Tiny Black pussy got the creme !!!

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
Ebony Midland
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Re: Tiny Black pussy got the creme !!!

Post by Ebony Midland »

Is she really? lol
Posts: 253
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Re: Tiny Black pussy got the creme !!!

Post by EMPREX »

sounds wicked bet you get a lot of cream here too


i buy what i like and like what i buy
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Re: Tiny Black pussy got the creme !!!

Post by Scorpian »

Wow didn't know you did the party scene 2 Louiza....

Be you could have fun filming that....
louiza ray
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Re: Tiny Black pussy got the creme !!!

Post by louiza ray »

Okay Mr Emprex..for your information I am not doing the shoot that you have maliciously downloaded onto this site. The reason being that when I was booked, I was under the impression that it was some type of group sex production set up based on oral, that would be conducted and produced with the usual industry approved safety factors..I.e I thought everybody involved would be producing certs etc...I just did not understand what a bukkake was....

I was also not told of any 'party' proposals until around a fortnight after
the initial booking. When I learnt of the proposals for the parties, the working conditions and the fees involved I immediately stated that this was not something I would be willing to participate in and you can get your grubby little fingers working and check that fact with the organisers.

As for the poster, your actions far from damage my reputation which is clearly your sordid little intention, actually helped me realise the entire reality about these shoots. Unprotected oral sex with any half a dozen men who read an advert and then stump up the cash??????????????????

Not for me. I will only work in productions which insist on certificates being
exchanged. I have no personal grudge against the people involved but it's just not my scene. As a result, I have this morning emailed the organisers and asked that they remove my name and image from their sites and sources of advertising. When i gave them a photo I assumed it would be used in internal emails for production factors not as part of an 'open house, all comers welcome' campaign...

As for your motives in posting this poster and the sarcastic comment which accompanies it...It is not my fault that when you tried to book me for a private shoot I did not like the tone of your emails and eventually declined to work with you. That is why you have attempted to damage me by taking this action. Now you have the full facts, perhaps you could drop your grudge and stay out of my life. I think that is a reasonable request.

Louiza Ray
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Re: Tiny Black pussy got the creme !!!

Post by EMPREX »

Actually i posted the details cos i thought it was great you were getting lots of work!!

If you think i was being malicious then thats your interpretation but i havent seen any derogatory posts about it so why are you so worried.

Model do whatever they want as far as i,m concerned i dont care what kind of shoots you do.

I think its great that we have on the forum at least 2 black girls actively seeking work.

My philosphy is GO GET IT GIRLS!!

Good luck and hope you have lots of bookings


i buy what i like and like what i buy
louiza ray
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Re: Tiny Black pussy got the creme !!!

Post by louiza ray »

I dont know you Scorpian and I dont know if you are an associate of Emprex or not, although I know you do work in the industry. Hopefully you will read my response to Emprex's posting before it is removed from the thread. When you do, you will of course now understand that firstly I do not work in this type of 'scene' but only in productions where full certs are produced by all participants and secondly Emprex's motives in posting this advert onto one of my threads, which are based in the fact that I pulled out of a private shoot with him because I did not like his tone. If you or anybody else reads my response to him and absorbs the facts, then it becomes pretty clear what is actually going on behind an ostensibly innocent posting.

It is a great shame that a tiny minority of certain individuals abuse this forum by posting innuendoes and maliciously intended comments and content. But just ask yourself this...Why does somebody whose last comments to me were very intimidating go to the trouble of downloading an advert like this and posting it onto this site?? If you are a friend of his perhaps you could let me know that and then I will also realise that I should be careful of your actions. If you are not please let me know also that you have absorbed the explanations on my response to him and realise that he acted in a malicious manner. Of course if you fail to reply to this request, I like anybody else would be forced to draw my own conclusions. I hope you have genuinely responded to this without prejudice of his motives and It would be nice if you tell me that on this thread...

Louiza Ray

Wishing you well.
Posts: 253
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Re: Tiny Black pussy got the creme !!!

Post by EMPREX »

To put it in plain english i dont know scorpion in any way shape or form apart from his posts on here and seeing him in action across the web

As for you pulling out of a shoot as i have said before i dont care the only person who seems to care is you.

This is not the place to air such problems and i,m sure ALL of this will be removed anyway but it is the place to post links to girls work!!! which is simply what i did.

So stop going on and on about it as you say it hasnt damaged you and i posted it simply because i thought it was great you got lots of work nothing more


i buy what i like and like what i buy
louiza ray
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Re: Tiny Black pussy got the creme !!!

Post by louiza ray »

Right. For the benefit of anybody who reads this latest posting from Emprex.

Please dont be takne in by his efforst at patronising me and also playing the race card which is something I don't deal in...The last contact I had from were via a couple of emails...in which he called my partner an arsehole and other insults..secondly he stated that 'this is only a small industry and our paths are bound to cross. When they do I am going to come up to you two with Emperor written across my forehead!'...

Why did he write this? Because having read the tone of his emails to me once I would not work with him, my partner emailed him and requested that he stopped contacting me. Emprex replied that it had nothing to do with him. My partner stated that it did being that Emprex's behaviour was intimidating me. Hence the 'arsehole'insults and the 'forehead' stuff.

Now, I would like to see an end to this but I dont think there is anybody out there who having now absorbed these facts, will be fooled by the insulting crap he has just posted in an attempt to justify his downloading
of that advert....

Somebody who insults and threatens you like that is not a person who wishes you well, he has never apologised and undoubtedly wont. In the meantime all I can say is that I have met quite a lot of very nice and well established people in this industry now and they have all treated me with respect and kindness. Those who have worked with me know I always give 110 per cent on shoots and that I am not the type of girl who wants conflict with anybody. Its just a shame that I have to defend myself like this but I dont take abuse from anybody.

Louiza Ray
Posts: 201
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Re: Tiny Black pussy got the creme !!!

Post by Scorpian »

Morning guys..

God its all been kicking off hasn't it..

Louiza, sorry I just read the post and nope sorry don't know of emprex....Just read the post...

I like yourself only post on here and work in the industry....I know certs are a must and i'm sure you are super carefully...At the end of the day no amount of money is worth more than your health....

Sorry if you took offence to my comment, didn't mean any offence at all....

Again hope you manage to sort your differences...

Who's know Louiza may bump into each other on a scene some time..


louiza ray
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Re: Tiny Black pussy got the creme !!!

Post by louiza ray »

Right, I just tried to reply to that but I dont know where it went. Facts...the last I heard from you called my partner an 'arsehole' and you stated that 'this is a small industry and when I see you two, I am going to come up to you with Emperor written across my forehead'...

Why did you do this? Because my partner asked you not to contact me anymore because your emails were intimidating me..you had stated that it was 'nothing to do with him' ...

You are trying to fool people here and dont play the race card with me.. I dont need your assistance just because I am a black woman working in this industry. People who wish people well do not behave in the manner outlined here and you damn well know that the emails described above exist and could be produced at any time...I have met quite a few established people in the industry now and everybody who has worked with me knows I always give 110 per cent, am friendly, open and honest.

So my suggestion and request to you now is that you stop contacting me and turn your attentions elsewhere, because I do not wish to communicate with you on any aspect of my life. Now I have repeated publicly the request that has already been made privately on previous occaisons. Please respect that..

Louiza Ray