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Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:11 pm
by Limey Dick
Ms Parker, I suggest you sit down and take a logic pill before you come out moralising on a forum like this in such a manner...

Firstly, yes, this was completely spontaneous, if you have not noticed both the girls are black and the steel band music was the main factor, they certainly would not have been up and rocking if it was a heavy rock band I am sure...Oh, have you ever been to Jamaica or the West Indies? Have you seen the (Much more evocative) dancing that goes on there in broad daylight all over the island? Thousands of British Tourists and their kids witness that every year too....It's okay over there but not over here is it? Careful...

Have you not ever been to the Notting Hill Carnival and similar events that take place all over the country, it's wrong for the kidswho stand at the side of the road staring at tons of scantily clad dancers is it?

Point of further order, there were many women and children in the audience, all whom were appluding, laughing and having a good time, there was even a sprinkling of pensioners who seemed perfectly happy too...Oh, perhaps I forgot to mention they were wearing tiny thongs underneath the fishnets, so no full beaver display...

Hey and what about all those Medical Students who block up the roads in their stockings and suspenders, what type of dissgusting message are they sending to children regarding our health service??? No, sorry, this is a a non-starter as a moral debate, I am more inclined to believe that there is an element of spite involved here...I have to reach that conclusion reading the venomous words aimed at JB from Strictly Broadband, who seems to have committed what sins, exactly? Speaking up against viewpoints which seemed to be tinted with slightly unpleasant racial undertones?

Surprise, surprise...........

This was good-hearted exotic fun on a sunday, in a boring British City which would be all the better for adopting some of the street dancing traditions that are pre-dominant in the West Indies and Africa....

Of course there are some who disagree but please darling, as a porn model don't start lecturing on the moral high ground....Kids find their parents badly hidden DVDS at all times of day and yes, of course there are possibly some british kids who have already watched you in action whilst Mum and Dad are at work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you live with that awful possibility next time you strip off? Well, you'll have to, because it is reality baby and reality has a nasty habit of coming back and biting us on the arse....

Limey Dick

Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:31 pm
by louiza ray
Oh my God!!! what have we done that was so wrong!!!!

You should've been there Ms Gem - The sun was shining, people were smiling and the steel band was exellent! If we hadn't seen the large Adult dressed in a Bugs Bunny suit, dancing with two Blonds in bunny ears, stockings and suspenders we wouldn't have joined in, but the crowd were already building and attracting the youngsters... so off we went and joined in on the please tell me why should we be scrutinised for your moral standards.

Regards to the Big mouth that was screaming abuse at us, she was another black girl - slightly bigger than us, i doubt she has been to Jamaica or Africa either!!!! ANYWAY check out the scene on the "Two Black Babes Vol 1" dvd when released on strictly broadband you will see the crowd reflects the description on this thread.....And sorry no i don't want to see you "live" on webcam tonight, i might get offended!!!!! Talk about throwing stones in glass houses!!!! Take a chill pill.

"Tiny black pussies always get the cream"

Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 6:06 pm
by louiza ray
Well Gemma, you are only 19 and still a kid yourself!!! As you may not know I have 2 very grown up kids and I am a 41 year old porn model, so lets hope you are still in the business when you reach my

Say it loud, I'm hot, I'm black and I'm proud!!!!

"Tiny black pussies always get the cream"

Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:53 pm
by Lala_X
Well, seeing that I was there witnessing (dare I say, even joining in....but only evidenced below!!! lol) this ghastly vision I can only say that I was 'utterly appalled by the brazen display' of these (and I quote...) "dirty slags" to the extent that I became...queer all over....and had to strip off and join in the dancing!! You'll notice how the steel band seem to be totally put out by the whole affair, and the bystanders appear to be in, what I can only describe as, raptures ....of horror, one might assume, and how the dear old couple are totally bemused and horrified at the whole dismal incident!! The evidence, I can say, is below....please scrutinize and see what you think!!!

Lala xxx


Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 6:18 am
by topbillin
@Limey Dick. Seriously, I really don't know where that 'racial undertones' thing came from - I didn't get that from Gemma Parker's post at all.

And, yes, I have been to Jamaica and stayed there away from the tourist areas with family, and I can honestly say I didn't get a whiff of women dressed in fishnet dresses dancing in the street during the day. What I did get was a pretty morally conservative society - though not one without its contradictions.

And the idea that black girls just throw off their clothes because there's a steel band in the area is ridiculous. It's not even as if steel bands are some kind of universal black experience thing. You could just as easily have said 'if you noticed, there was a fishmongers near by and, as you know, women really like fish'.

All that said, I don't think your B'ham antics will have done anyone too much harm. Just thought bringing race into it was a bit unnecessary.

Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 8:09 am
by Gemma Parker
Listen I'm not 19 I'm older than that despite what it might say on my AW profile. I have been to the carribbean myself and lived there for several dont give me that crap. It said in the post EROTIC dancing.

If someone watches me in a porno then they do so because they want to, if you start getting your bits n pieces out in public then you are thrusting sexual activity into the faces of those who might not want to see it.

Excuse me but this is a public forum is it not? Therefore any posts which you add to it are there to be publically scruntinised and opposed to. There are also people agreeing with you but I do not share their point of view and being a member of this site I am allowed to share them.

There was no mention of race in my original post and if you wish to call me a racist then go obviously have very little intelligence and need to grab onto some sort of retort.

Indeed people in glass houses should not throw stones so I do not need make a come back with the comments of our infamous american friend....

Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 10:20 am
by strictlybroadband
Gemma Parker wrote:

> Oh look it's Mr PR man for Fifi the Shower!
> I wondered how long it would take for you to get your civil
> rights for dummies book out! lol

Interesting Gemma... you're the first adult model I've heard of who thinks that public nudity is wrong... despite being nude on your adultwork profile (which is accessible to under 18s)...

If you really believe nudity is so bad, are you in the wrong profession?

Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 10:21 am
by strictlybroadband
Gemma Parker wrote:

> I do porn, as you well know.
> And personally I would not want to see 2 porn stars dressed in
> fishnet dresses dancing erotically in the town centre high
> street at 2.30 in the afternoon! And if I had kids, I certainly
> would not want them to see it.
> Not everyone shares your ideas on the Strictly Broadband
> Idealistic world.

What strange views you have, for an adult model. What's acceptable to you? Topless sunbathing is presumably wrong... how about those art exhibits where nude people turn up in a public space... that's wrong too, right?

Babe, find yourself a career that matches your morals.

Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 10:23 am
by strictlybroadband
topbillin wrote:

> All that said, I don't think your B'ham antics will have done
> anyone too much harm. Just thought bringing race into it was a
> bit unnecessary.

I agree - this isn't about race, it's about hypocrisy. An adult model who thinks public nudity is immoral - whatever next?!

Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 10:26 am
by strictlybroadband
Lala_X wrote:

> Enjoy!!

I'm shocked! I can see your nipples on those pictures! Remove them at once! The pictures I mean, not your nipples. !happy!