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Re: FAO: Moderator

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 7:53 pm
by RogerCockUK
Hi rd213

If anyone wishes to see the MSN transcripts I can do that?

Re: FAO: Moderator

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 8:38 pm
by RogerCockUK
I am very happy for you that she did work that day - To be fair Paul I did have to remind her who you were and who Dusk Films were so I got her on track with you I guess as you know - otherwise I fear she would have missed your shoot too?

I know you're being very diplomatic and that is fine...

Re: FAO: Moderator

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 8:47 pm
by Alex Jones
It would be nice to have the other side of the story from the model herself.

Re: FAO: Moderator

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 9:13 pm
by RogerCockUK
I asked her to do a job... She agreed... She said she was coming and agreed the money and acts she was to perform for us on the shoot? End Of...
She did not tell me why she had cancelled or why she had not responded to numerous calls and e-mails less than 2 days prior to a shoot? My crew and studio was ready as we expected her. No show. How difficult is it in these days not to text / phone / or e-mail a simple no thanks or I am not coming due to X, Y or Z etc.,?

I don't wish to waste more of my valuable time on this...

Re: FAO: Moderator

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 8:25 am
by Rico78

Just a quick point, I recently worked with the sexy Bryony on Thursday, and she mentioned one particular producer had been constantly ringing and texting, and this scared her.

It may not be you Roger, but it might explain why she was unwilling to answer her mobile.

And again, I believe she's going to be a huge star.

Re: Missed 1st Shoot

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 9:40 am
by RogerCockUK
OK - Moderators
Like I said I was just stating this model didn't turn up on set on Wednesday 30th Nov for her first b/g shoot with us at Union Films? How is this in anyway a problem? I have evidence to support that a shoot was arranged and yet she failed to do a shoot? I wish her well but she cost me time and money.
Please try not to censor what is supposed to be a website dedicated to hacking out censorship and maintainibg freedom of speach?? OR isn't that the case?

Re: First Shoot missed

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 9:53 am
by RogerCockUK
OK - What a nice young lady, I guess you were so lucky to shoot her first guys?
She missed her shoot with us on the 30th Nov as she didn't arrive after so looking forward to her first pro shoot - which is a shame! I wish her well and I am sure she will do well??

Re: Missed first shoot

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 10:09 am
by RogerCockUK
It is a great disappointment we never got to carry out your first Pro Shoot with us...? You do look very nice and well perhaps when you have things back on track we can do something?

Re: Missed 1st pro shoot date?

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 1:11 pm
by RogerCockUK
It is a great disappointment we never got to carry out your first Pro Shoot with us...? You do look very nice and perhaps we can do something soon?