, and that the period over which the vaccine itself is administered is recognised as acceptable.

Cheers! Look after each other...

Re: HIV/STD Certs and Hepatitis

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 7:15 pm
by Russ
Hi Emily, sorry to hear about your arm, wasn?t much fun for you, having the ol? Hep B jab, then. You?re right; sometimes a fourth jab is required. If the clinic folks declare that you?re immunised, you definitely are.

I appreciate the point that you can?t walk around lugging a 100 page certification in a trolley, but I do think that if you are going to be working intimately with others, it?s reasonable to ensure that they can confirm that working with them doesn?t leave you with a work-related illness.

That?s why my recommendations (yes, I know, yawn, yawn?zzz) remain. I?m not asking for you to add all sorts to your existing certification, just three things, i.e. evidence of active and current immunity to Hepatitis A and B, and an indication of Hepatitis C status.

I don?t know which conditions are currently listed on STD/HIV certs, but I should imagine that the certification is pretty comprehensive. I guess that probably only Hepatitis is missing off the list.

I?d always assumed that Hep was one of the conditions listed for on the certs, and a recent post by someone (sorry, forgot who it was) made me realise that not everyone seems to be immunised against Hep A and B. That?s the reason I emerged from my usual place lurking quietly in the shadows, to post on this topic.

If you are going to be exposed to potential risks, it is obviously important to be best protected. I don?t want to sound pompous or arrogant or a total tosser. My posting on this topic was because I just wanted to make sure that everyone who works in the industry was informed about Hepatitis. And where better to talk about it than the BGAFD Forum?

I do think that the BGAFD should maybe have an article on HIV/STD/Hep certification article with recommendations and advice. I think it would be fairly helpful to everyone. Perhaps with additional bits of advice from members of the industry?

What do you think?

Re: HIV/STD Certs and Hepatitis

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 4:32 am
by harmonyhex
yes i had my blood test 6 weeks after my last jab to make sure it had worked. i had my second jab done one week after my first and my third jab two weeks after that.

Re: HIV/STD Certs and Hepatitis

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 8:32 pm
by Russ
Hi Emily, thanks very much for elaborating on what?s contained in the STD/HIV cert. Looks fairly complete, and like I said, probably the only things that I would like to see added are the Hepatitis A + B immunity, Hep C state.

Maybe it would also be useful to ask if the person you?re going to play with has had herpes, but I guess that?s dependant on honesty and trust (remember cold sores on the lips can be infective to your lips as well as your tender bits).

Although the certs only relate to your state at the time of test, use of certs is by those who seek to maintain a disease free state, both for their own wellbeing and for those they play with. Continuing use of certs ensures the minimisation of risk to all. This is the real world, so of course you can't protect against everything 100% of the time, but it?s important to continue to maintain the standard (with my additional recommendations, perhaps?), because we need a vibrant healthy adult industry.

Harmony, I now appreciate that immunity can be achieved with shorter vaccination courses (you learn something new every day!), and I?m glad you?re covered.

I wish I did work for WHO, or some such international organisation, but I don?t. I do think its pretty important for the Industry to self-regulate and set standards. Perhaps the leading figures/organisations in the industry could come up with acceptable standards and tests? C?mon, someone (BGAFD perhaps, Adult Industry resources, Harmony, Emily, Marino, etc?), everyone, start up some kind or standard certification requirements scheme?

Well, I?ve pontificated and blathered on enough, so I?m going to creep back into the shadows, now. Sorry if I?ve been a moany bugger, I?ve not been trying to tell granny how to suck eggs (yeuch!) just wanted to make sure you?re all pretty well informed.

OK, enough blah, blah.

Harmony, Paul, Emily, Ms Flame, Loz and Studmuffin, thanks a lot for ?talking? to me, and increasing my awareness and knowledge of things. Good luck to you all.

Keep up the excellent work, everyone, and look after each other.

Re: HIV/STD Certs and Hepatitis

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 8:41 am
by Jack Steele
Hi all,

I have finished my Hep A & B jabs.

Originally Hep A & B results were on my certs, now the NHS clinic I visit said its not necessary to test me for these as I am immunised.

Also my work level, receiving oral only from actresses with current certs themselves, does not require Hep C testing.

My cert now looks like this.

HIV 1 and 2 antibodies

Would actresses still like to see Hep A, B & C on my results?

If not is my Hep A/B vaccination card okay to prove I have had the jabs.

They advised if I 'harden' my work levels to get Hep C tests then.

Appreciate your thoughts/comments,

Regards, Jack.

Re: HIV/STD Certs and Hepatitis

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 4:16 pm
by LaylaJade
Hi Russ, I would really appreciate it if you would write a small piece about this with your recommendations for me to post on [url][url/], would you do that for me ? Once I have the article I will also post it as a sticky on the UKPN forums for performers to read. it would be really good to be able to add a contib from a health pro to the site. Sexual health is something that affects us all, not just people in the biz.
you can email it to me via
Layla Jade

Re: HIV/STD Certs and Hepatitis

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 9:51 pm
by Snake Diamond
Hiyas Layla.

What type of tests do they require you to have over there? Is it the same as those that have been discussed here, or different (less/more)?

Hepatitis A + B immunity, Hepatitis C state
HIV 1/2 antibodies
Trichomonas vaginalis