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Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 12:44 am
by PR Models Ltd
Thanks Mr Twisted-berbear, I do really appreciate the time you took to answer, and I do also appreciate that your answer was a lot clearer and a lot less aggressive.

It seems to me that you try in that last answer to establish a balance between the interests of the model and the interests of the prods which are two irreconcilables point of view as the former will endeavour to save money whilst the latter, according to you, should earn differently ...

If you look back at my original answer, which was an answer to the original question, I am, and forgive me to repeat myself, merely stating facts, I have been confronted to these facts, and whether I like it or not , whether the models like it or not these do form the reality of this business today.

I am not saying that your ideas aren't honorable, however the original question is one concerned about finding work, and how to deal with the industry today as it is, not a vision of what should be or what could have been.

because in that rant of yours, unfortunately this was one, you still have not answered the original question

Chloe was asking

"some have told me ?300 for a 2 hr scene with anal and some say ?300 per hr so can u PLEASE tell me what u think

rates with and with out anal plz "

and I still have not found a clear answer to that simple question in your statement of how the entire industry should work.

My first answer was and still is the only one that applies to the original question am afraid.

so if you want to validate your point of view, please do answer to Chloe's question simply and directly ... that should put your ideal system to the test.

Once again thanks for all the time you have put on this thread but I am afraid that this has gone slightly beyond what this thread was meant to be

Best regards



Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 1:48 am
by PR Models Ltd
Furthernore, and let me be clear about that, Chloe is not with the agency, and quoting "industry standards" does not ring any bell to her unless it is clearly explained so please enlighten her as this is not my job here.

This "industry standards" that you claim everyone should know are in fact different for every prod I have been working with. so I have started to wonder recently if these "standards" are much of a "standard" as no one quotes them in ???? openly in public forums. which is why I am not stating them either here.

so do give us a clear quotation of YOUR "industry standards".

I would be more than happy to confront them with everything I have been quoted along the years.

Keep in mind that unfortunately models do work with amateurs as well as pros and that to amateurs indusrty standards mean as much as it does to new models.

You reccomend this new model to quote simply "industry standards" to any serious enquiry, well, if she does not have any idea of what these "industry standards" are, and you refuse to quote them, then she finds herself in a position where she has no idea of what she just quoted,
That does put the model in a very singular position where she does accept the job and will have agreed to a price that she herself does not know.

interesting innit?

On the hourly Rate....

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 2:45 am
by Cenobitez
It has been my experience that if i say to a model / performer / talent / whatever, I want to shoot X, Y and Z, they often instantly ask 'how long will that take ?' so if i say "Will take maybe 45-60 minutes a piece + make-up/hair/changing clothes so say 80-90 minutes.

More often than not, they will say 4hrs at X per hour... Just how some *insert choice word* work i guess.

I think Hourly Rates are DRUMMED into people from normal jobs like 9-5's, so people find it hard to shake it off.


Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 7:31 am
by RogerCockUK
Taken care of guys - I have been speaking to Chloe and I belive she now uynderstands and has a guide to what she should expect as fees for jobs and what a shoot may / may not entail... Interesting debate though..


Roger Cock


Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 8:41 am
by lukeolson
PR Models Ltd wrote:

> The going rate for hard b/g is more or less ?150 per hour,

Does anyone actually still pay per hour for a video scene??

I don't think there are many pro producers that will pay such a rate. Isn't it far more logical, and common for girls and guys to be paid 'per scene'. Ie, ?300 per b/g scene and the scene shoot that lasts a morning, or an afternoon or whatever.

I dunno, but if I was shooting content that's how I'd charge. Doing the per hour way I imagine would cost me a fortune. If you agree on ?150 an hour and the shoot lasts 3 hours. That's ?450!!, which is well over average for a b/g scene.

I'd say ?250-350 per b/g scene.


Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 8:42 am
by RogerCockUK
Hey guys - I meant no disrespect by the ping-pong going on regards fees and so forth... This topic has been debated coutless times before (see previous posts on the subject here on BGAFD). I just thought that it would be best to tell her a guide to fees in general. The decisions as to what a model does in terms of work, time and acts performed is squarely down to the Model and/or the agents representing models.

Personally - I have a certain budget, I know that some models will work for me at the rates I quote and some may not - That's cool... I will choose the ones that want to work on my shoots which I am sure many models will testify are easy going, relaxed, and fun (I hope? LOL) I don't demand too much and I try to make their day a pleasure to work with me and have great sex too!

I outline the acts and scenes I want, I tell them the fee and if it takes 30mins, 1 hrs, 3 hrs that is the way it pans out. All sets and the ways people practice are different. I genuinely try to make it as smooth a ride as possible (pardon the pun)

Enough said I think....?

Roger Cock