Re: J'ai besoin de quelqu'un cr?er des sites webs de r
Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 10:52 am
Bon on va peut-etre arreter la les lecons de francais et commencer a bosser
Si t'as besoin de qqn pour realiser des sites webs envoie moi un email a
Desole de casser cette ambiance festive mais bon, parfois faut revenir a la demande originale si on veut faire avancer le business ..
Right, maybe it's time to stop the french lessons for now and start working , if you need someone to write a few web sites then email me privately at
Sorry to ruin the festive ambiance, guys but I had to come back ot the original posting request, that is just to further the business innit?
Si t'as besoin de qqn pour realiser des sites webs envoie moi un email a
Desole de casser cette ambiance festive mais bon, parfois faut revenir a la demande originale si on veut faire avancer le business ..
Right, maybe it's time to stop the french lessons for now and start working , if you need someone to write a few web sites then email me privately at
Sorry to ruin the festive ambiance, guys but I had to come back ot the original posting request, that is just to further the business innit?